Bryg - {unowned}

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Bryg - {unowned}

Post by Brygy »


Full Name: Bryg.

Nickname: Thistle-Thorn Queen, Bryggins.

Name on Identification: Bryg.

Age: 23. She will age significantly slow past age 25.

Gender: Female.

Species: Human.

Sub Species/Breed: Brùnaidh; aka "Brownie" (1/2)
In English and Scottish folklore, a small, industrious fairy or hobgoblin believed to inhabit houses and barns. Rarely seen, he was often heard at night, cleaning and doing housework; he also sometimes mischievously disarranged rooms. He would ride for the midwife, and in Cornwall he caused swarming bees to settle quickly. Cream or bread and milk might be left for him, but other gifts offended him. If one made him a suit of clothes, he would put it on and then vanish, never to return. - Encyclopædia Britannica


Body Type: Fae Humanoid.

Physical Details:
Oval face-shape. Hazel eyes. Curly-black hair with golden strands near the fore', often worn in a thick ponytail. Dark brown strands may appear during the summer months. Chocolate-brown flesh. Midway between endomorph and mesomorph. Freckling on her face, shoulders, both inner thighs and down her back. 5'5" - 160 lbs. 38 B. Scars down her back, with one big diagonal lash-mark and four smaller ones hashing over the diagonal. Distinguishing features are her pointed ears, freckles and ears. Piercings; both nipples - small golden rings, and clitoral hood. Myriad of ear piercings - all golden. Thistle tattoo on the back of her neck, that creeps down her back.

Physical Markings: Aside from her natural freckles, none.

Physical Drawbacks: She does not have brute strength on her side, and instead relies solely on her reflexes and instinct (not to mention luck) to try and gain the upper hand in a situation. She highly prefers to 'flight' rather than 'fight'.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defences:
She has no significant physical defences to speak of, aside from a fairly decent reaction speed to external stimuli and a fairly decent right hook if given the opening.

Appealing Attributes:
Physically aesthetic, with healthy curves; a generous but not excessive bust for her height and build. Muscletone in her arms and legs, and abdominals beneath a subtle softness (ref). Thick, grabbable hair, expressive eyes and soft, sensual full lips.

Clothing: A simple, roughspun yet not unflattering linen dress (ref).

Other Items:
- Whittling Knife - Bow & Arrows - Dual Daggers - Dual Hook Daggers.


Feral or Cultured:

Phobias: None of significance yet observed.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves:
Submissive, gentle and warm-hearted, she has a motherly instinct when it comes to taking care of others - this particularly is expressed through her cooking skills, and she will often dote on those she holds in her affections through freshly-baked goods. She has a thirst for knowledge, particularly in relation to the natural world - gardening, animal husbandry and so on. She presents herself as a pliant, easily-trained woman. How close is this to her true nature?

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Resigned. Part nature, part nurture, she desires freedom above all else and cherishes what small moments she has to herself. She does however acknowledge and recognise that she has a chance at earning her freedom through good behaviour than defiance. She does see there being a distinct difference between being a slave, and being a submissive - a submissive still is their own governor, with the choice to submit to those who they choose to, whereas a slave must submit to all regardless of the quality or lack thereof of the dominant.

Foot tapping happens when she feels impatient accompanied by head tossing and hands to her hips. Occasionally she’ll cock her hip when talking to familiar people. When curious as she often is, she'll rocks on her toes. In heated situations, she will stop making eye contact. She has a deep respect for the Elderly, or those who appear to be so. Affection is occasionally shown through minor violence - ie, a punch on the arm of a friend in greeting. She enjoys being naked outdoors, if the privacy is available. [spoiler]Vodun practitioner.[/spoiler]

Hobbies / Interests:
Cooking | Fiddle-Playing | Animal Husbandry | Hunting | Archery | Wood-Carving

High or Low Maintenance: Medium.
She can hunt and cook for herself. She also can weave, sew and repair or own clothing and take care of her cleanliness to a high standard.

Diet / Allergies: Vegetarian.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Fon and Fae (Glimmerish).

Can they Read / Write: Illiterate.
Her reading is hesitant and her writing a chickenscratch at best.

Can your character produce magic: Yes - restrained.
She can manipulate plant life on a minor level, and also has the ability to heal by laying her hands on someone and willing the injury gone - the ease at which this is performed depends on the severity of the injury and her physical health at the time.

Talents / Skills:
Herbology | Herblore | Gardening | Baking | Cooking (General) | Cleaning | Skinning | Pelt Preparation | Hunting | Animal Husbandry | Weaving | Wood Carving | Singing | Dancing | Healing |

She has undergone no recognised training by any Handlers or patrons of the establishment.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):
Domestic Servant/Cook.

Previous status:
Free; working/peasant class.

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-Own (Three rentals prior to Ownership).

Cost: Trained/Average Slave.
Your typical, every day slave. They are average to attractive in looks, or to balance that out, they are trained. They still require more training and are typically obedient.
To Rent, 15 Image
To Own, 180 Image
Last edited by Brygy on Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:30 am, edited 5 times in total.
New Patron
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Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:41 am

Re: Bryg - {unowned}

Post by Brygy »

Rental/Rent-to-Own/Ownership Record
Jacob Barley - 2014/09/09 - Rental
Elric Von Liechtenstein - 2014/09/09 - Rental
Eithne - 2014/09/10 - Rental
Staff Interactions
Levinth - undergoing Harem training as of 2014-09-09.
Last edited by Brygy on Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Some ol' Drunk
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Re: Bryg - {unowned}

Post by Levinth »

This slave has been flagged for Harem training and is being given such by my hand. Patrons, and other members of the house staff are encouraged to test her lessons, and help her improve towards meeting her goal of becoming a proper harem slave. They are also encouraged to alert me to any concerns or incidents regarding her behavior

Wish rp? Would you like Levinth or Vaelin?

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