Unhappy - Owned.

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Unhappy - Owned.

Post by Catharsis »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Aria Bellamy
Nickname: Unhappy
Name on Identification: Unhappy
Age: 100-200 years. Exact age unclear.
Gender: Female, but masculine in appearance and build.
Species: Quadrupedal canine.
Sub Species/Breed: Feral werewolf.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Mesomorph. Heavily muscled and powerful.
Physical Details:
Fur: Pitch black. No markings or splotches of other colors.
Eyes: Purple, faint white pupils upon closer inspection.
Height: 7'
Weight: 310lbs

Physical Markings: No physical markings to note.
Physical Drawbacks: Scars; two incisions horizontally across the left side of the muzzle and one vertical incision over the left eye. A fresh scar over the right eye and down the side of her muzzle.
Current Infliction(s): None to note.
Physical Defenses: Enormous claws and teeth in addition to plentiful muscles. The creature's enormous size should also be noted.
Appealing Attributes: Mostly unmarred pelt and luscious purple eyes. Exotic in the sense of being a feral werewolf.
Clothing: No clothing worn or needed at this time.
Other Items: No possessions to note at this time.


Feral or Cultured: Feral, but sentient.
Phobias: Fearful of large bodies of water and streams. Seems uncomfortable around vampires, but doesn't appear to loathe them or prone to attack. The animal has exhibited a fear of fire, as well.
Disorders: Generalized 'insanity' and aggression, but no exact disorders diagnosed. Also exhibits very short-term memory.
How do they present themselves: As a feral animal.
Feelings towards being owned / rented: Unhappy has become more resigned to her enslavement, as of late.
Overall Attitude: Generally benign in presence, despite her appearance. If threatened, moderate to highly aggressive depending on the situation and circumstances.
Quirks: Staring, flexing of the claws, bearing of the teeth, kneading grass/earth, 'gardening.'
Hobbies / Interests: Gardening
High or Low Maintenance: High Maintenance. The slave requires copious amounts of food to remain relatively docile as well as plenty of exercise. The beast is not to be left unattended for long periods of time.
Diet / Allergies: Exclusively dines upon raw meat, the fresher the better. No known allergens at this time.

Language(s) Spoken: Communicates freely with other feral beasts, as well as being able to speak to handlers.
Can they Read / Write: Unhappy has a rudimentary understanding of english/common, but cannot write.
Can your character produce magic: No magic can be produced, though the creature is supernaturally powerful.
Talents / Skills: Only the following are noted:
-Slave is an adept hunter and capable killer.
-Slave is physically strong and powerful; useful for moving heavy weights or materials.
-Slave's watchful nature may make her useful for some type of guardian once properly trained.
Training: Slave is learning to read.

Owner: Monstrum.
Previous Owner(s): None.
Previous Usage(s): None.
Previous status: Free.

For Rent or to Own: Possibly available to be rented for arena battles in the near future.
Cost: N/A at this time.

OOC Info/Notes
Availability: I have a bit of a wonky schedule. The best time to catch me for RP is to ask me while Unhappy is online. I've had a bit of schedule-crowding through the late summer and early fall, but I'm working on getting my activity back up! My apologies to any who'd wanted to RP with me in the past and had missed out.
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Plots!
What are your allowances for your character: I allow almost anything within my comfort zone and am not very picky. I do not, however, allow for sexually-oriented RPs as far as this character is concerned.
Long Term/Short Term: Either.

General Information
Character Description:
Like darkness manifesting a living body, the beast's movements are those of simplistic majesty and born of a seemingly divine nature. Soft fur covered the entirety of the creature's form and thinned around the belly and beneath the neck wherein rippling muscles could be seen, even at a distance. Chiseled as though from stone, numerous... and terrifying.

The sloping anatomy of a bear denoted further that the sable beast was not a wolf. Its fingers, thick and stubby from near constant usage as forepaws, possessed a wicked set of lengthy claws utterly unwolflike in design. Though, they were still useful for grabbing and maneuvering objects with relative ease, if not gracelessness. Enormous incisors, matching those fearsome claws, were permanently on display, glinting harshly from the jaws.


The species identification is often delayed for some, but certainly quicker for those versed in the identification of their kind-- and an utterly feral one at that. Little humanity remains visible in the beast's enormous, amethyst eyes. Their inscrutable depths display only the faintest of white pupils upon close examination.

A trio of blemishes mar her face, hinting at a conquest long past and almost forgotten.

With a visage obviously canine in appearance, the brute's physical sex is often a mystery. Her scent alone revealed her a female.

Website: http://www.rprepository.com/c/unhappy
Images: Full gallery available here: http://catheld.weebly.com/unhappy.html
Contact Details: Whisper me in-game. I do have other alts listed on my RPR and while I deem it appropriate to whisper them asking for a RP on Unhappy, but I may or may not be occupied. As a generalization, I prefer to be whispered on Unhappy instead of anyone else.
Notes: I am capable of using the arena battle system, though I've only just learned. Also this.
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