Mongol - WIP

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Mongol - WIP

Post by Mongol »

written from the perspective of an assessing guard
Basic Information

Full Name:
Unknown, doesn't seem to know if she has ever had one or not

None given yet.

Name on Identification:




Sub Species/Breed:
Unknown (OOC knowledge only: Part-fire elemental. Dormant). Yellow eyes may be a genetic throwback to a mingling of Otherblood in her family tree. Shows no aversions to the banes of more common supernatural beings. She has made no claim to anything in relation to this.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Athletically muscled, still with appropriate female curves. Pretty, were it not for the fact that her most constant expression thus far seems to be either distaste or anger.

Physical Details:
Black, long hair often swept to one side against her shoulders. Dusky skin. Golden-yellow eyes. Athletic and lightly scarred, yet not without female curves. Medium B-bust, proportioned hips. Defined, yet not grossly so, musculature.

Physical Markings:
From the base of her skull to the small of her back, is a shimmering metallic orange triangle then dorsal stripe that tapers to a point.

Physical Drawbacks:

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Physically agile, with good reaction time and reflexes.

Appealing Attributes:
Pretty face, slender hands, broad hips. Likely more appealing if cleaned up properly (and trained not to be so damn angry...).

A thigh-length rough cotton tunic.

Other Items:
In storage; sword.


Feral or Cultured:
Cultured, but often permits herself to display feral mannerisms.

Gerascophobia – fear of growing old or aging.


How do they present themselves:
Angry, defiant, keen to regain her former status or even a shadow of it. Fight-ready, ill-mannered, masculine in presence.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:

Overall Attitude:
Intelligent, as much of a strategist as someone willing to hurl herself into a fight without second thought. A tactition off the field as much as on, she shows signs of potential ability to manipulate others to her own ends if presented with a chance.

Can dance, but only admitted to this after some goading (and the threat of a hot poker). Seems to attribute dance to being part of a more meaningful purpose than simply entertainment.

Hobbies / Interests:
I) Herbal medicine
II) Bushcraft
III) Bone & Wood carving
IV) Whip making
V) Archery
VI) Horse riding; stunt & normal.

High or Low Maintenance:

Diet / Allergies:


Language(s) Spoken:
Mongolian, Common.

Can they Read / Write:
Yes / Yes. Rarely seems eager to demonstrate this ability for the time being.

Can your character produce magic:

Talents / Skills:
I) Horseback archery
II) Slingshot
III) Blade-work; close to Blademaster level, both mounted and not
IV) Hand-to-hand combat



Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:
To own, but rental is recommended beforehand at least once to determine best profit.

1 Night Rental - 10 Image
To Own - 100 Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: +1 GMT

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
[*] Character development
[*] Storylines & plots.
[*] Someone to enter her into the arena
[*] Someone to trigger and then train her fire manipulation abilities

What are your allowances for your character:
More or less NC. If something bothers me, I'll let you know.

Long Term/Short Term:
Long-term preferred, both off accepted.

General Information

Character Description:



Contact Details:

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