Nosos and Limos, Hounds of Pestilence and Famine - Unowned

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Nosos and Limos, Hounds of Pestilence and Famine - Unowned

Post by HauclirWyrmblade »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Nosos and Limos

Nickname: Hound of Pestilence, Hound of Famine, respectively.

Name on Identification: Nosos, Limos

Age: Millennia.

Gender: Male

Species: Canine

Sub Species/Breed: Hellhound

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Limos is sickly, malnourished. Nosos is bloated and rotting.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) Limos- Red patchy fur, defined ribs, spine and muscles. Nosos- Green fur, covered in seeping boils and such.

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks: Limos has no mouth, while Nosos can not keep his shut.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses: Nosos sports several rows of jagged, rotting teeth that cause festering wounds. Limos has claws of black iron, that could render most armor useless.

Appealing Attributes: The fear factor behind two hellhounds.


Other Items: N/a


Feral or Cultured: Limos is more feral, Nosos is cultured.

Phobias: Limos is afraid of confrontation, Nosos is afraid of antiseptics and medics.

Disorders: Limos- Anti-social Nosos- Anti-shut the fuck up. Massive ego.

How do they present themselves: As a pair, almost like Ying and Yang.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Pleased. It is their duty to their Unholy Lord.

Overall Attitude:Limos is uneasy, Nosos is cocky.

Quirks: Both are ferociously loyal guards, previously the Guards of the Unholy Lords Treasures.

Hobbies / Interests: Spreading famine, disease, etc.

High or Low Maintenance: Very low.

Diet / Allergies: No diet. Limos allergic to ripe fruit, Nosos allergic to antiseptic.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Latin, Greek.

Can they Read / Write: Yes/no

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Spreading disease and famine.

Training: Recieved from the Devil Himself.


Previous Owners: (If known.) Satan.. Ahem.

Previous Usage(s): Guard Hounds of the Unholy Lords Treasures.

Previous status: Guards.

For Rent or to Own: Both.

Cost: 20-40 for rental, 360-440 to buy. This is because they are a pair.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever I'm on.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Whatever happens, happens.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything but death. They are supernatural, and so heal and are capable of rebirth.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred, short term acceptable.

General Information

Character Description:> "Behold, unfortunate soul," Limos and Nosos, the Brother Hounds of Famine and Disease, respectively. Limos, the Hound of Famine, was a sickly, horribly malnourished beast. His ribs, spine and stringy muscles were clearly visible beneath short, patchy red fur. He lacked anything resembling a mouth symbolizing the terrible pains of starvation. Nosos, the Hound of Disease, was a pestilent beast, whose mottled green fur was stained with the pus and rotting flesh of untold millions. He was rather robust, in fact slightly bloated. Open wounds wept over his body, leaking foul-smelling ichor. His head was more demonic that canid, sporting a lipless mouth with jagged, rotting teeth, symbolizing the devouring nature of disease. These two brothers were from the pits of Hell Itself, flung from its fiery depths in to an eternity of servitude. They were fiercely loyal and protective of each other. Those who had the courage to own Limos and Nosos were privy to the same treatment. ".. two beasts as old as time itself."

Website: n/a currently.

Images: n/a

Contact Details: Furc logins and alts: Canes Inferni, Hauclir Wyrmblade, Agras Elanu Terius, Christophe Toussaint

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