Lucasta - Unowned

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Some ol' Drunk
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Lucasta - Unowned

Post by Cami »

Basic Information

Full Name: Aarin O'Rielly (rarely spoken/given)
Alias: Lucasta Cromwell
Nickname: Luca, Luke
Name on Identification: Luca
Age: Mid to late twenties
Gender: Male
Species: Weretiger - prefers feral form
Sub Species/Breed: Maltese Tiger

Physical Appearance (human)
Body Type: Broad shoulders and chest, muscular legs but not exceptionally bulky.
Physical Details:
  • - Height: 6 feet 9 inches
    - Weight: 210 pounds
    - Eyes: Pale, china blue
    - Hair: Naturally blonde, dyed blood red
    - Skin Tone: Pale
    - Handedness: Ambidextrous
    - Scent: A wet jungle and burning wood.
    - Voice: A slightly deeper Cary Elwes from The Princess Bride with an exceptionally slight Detroit accent that mixes with his slight British one.
Physical Markings: A multitude of scars, burn marks, and needle marks. Gray ring, material unknown, piercing in right side of lower lip.
Physical Drawbacks: Injuries can sometimes take longer to heal and he may not notice that he is injured at first.
Current Infliction(s): None.
Physical Defenses: He's a skilled fighter, but possesses no outstanding defenses in his human form beyond that of a normal human.
Appealing Attributes: Very large and strong, is good for a variety of tasks that require physical strength or stamina.
Clothing: A pair of black pants and a pair of brown pants, and gray hoodie, no shirt or shoes.

Physical Appearance (tiger)
Body Type: Large, bulky; broad chest and head, powerful legs. Built more for strength than - speed, but is still fairly fast and agile (he's a cat).
Physical Details:
  • - Species: Maltese Tiger
    - Quadruped Height: 4 feet 7 inches at shoulder
    - Biped Height: 9 feet 2 inches at shoulder
    - Weight: 637 pounds
    - Length: 11 feet 3 inches, excluding tail; 14 feet 5 inches, including tail
    - Eyes: Golden
    - Fur: His fur is maltese, or blue. No, it's not actually blue, but it has a blueish color to it. His stripes are very distinctive and his fur is a blueish hued darker gray then becomes a similarly hued lighter gray underneath.
Physical Markings: Very distinct stripes, his fur is a blueish-gray color that is lighter on his underbelly.
Physical Drawbacks: His size can make it more difficult for him to move in confined spaces.
Current Infliction(s): None.
Physical Defenses: Size, large head and teeth, long claws.
Appealing Attributes: He's an exotic breed of tiger, and rather large as well.

Other Items: A rope bracelet with a ruby in it.

Feral or Cultured: Cultured when in human form; feral in tiger form, though he retains the ability to speak via telepathy.
Phobias: Places where he can't move at all.
Disorders: Apathy, slight sociopathic tendencies.
How do they present themselves: Generally quiet and calm, doesn't talk much.
Feelings towards being owned / rented: Doesn't care anymore.
Overall Attitude: Quiet, often times seems hostile, withdrawn.
Quirks: Can be extremely judgmental and has a strong dislike for anything of the canine species.
Hobbies / Interests: Making/using/selling drugs, making/drinking/selling alcohol, cooking, swimming
High or Low Maintenance: Relatively low.
Diet / Allergies: Carnivore in both forms; hates vegetables and fruit.

Language(s) Spoken: Common; some german, french, and italian.
Can they Read / Write: Yes and yes when in human form.
Can your character produce magic: No
Talents / Skills: Cooking, swimming, fighting, some alchemy
Training: Fighting, talking/networking, moderate cooking and serving, dancing (he'll never admit it), some alchemy, swimming

Current Owner: None.
Previous Owners: Unknown
Previous Usage(s): Fighting, drug pedaling, cooking, test subject
Previous status: Free-person
For Rent or to Own: Rent or Rent-to-own only.
Cost: 10G/hr to rent; 180G to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: On and off throughout the day.
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Plots, IC drama
What are your allowances for your character: No consent save permanent death and dismemberment/mutilation without plot.
Long Term/Short Term: Either

General Information
Human Character Description: O'Rielly was back, not that anyone knew that. He wasn't parading around as a city slicker anymore; instead, the weretiger introduced himself as Luke, if he made any introduction at all. He was rather quiet now, very rarely speaking unless spoken to; and heaven forbid a canine spoke to him. That just wouldn't end well. He was still sporting that blood red mop, lip piercing, and those china blues; they were probably the only things that hadn't changed. He was larger now, more built up and bulky. Years on the move had built him. Of course, a fight with the wrong person had landed him behind bars, and now in the possession of the Tether.
Feral Character Description: O'Rielly was back, not that anyone knew that. The hulking behemoth of a feral maltese tiger had a collar on, a silver plate with the Tether engraved into it. Distinct black stripes littered his dark blue-gray fur that covered his hide, only becoming any lighter on his underbelly and legs. Golden eyes held a strange kinship to human eyes, very obviously displaying the humanity he possessed though often ignored. While he retained his ability to speak via telepathic communication it was rare that he ever used such things, finding it completely useless anyway since doing it gave him a headache; he rarely spoke to begin with.
Website: link
Images: 1 2
Contact Details: On furc as Camerin, Cath, or Semblance.
Notes: Please note that while Luca has an anthro form he generally does not and will not enter it. Generally when he does it is on accident and lasts only a few minutes before he either returns to his human form or becomes feral.

Rental History
Name - Date - Length - Cost
Chaffen - 2/6/13 - 1 Night - 80G
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