Yami-Ai - Rentable

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Yami-Ai - Rentable

Post by Yami »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Yami no Ai

Nickname: Yami, Yam, Fluffy, Beast.

Name on Identification: Yami

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Blood Werewolf (Arctic Wolf)

Sub Species/Breed: Human

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Athletic.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Short dirty blonde hair with long bangs, emerald green eyes - one is glazed in cataracts and blind, porcelain white skin and white fur on his tail.

Physical Markings: Piercings in his nipples, a tattoo of a roman numeral 'XIII' in a tramp-stamp, monarch butterfly wings across his shoulder-blades, a heart on his right hip, and an arrow on his inner left thigh.

Physical Drawbacks: Not very limber, but is working on that. Depends on hearing 87% of the time, due to hindered sight (blind in left eye).

Current Inflictions: None.

Physical Defenses: Claws and teeth, as well as his werewolf form.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Well built for running and wrestling, and has his wolf form for protection and fighting. Stamina and determination for a well trained sexual partner. A very lean and attractive male, with a slightly effeminate curve.

Clothing: A pair of well-worn and loose-fitting blue jeans.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages.) A poorly sewn plush of a German Shepherd, named Sonata, and a packet of cigarettes.


Feral or Cultured: Quite human in behavior. However he can act feral.

Phobias: Altophobia (heights), Aichmophobia (needles), Claustrophobia (closed spaces), Gynophobia (women), Arachnophobia (spiders).

Disorders: Disassociated Identity Disorder (D.I.D.).

How do they present themselves: He views everything as a challenge and a game. If given the chance to try something new and likely dangerous, he would likely take it if it meant being paid with money, or sex.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: He doesn't look forward to being owned most of the time. However, he likes to try to befriend whomever purchased him, and bond with them through some common ground. As far as being rented goes, he was a prostitute prior to TGT. Thus this is relevant to his interests.

Overall Attitude: A rather nice guy beneath his tough exterior. He can be loving and protective, and a true, blue friend if given the chance. Though, he certainly is vulgar and almost always seeks sexual attention.

Quirks: Clicks his pierced tongue against his teeth, and walks on all fours at times.

Hobbies/Interests: Besides intercourse, he is a rather experienced cook, singer, and artist. He enjoys working with his hands and creating anything from art to functioning products.

High or Low Maintenance: Requires a lot of attention, either from his owner or temporary partner. Otherwise, he works well on his own.

Diet/Allergies: Eats like any normal human: meats, bread, water, alcohol. He is allergic to pork, and hates vinegar.


Languages Spoken: Common Furre and some Japanese.

Can they Read/Write: Formerly a poet and novelist.

Can your character produce magic: No. Unless transformation via full moon is counted.

Talents/Skills: Cooking - Gourmet and Pastry, Sculpting, Painting, Woodworking.

Training: Sexual and companion. Formerly considered combatant.


Previous Owners: Black O-pium, Coaxoch.

Previous Usage: Pleasure and companion slave.

Previous status: Owned by Falynn.

For Rent or to Own: Own.

Cost: 10 to 20 gold a night.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most days after 7pm, if I'm not on WoW. Available most Saturdays and Sundays (days off from work).

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Coherent paragraph roleplay 7+ lines. Proper grammar and word usage.

What are your allowances for your character: No Consent, aside from death, castration, or mutilation.

Long Term/Short Term: Long Term preferred.

General Information

Character Description: The young hybrid holds a cocky air of seduction about himself, wearing jeans dangerously low on his hips so as to show off his tatoos and piercings. Seeking someone who can match his wild spirit and sate his endless libido, this wildcard just can't sit and wait at the bottom of the deck. Disobedient, the beast challenges all who call themselves 'slavers'. However wild and arrogant he may seem, its not too hard to gain his interest or befriend him.

Website: http://www.wix.com/jumpthecurb/yami

Images: http://i47.tinypic.com/2q18caa.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/9k9pxd.jpg

Contact Details: MSN: yaminomalikai@aim.com

Notes: Please whisper my character first before engaging with him.
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