Raven Celesta - Owned: Availible for rent

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Raven Celesta - Owned: Availible for rent

Post by Raven »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Raven Larisica Celestas

Nickname: Raven

Name on Identification: Raven Celesta

Age: Unknown; her guess is around a millennium (1,000 years) Actual age is closer to 4,000. Appears to be in early 20s.

Gender: Female

Species: Kitterwing/Fae

Sub Species/Breed: Dark Fae

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Curvy

Physical Details:

Hair: Indigo

Eyes: Iridescent Silver

Fur: Black, with some white markings

Height: 5' 6"

Wings: Similar in shape to those of a butterfly, with two large wings near the top of her back and two sets of smaller wings below them. Splashes of white dot their way across a field of sparkling silver and periwinkle, all hemmed in black. The tip of each wing has been pierced with a small round bell attached to a sliver hoop.

Wingspan: 5' 4"

Physical Markings: White stripes curl and splash across her tail and feet, curling around her ankles almost like anklets.

Physical Drawbacks: Her wings, when not magically folded into her back, are large and cumbersome, which can potentially make getting around in a crowded room difficult or close to impossible. Despite her ability to self-heal, her body is frail and ill suited for combat.

Current Infliction(s): There is an X shaped scar across her bust and matching sets of three 2-inch long scars curving over each hip, like she was purposely marked with claws or a blade. The scars are hidden under her fur.

Physical Defenses: Magic, able to fly short distances.

Appealing Attributes:

Features: Wings, Long Hair, Curvy Figure, Large Bust and Wide hips.

Talents: Multi-talented: Singing, storytelling, dancing.

Intelligent: Can hold her own in a conversation.

Magic: Can produce magic.

Clothing: Thigh length kimono made of red silk. This is worn off the shoulders to accentuate her bust, and held closed with a black obi. Around her neck, a collar made of silver chain is worn with many small silver round bells attached to it that jingle when she turns her head.

Other Items: Sliver piercing hoops in her wings, these also have small round bells attached to them.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: Vampires

Disorders: None known

How do they present themselves: She carries herself with an air of dignity, almost as though she were a young lady, not an owned slave trained to offer pleasure and companionship both in and out of the silks. However she knows her place, and will address potential renters with respect. Usually mi lord/milady or sir/madame. "Master" is a title reserved solely for her owner, as is "Mistress"

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Ambivilent. To her owner, she is loyal to a fault and will remain so as long as she is not mistreated or physically abused. In the past, she attacked and killed a former owner who had forced her to expose her wings to him, and beat her until they were shredded beyond recognition.

Overall Attitude: Personable and friendly, can seem outgoing when engaged in conversation.


Hobbies / Interests: Reading, writing. Raven has a great fondness for knowledge, history and works of fiction. She thinks this came about from her duties organizing and maintaining the library and personal archives of her first owner, who was a mage. However, she does acknowledge the possibility that these things held interest to her prior to her induction as a slave, but she remembers little about her life before then.

High or Low Maintenance: Relatively low maintenance. Medium Maintenance, if such a thing exists.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous. Especially fond of assorted fruits, cheeses and teas. Has a severe reaction to iron, iron ore and some iron alloys such as steel. Coming in contact, or being near metal with a high concentration of iron prevents her from using her magic and drains her of her physical strength. Over time, it will undo any glamouries she has cast on herself and will force her to expose her wings.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Fae, Draconic

Can they Read / Write: Can read and write in all three spoken languages and translate between the three.

Can your character produce magic: Yes, both Fey magic and Shadow Magic.

Talents / Skills: Cooking, tea preparation and serving, singing, storytelling and poetry recitation. Skilled conversationalist. Skilled with the use of Shadow and Feyrie magic. Learning to play chess. Familiar with many plants and herbs.

Training: Fully trained for use as both a harem and silk slave. Trained in dancing and tea service and ceremonies.


Previous Owners: Sol Drakar

Previous Usage(s): Silk slave, harem slave, house slave, archivist, shibari/rope model and test subject.

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: For Rent

Cost: 20 gold/night, 200/month. Monthly rentals available by inquiry.

To Own: Not For Sale

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Generally speaking, if Raven is online, she is available for play. Exceptions stand for when she is AFK (obviously), or with her Owner/Master. If she is busy, I will tell you so. If she is busy OOCly/IRL you will be informed of such. In either case, arrangements can be made to play at a later date/time. Neither is an attempt to dodge you, if I am not interested, I will tell you as much I am not the type of person to string you along.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Raven is an intelligent, active and observant slave. I am looking for someone to engage her and make use of some, if not all of her talents.

What are your allowances for your character: By the rules of her owner, Raven is available for rent only as an entertainer or companion, never as a sex partner. Beyond that, most things are fair game. If you have questions, please whisper me (ravencelesta)

Long Term/Short Term: Short and Long Term.

General Information

Character Description:

Kitterwing with a small silver collar about her neck. Thigh length kimono of red silk, shocking contrast to her black fur. Worn off the shoulders, the fabric left her ample bust mostly exposed, bright color calling even more attention to the dark fur. Wings; silver and black, speckled with ble and white. Fluffy white striped tail rested over her lap. Silver eyes meet yours inviting you to look, but would rather your company. (Owner: Derrak Olinerithi)(Protector: Sol Drakar)

Website: RP Repository

Images: Image Gallery
Notes: The contents of these papers, especially the character description should be considered a work in progress and may be updated or edited by the writer at any time.
6/29/2012: Edited with more information, link to images, some general revisions and current in-game description.

Last bumped by Raven on Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:14 am.
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