Sibil - Owned

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Sibil - Owned

Post by Montego »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Sibil, no last name.

Nickname: Sib

Name on Identification: Sibil

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Caracal

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe, slender than the average. Strong legs and arms. Back has an almost perfect 'S' curve. Rear is firm; including the thighs.

Physical Details: Five feet and nine inches tall, sandy fur, silver eyes with specks of blue. Black, straight hair extends down to her mid back; with the right lighting it almost appears wet in some areas.

Physical Markings: Black tips on ears. One oval pattern on her back; Dark brown with white trim around it. Almost looks like a target.

Physical Drawbacks: Wings need to be washed and lotion applied to prevent them from drying out and cracking.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Natural claws.

Appealing Attributes: Attractive build and attentive toward patrons. Sweet, courteous, and extremely compassionate to learn new trades.

Clothing: White silk corset. (Images can be found on the RPR site.)

Other Items: Two golden arm bands that are available upon request.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: Arachnophobia - fear of spiders.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Obedient and well mannered. A little skiddish of male slaves, preferring to be in company of a female slaves. (Her skiddish behavior is of males in the same class as her. i.e. Slaves. Not Slavers.)

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She enjoys the interaction of being with a Mistress or Master and also doesn't mind the quick change over of hands during rentals.

Overall Attitude: Well behaved and self confidant. She finds that there is a great deal of benefits from being a slave, mainly the feeling of accomplishment and resourcefulness.

Quirks: Tends to be naive, or acts like it.

Hobbies / Interests: Cooking and Hunting.

High or Low Maintenance: In between, but overall it is low.

Diet / Allergies: Diet - Fruits and nuts (pecans), poultry. Allergies - None.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Barbaria, and Alemanish (Last two are equivalent to Furcadia's Arabic and German.)

Can they Read / Write: Yes. Both.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Can be found here at the bottom

Training: Can be found here at the bottom


Previous Owners: Jeffus Nolach (NPC Master), Natasha Belzar (NPC Mistress) Others were trainers that she was sent to in order to learn new skills and there names were not logged.

Previous Usage(s): Hunter, Entertainer, and Maid.

Previous status: Bred into slavery.

For Rent or to Own: Owned by Chaffen. One must speak with him, for his word reigns supreme. (at least 3-4 different RPs)

Cost: Cost: 25 Image a night, 325 Image to own.

OOC Info/Notes I may not be on for a few days at a time, given I do have a life outside of Furcadia. That doesn't mean I'm trying to avoid you, I would tell you if things weren't going to work out for my character and yours. I am an adult and expect you to be as well when interacting with my character. I will not tolerate OOC drama and if you do that, I will ignore you completely. IC drama is fine so long as it doesn't become over dramatic.

Availability: Varies: Usually on during the evening hours in the Eastern Time Zone (1 hour ahead of FST).

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character growth and development. <--(Personal want) Otherwise, someone who isn't afraid to lay a heavy hand on her. She isn't some fragile little doll that needs to be nurtured, she in fact should be the one doing the nurturing and seeing to it that her slaver is satisfied.

What are your allowances for your character: **No Consent (**see notes below)
Long Term/Short Term: Long Term is preferred, but not opposed to short term either.

General Information

Character Description: > A delightful mixture of a earthly tones wrapped in Egyptian silks. The articles did little to cover her entirely, but were modest enough to be considered appropriate. Her slender arms were decorated with two thin golden chains that acted more as bracelets with an identical pair were found claspsed around her ankles. Lithe in appearance, she was very well defined. Her pelt was kept pleasantly groomed, always brushed and condition for added appeal; soft to touch. A refreshing beauty, she was quite the innocent gem; despite those small leather wings.

Website: RPR Site

Images: Ref images can be found in her RPR site.

Contact Details: Sibil

Notes: **Death (Unless it's a well thought out plot. Don't just up and kill her because you want to.) Vore/Scat/Watersports are other things I do not rp.
A small inscription had been written down on the back of her papers by a Guard, fastened by a paperclip that read: "This one has been trained in Gorean, Barbaria and Alemanish languages aside from Common, various house hold duties, reading and writing, sewing; and it appears she is also a very good masseuse. They have also taken a keen interest in cooking and hunting, thus further training has been implied to such courses. Including tracking, which is what another claimed to be navigational skills. At times they can be found singing themselves to sleep in the underhall, however, when she finds someone is watching she grows silent. She has shown signs of interpretive dance as well. Her wings from what is understood have been cut down in size per a Gentleman's urgent request. They have healed since then and don't appear to be able to grow any longer. She has been receiving fighting lessons as insisted upon by a Woman who demanded to remain anonymous; so she is under going basic combative techniques. She displayed a skilled performance with a bow and a small dagger (Skinning only.), but is now being moved over into a hand to hand fighting style. (Never turn your back when she has a bow in hand.) Overall she appears to be a sound slave, though there have been some cases where she's been found to 'test the waters'".
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