Eilian {Unowned} {New Arrival}

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Eilian {Unowned} {New Arrival}

Post by Mints »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name
Eilian. No surname. It's not even his real name, but he accepts it as his title.

None so far.

Name on Identification

?? Very, very old. Looks like he's in his mid twenties.


Looks human, but...isn't.

Sub Species/Breed

Physical Appearance

Body Type
Bit underweight, but otherwise naturally thin.

Physical Details
Human looking.
Messy spiky styled-in-the-morning-with-my-hand brown hair.
Very expressive brown eyes.
Pale skin.

Physical Markings
Teeny moles/freckles/birthmarks around body, not unlike what humans have. Nothing that stands out.

Physical Drawbacks
Affected by strong telepathic or psychic interferences.
Extremely low frequencies can damage his hearing.
Can die permanently if death is sudden and unexpected.
Feels cold and thus isn't so cuddly. Internal body heat is almost constant 44 degrees.

Current Infliction(s)

Physical Defences
Strong telepathic abilities.
Slow regeneration and healing.
Not as frail as he looks.
Can't be strangled or choked (takes in oxygen through skin if lungs are compromised).
NOT magic; cannot lose his abilities or suffer from magic binding.

Appealing Attributes
At least moderately handsome.
Intelligent in a way that seems completely bonkers.

(currently) Tattered brown trouser and shirt. Trousers are messily tucked into his shoes, and the short sleeved shirt looks like it's seen better days. These are the clothes he was given when he arrived at the Tether.
One long brown trenchcoat that is used to snuggle/nest into.
White sneakers.

Other Items
One blue ribbon fixed around his left wrist. The knot is messily tied but the fabric looks almost too perfectly clean.
One pair of black framed glasses.


Feral or Cultured

Athazagoraphobia: Fear of being forgotten or forgetting.

Hyperactive; mostly in mind, often in body. He'll babble on and on about one thing or another and sometimes bounce around like a loon when doing so.

How do they present themselves?
He acts like he knows he's brilliant, but is otherwise respectful and at other times bashful. Very friendly, curious, and quirky.

Feelings towards being owned / rented?
Doesn't really like the prospect of ownership. Would rather be an accomplice, and has a feeling of general unease about the whole slavery bit. Still curious about being owned, but not very receptive and may try to slip away.

Overall Attitude
Bubbly, curious nonhuman man. He values knowledge and learning about new places, his strong suit being science. He talks quite a bit, and fast too, with a lot of moving about with hands or body. He's a friendly sort, if somewhat sly and manipulative at times. Doesn't trust very easily but respectful unless given a reason not to be; disrespect can come from, but is not limited to, abuse or mistreatment of other beings, killing (needlessly or otherwise), and verbal challenges (belittling comments, snark, offhand comments, etc).

Blurts things out if he suddenly realises them.
Often nonsensical.

Hobbies / Interests
Writing out equations.
Staring at the night sky.
Mapping constellations.
Space and time.
How things work.

High or Low Maintenance
Loooow maintenance. Can take care of himself.

Diet / Allergies
Eats human things. Will try anything once.


Language(s) Spoken
Speaks common.
Some sort of foreign gibberish.
Bits and pieces of French and Italian.
Accent is Scottish, teensy bit nasally but otherwise easy to understand.

Can they Read / Write?
Yes and yes.
Writes in a scrawling scribble chicken scratch, with either hand.

Can your character produce magic?
No (despite seemingly able to do so)

Talents / Skills
Learns things quickly.
Good with his hands; likes to build things.



Previous Owners

Previous Usage(s)

Previous Status
Free traveller. Used to hitch rides on ships...through space.

For Rent or to Own
Up to Tether discretion.

Between 'Untrained' and 'Average' price ranges.

OOC Info/Notes

Er, erratic schedule. Usually weekends from 9pm onwards, Eastern.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay?
Fun. Character development. New experiences! :D

What are your allowances for your character?
Not death. Mutilation is fine (because El can regenerate limbs!).

Long Term/Short Term
Either or.

General Information

Character Description
Just over six foot in height is a human--er, he seems to be a human--with rather pale skin and the most expressive brown eyes. His hair is a spiky mess, appearing to never have been styled (except maybe with a pass through by a hand every now and again). He wears a lot of brown, from the raggedy issued trouser and shirt to the long trench coat he's huddled within. His feet are tied up in comfortable white sneakers, laces covered in dirt. A blue ribbon is tied around his left wrist, knot messy but fabric impeccably well kept. He looks a mess but otherwise content, all wide eyes and curious about his surroundings. The stranger gives off an unnatural chill, body temperature low even though his pulse races twice as fast as the human he looks.

None so far.

None so far.

Contact Details
Whisper me on Eilian or Mints.

Character extra! His pulse is at about 200-210 BPM. If it goes above 250, he can suffer a heart attack. It wouldn't kill him, but it would...set him back, obviously.
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