Suraj - Unowned.

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Suraj - Unowned.

Post by Suraj »

Basic Information

Full Name:
Seems to have only arrived with the name 'Suraj'.


Name on Identification:

Estimated to be about twenty five.

(Physically female, but binds her breasts and uses male pronouns)

Indian hare, also known as the black-naped hare, or lepus nigricollis.

Sub Species/Breed:
Uncertain. It is suspected that there might be some human blood mixed into his genetics.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Boyish of frame, he is made with slender, aerodynamic muscle. He is lithe, but not scraggly; muscle definition is limited but visible. He stands at painfully average height of five foot and eleven inches (not including his ears). His body frame is typically lagomorphic in design, save for his face, which is slightly more humanoid but with a small muzzle and somewhat protruding frontal teeth that is often exhibited in his breed, and wiry little whiskers close to his top lip. His ears are incredibly large, accustomed to his honed sense of hearing, and when standing erect they add a good few inches to his height, bringing him close to around six feet and four inches. He is somewhere between and ectomorph and a mesomorph; not extremely lanky or thin, but not exactly built and well muscled either. He has the grace and fitness of an Olympic dancer or swimmer. Without the bindings his breasts are a pitiful A cup, and it is very easy to hide them; sometimes even able to pass as a man without any bindings.

Physical Details:
Atop his head sits a mess of corn yellow hair, like tendrils of sunlight, the shaggy mop often getting in the way of those bright green eyes the colour of the purest jade. At the back, it's tied into a low ponytail, of which would reach the small of his back if left undone. Occasionally when relaxing, or fighting, it will be tied up into a braid. His hands a relatively human in shape, though his fingers are slightly stunted and tipped with inch long claws, often making him clumsy and less dexterous than most. Across the underside of his largest knuckles and the heel of his palms there are soft pink pads of flesh, as well as upon the tips of his fingers. While he has a slightly androgynous design (small shoulders coupled with a small waist), there's no denying the youthful masculinity he emits. His legs are of a digitrade shape, and once again typically lagomorph, as they are known for having larger haunches than most other furres. His feet are very hare-like in design, equipped with cruel four inch claws, each toe and the ball of his feet having the same pink pads as his hands, as he stands upright upon them rather than flat on the haunch. He has a tail; the typical tuft of soft downy fur that's a light caramel on the underside and a darker brown on the outside. His fur, in general, is mainly brown in colour, with patches of a dark caramel.

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks:
He is a prey species.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
The claws on his hands/feet, his teeth, and his powerful legs.

Appealing Attributes:
Got quite the handsome little face, even if it does look a tad androgynous.

Traditional Indian garb; a kurta shirt and paijama trousers. Both of them are a garish green in colour, with red and gold hems. The kurta has a typical Indian texture to them, while the paijama remain plain. The paijama stops at his ankles, where it is brought in with cuffs. Both items of clothing are rather airy and sit loose on his form, without looking baggy. He wears nothing on his feet.

Other Items:
Has a worked leather collar around his neck, with a silver plate at the front depicting his name.


Feral or Cultured:
While he is for the most part cultured, he does have feral tendencies, especially when his anger overtakes him.

The look/smell/feel of raw red meat.
Erotophobia; the fear of sex/sexual intimacy.
Philophobia; the fear of love or falling in love.

Is slightly racist towards humans/humanoid species/creatures without fur.
Has relative misogyny. (Dislike of females)
Diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder.
Also diagnosed with gender identity disorder.

How do they present themselves:
Speaks before he thinks, and often has nothing good to say. For the most part, he plays the part of a spoiled brat whose toys have been taken from him. He is grumpy, volatile and easy to agitate. Selfish and uncaring of others, he will quite easily manipulate other people to get what he wants without a second thought about who might get hurt by it.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
He hates it. He thinks himself better than a life of slavery.

Overall Attitude:
He's the kind of character that people love to hate.

Coats his fur in strong smelling oils to prevent people from being able to 'smell' his true gender.
All female pheromones are drowned out by the scent of cloves, Tibetan incense and spices.
He has the ability to jump five to six feet in the air from a stand.
There is very little that can rival his sense of hearing.
He has a prominent Indian accent.

Hobbies / Interests:
Fighting, wood carving, swimming, snoozing, hunting/fishing.

High or Low Maintenance:
Medium to high. Needs to be kept on a tight, short leash and his anger maintained.
Only the most experienced and dominant trainers should consider him, as he will abuse the powers of a weaker owner.

Diet / Allergies:
Strictly vegetarian. Eating lean meats will cause him to be sick. He can eat products such as sea food, milk or eggs, however.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common/English, Hindi.

Can they Read / Write:
No, and no.

Can your character produce magic:
Not in the sense that he can produce physical magic, no.

Talents / Skills:
Fighting, wood carving, swimming, hunting/fishing, playing the sitar, marital arts (mainly kick boxing, but knows various other types).

Absolutely no slave training.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:

5 gold to rent, 50 gold to buy.

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I'm around.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Someone to hone Raj into something better -- a well trained slave. Someone to help him learn to curb his anger issues, and express them in non-violent ways. Perhaps someone to teach him how to feel comfortable in his own gender, rather than trying to be something else.
Despite his dislike for humans/females, does NOT mean I don't want to roleplay with these types of characters. Just like in real life, you can't avoid everything you don't like, and I won't make an exception for Raj.
Also, I don't want Raj to be used as a sex slave, at all. Anyone attempting to try anything sexual with him will be faced with a scared, cornered and likely angry hare who knows how to fight. Don't bitch or complain at me in whispers about it if this happens, because it is clearly listed on his papers that he is afraid of sex. While I am not totally against sexual scenes, I'd rather it come about through plot devices and such rather than being rented out for a night's fuck. He needs to overcome his phobia before he can even think about joining anyone in bed.

What are your allowances for your character:
Pretty much anything. If you need to think about it, ask me first. I don't want him suddenly killed or an arm or a leg chopped off without warning.

Long Term/Short Term:
I prefer long term, but short term is cool also.

General Information

Character Description:
Hot-headed and lurid lapine could rival the monkey king himself when it came to trickery and deception. His eyes burned with a jade fire, a strong and near infallible determination and courage made him the victim of an over grown pride. With hair the color of the sun itself, he was a local legend among his people; an avatar of the Trimurti. At least, it was easy to convince them, and how their passions burned with hatred when the truth overshadowed his lies and beguilement. Still nothing more than a penniless young beggar, now he wore the chains of his karmic punishment 'til he learned the harsh lesson of humility and respect.


Please go to the RPR website to see.

Contact Details:
Whisper me.

Raj is still a huge work in progress. Please be patient!
As an OOC note, I would like to say that anyone who looks at Suraj's papers ICly will be able to read that he is physically female.
However, outwith that, it is impossible for anyone, supernatural or otherwise, to be able to tell his real gender.
Last edited by Suraj on Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Suraj - Unowned.

Post by Bocca »

During The Slave Serving Class, this slave was mouthy, belligerent, and did not follow directions very well. Further training in learning his place as a slave is recommended. As such, this slave is not permitted to wear clothing from the 31st of January, to the 6th of February.

Raphael "Bocca" Maccari


(17:30:20) Raginfrik: BE LIKE
(17:30:52) Raginfrik: DO IT
(17:31:00) Bocca: They would institutionalize me


(00:33:47) Jihan: everytime I think of Bocca
(00:33:50) Jihan: I think of starbucks
(00:33:55) Jihan: A tall grande Bocca
(00:34:09) Bocca: I bet that drink tastes like good dick and lies
(00:34:19) Jihan: Or cigarettes and fury
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