Plowshares (Unowned, for sale by The Golden Tether)

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Plowshares (Unowned, for sale by The Golden Tether)

Post by Lhourr »


Basic Information

Full Name: Tom [No Surname Available]

Nickname: Plow, Bore, Shovel, Plowshares

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Species: Mole

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Broad, Muscular, lumbering

Physical Details:
Deep brown fur, darker hair, black eyes

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks:
# Highly photosensitive, must wear heavily shaded lenses in normally lit conditions.
# Difficulty maintaining good posture due to years of cramped conditions.

Physical Defenses:
# Thick hide
# Body is in prime physical condition from years of heavy labour.
# Clawed hands meant for cutting through earth and stone

Appealing Attributes:
# Diligent Labourer
# High Physical Strength

# Linen shirt
# Linen work-trousers.


Feral or Cultured:
Relatively Cultured

# Aviophobia
# Minor Agoraphobia

How do they present themselves:
# Lacks posture
# Generally Respectful of Superiors
Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Would prefer to be rented or purchased for manual labour.
Overall Attitude:
Generally calm
Rumbling accent, sometimes difficult to understand

High or Low Maintenance:
Low Maintenance slave, used to poor conditions.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common (English)
Can they Read / Write:
# Good english comprehenson
# Atrocious handwriting
Can your character produce magic:
#Innate low-level earthmoving
#Can 'Commune' with the earth. Talent previously used to prevent cave-ins from unstable areas or locate coal veins.

Talents / Skills:

#Mining, handling of basic mining equipment.
#Basic farmtending - focus on Preparation of land for cultivation.


Previous Usage(s):
#Field Slave

Previous status:
For Rent or to Own:
For Sale by The Golden Tether. Rentals available.
16 / Night
205 to purchase.

OOC Info/Notes

Generally on evenings and nights US-Eastern time

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Character development. Adherence to the Golden Tether Continuity.

What are your allowances for your character:
Limited. Please Whisper me if you plan on doing anything with permanence

General Information

Character Description:

A heavyset mole, clad in a simple worker's outfit. His eyes, hidden behind grungy, dimmed lenses, black as the depths he finds himself most at home in. His posture is permanently hunched forward from years of labour in confined environments. His arms are long and trunklike, a pair of powerful limbs ending in two-thumbed shovels with cracked and yellowed claws. He's bound at the wrists with thick, powerful manacles placed atop leather 'mittens'. For inspection purposes, both mittens are laced so they can be opened by a patron as needed. His fur is a dark brown, his hair black like his eyes. Little else seems of import about this working slave.
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