Asyru || Unowned

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Asyru || Unowned

Post by Eleah »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: None recorded

Nickname: Rue

Name on Identification: Asyru

Age: Twenty-five

Gender: Female

Species: Naga

Sub Species/Breed: Albino Reticulated Python

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Soft, voluptuous (think Sofía Vergara)

Physical Details: From head to hip she appears as a normal human woman, with a creamy complexion and humanoid features. Scales of a similar hue to her skin scallop her hips and posterior, covering necessary points in regards to modesty, and transition through diamond-like patterns of yellowy colouration down the length of the structure. The tail itself is thrice the length of her torso and incredibly muscular. In entirety, she is approximately seven feet long, from head to tail tip. Her hair reaches mid-back and falls in waves, dark pink from the scalp to her shoulders before it gradually fades into a lighter, more powdery hue at the tips. Her eyes are wide, thick-lashed and the same shade as the ends of her hair; a powdery, bright pink that clearly displays albinism.

Physical Markings: Diamond-shaped colouration adorns her tail and the occasional beauty spot or blemish touches the cream of her torso's otherwise pallid skin.

Physical Drawbacks: Generally she is physically weak as soon as her tail is restrained or otherwise put out of action; it is her only source of strength. She has no upper body power and her albinism might be considered creepy to some. She also has a poor sense of hearing.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Her tail is strong and capable of both defence and offence; just like a regular python, she is capable of squeezing the life out of something undesirable if given the chance.

Appealing Attributes: Along with her rare species, her albinism was considered a treasured rarity back at the breeding farm where she was raised. Her human attributes are generally considered attractive and she is well-endowed. She also has a surprising talent for singing and caring for young.

Clothing: She has been dressed in a way that showcases her pigment deficiency - stark blacks contrast her pallid complexion in the form of ornamental bralettes and loincloths.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: She intends to appear as regal and refined as possible, though there is defiance in her presentation; she does not look away when eyes meet hers and does not have any apparent regard for proper presentational stature or positioning. Despite an outwardly sparky nature, she is flighty and often twitches away as though she expects to be hit and her eyes are always brimming with either what appears to be hatred or intense fear.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Dismissive and fearful. The emotions conflict; she is interested in self preservation but despises the idea of being considered property, though she has been all her life. She is somewhat resigned to the notion but may not ever really want to serve.

Overall Attitude: Defiant and angry, though these emotions are spurred by fear and frustration. She has been a slave for the entirety of her life, boxed up or penned in, always being used for the desires of others. Being a rarity granted her no special treatment and only fuelled her hate for the breeding farm that was her original and every other slaving establishment. Though she hates her life, she has no idea what she'd do with it if her shackles were removed, which is where her resignation to slavery sprouts from.

Quirks: When idle, she picks at the spare skin on her lips.

Hobbies / Interests: She has none; she was raised with a complete lack of enjoyment or time to herself. All she does when she is idle is sleep or hum whilst staring into space.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium. Though she doesn't require grooming or any special physical care, she is likely to be disobedient to a point - she won't actively run/slither away if unchained or unguarded, since she has no idea where she'd go anyway, but she's likely to fight restraints and cause a ruckus if she's left to her own devices too long. She is also unlikely to do anything entertaining or useful unless ordered and, even then, may require some harsh encouragement.

Diet / Allergies: Primarily carnivorous, though she will eat whatever is put before her and large amounts of it. She has always been required to be strong and nutritionally healthy for the sake of breeding and she's been conditioned over years of it to eat as much as she can to remain as healthy as possible.


Language(s) Spoken: English

Can they Read / Write: No on both fronts

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: She has a good singing voice, though she won't outwardly display the talent unless ordered. She has a vague handle on obedience but will often flout the responsibility for as long as she can without earning a beating.

Training: Raised as a practical brood mare, she knows how to lay on her back and birth children, though she isn't trained at all in acts of pleasure-giving and is not willing to learn. She has light obedience training and has been shown how to cook basic meals, though she paid little attention at the time. She is also lightly trained in entertainment due to her talent at singing, though she never really could grasp the proper motions which lead to a good dancer.


Previous Owners: Maroen Tanith (npc, owner of the breeding farm)

Previous Usage(s): Breeding

Previous status: Enslaved, has been since birth

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-own (a trial period of at least three rentals is required before owning is a possibility)

Cost: 10Image to rent, 100Image to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: My timezone is GMT +10. From Monday to Saturday I will usually be available from 6am FST onward and all day Sundays.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Development and storyline. I'm not a great plotter but I find that the most interesting things tend to come from winging it. That being said, if going with the flow isn't your style I'm happy to plot with you, too. I have no preference in regards to a slaver's sex but I would prefer that she isn't used purely for sexual purposes - I find such rp boring and repetitive.

What are your allowances for your character: Non-consent. Though I'd probably prefer not to have her killed off without extensive and reasonable plot.

Long Term/Short Term: Both, though I prefer long-term since it provides more in a developmental sense.

General Information

Character Description: A deprecated soul does not suit this body. Her frame is a woman from head to hip, shapely and soft, endowed appropriately and topped with a shock of strawberry-pink hair. From hip to tail are coils upon coils of a serpent's heritage, the pigments sapped of colour, creamy scales stretched over defined, rippling muscle. Her eyes are wide and volatile, powder pink and framed by long lashes; she was a treasure among brood females but never treated as one, only used over and over for her rarity. A mother of many lost children, she was given no name but bitch, and yet still her spine stands straight and defiant.


Images: One. Two.

Contact Details: Whisper Asyru in game or PM for Skype

Notes: Very whisper and rp friendly, but I do not enjoy whisper rp. I also enjoy both public and private scenes and am happy to play out scenarios in full or just as willing to fade to black
Last edited by Eleah on Wed May 21, 2014 10:03 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Asyru || Unowned

Post by Dagger »

A note bearing the Jaguaress insignia, has been attached to the slaves papers.
Due to poor behaviour towards a staff member, and the inability to perform a simple greeting, the slave
is not allowed to soak herself in water for a whole week. If the slave needs to clean herself, she will be allowed
to use powder and/or sand to get the worst of the muck and dirt away as not to scare patrons from renting her.
“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.”
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