Fefnir [unowned]

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Fefnir [unowned]

Post by Oni »

Full Name: Fefnir Delouche Kenta

Nickname: Fef, Feffy, Nirnir

Name on Identification: Fefnir

Age: 175

Gender: Female

Species: Manticore

Sub Species/Breed: none

Physical Appearance:

Body Type: Thin, and not in a boney manner, tall yet body proportion is mildly distorted. Though rather feminine.

Physical Details: Hair is replaced with quills of varying lengths, odd slash like pattered of contrasting colors

Physical Markings: Quills.. No real impressions or deformities.

Physical Drawbacks: Thin, not very strong.

Current Infliction(s): a few broken tail bones.,

Physical Defenses: Quills, stinger tail.

Appealing Attributes: rarity of breed, delicate, bright color(may be a repelling factor considering most things in the wild that are brightly colored in a contrasting manner are for warning to other species.) Sweet scent. bioluminescent quill tips.

Clothing: jewelry and various baubles, tastefully nude.

Other Items: Ornate collar

Behavior: Bubbly, rather playful. Loyal. Can be childish at times.

Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: None really.

Disorders: Self chastising.

How do they present themselves: Properly, submissive.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Willing

Overall Attitude: Perky.

Quirks: loves to roll in mud… Plays with food.

Hobbies / Interests: Mostly what master/mistress pushes her into.

High or Low Maintenance: High.

Diet / Allergies: omnivore though has recently learned she gets upset stomachs from stale flour and very sugary things

Abilities: Produces venom from tail barb. Wet nurse

Language(s) Spoken: Common, Persian, and other middle eastern dialects.

Can they Read / Write: Can read very well, writing skills are very poor.

Can your character produce magic: Yes, minor fire based magic.

Talents / Skills:

Training: Various training in most common areas, save for pleasure, as well as being a wetnurse


Previous Owners: none

Previous Usage(s): none

previous status: harem slave

For Rent or to Own: both

Cost:25 gold for a one night rental to own is 30 platinum

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: about 6pm fst

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I’d really like for Fef to only be owned by a female, it’s a first for me since I normally don’t care about the gender I do this time around. The rp does not have to be sexual!!! but a dominate, controlling female is the preferred owner. Fef could be a lady in waiting, a simple pleasure slave the list goes on she could be trained to fit in how her mistress wants!

What are your allowances for your character: no death! Pretty much any thing else would be okayish.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred for owner ship any thing else can be short term

General Information

Character Description:
> A creature of lore, it all began with the odd shaped ears.. Sharply sprouting out, in brilliant display of their contrasting colorings. The slow tapering things are held high above her head till finally coming to a brilliant blue tip, the likes of which did glow in an eerie manner. The norm of hair was replaced with a well kept quiver of quills, a mixed blend of colorings would be had, no true pattern as clashes of vibrant red, greens, blues and oranges would clash up violently against a black background. The odd quiver would slowly work its way down her back till dwindling away too nothing. The frame was athletic, bordering on thin, the curves were there just in a slimmer frame, by no means was she ill fed. Her body was laced with a few, eye friendly curves, those hips, the rear, the supple breasts that seemed to just fit against her near nude form, clad in gold and platinum baubles. The pert little snout, almost of a lions save for the hidden row of wrought iron fangs that are seemingly over shadowed by that eerie, irresistible green glow of those eyes. Was it not for the fact she still had the legendary tail she would be considered nearly harmless. She breaths there fore she sins, she is a Martyaxwar.

Website: in the works

Images: none! Care to correct that?

Contact Details: Furc? I listed my alts below that are found in tgt
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Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:17 pm
Location: Texas, the hot part by the south, with the ocean and islands... The one place with a ferry system to

Re: Fefnir [unowned]

Post by Oni »

Fefnir has a twin sister, identical save for the color, they get along alittle "too well' she's been waiting to find her and get back in touch with her! (just give a whisper if interested in playing her twin?)
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