Bansidhe - Unowned

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Bansidhe - Unowned

Post by Bansidhe »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Ophelia
Nickname: Ophie (Pet Name), Banshee (bansidhe)

Name on Identification: Ophelia

Age: Twenty Two

Gender: Female, Cisgender

Species: Feline Humanoid

Sub Species/Breed: Blue lynx-point balinese

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)
Silvery blue hair hags in wavy cascades down her back, adding to her duo-toned pallet. She was tall, elegant and poised when seated, kind blue eyes offering a knowledge behind them that words could hardly describe. Though most of her body was a pale white or silvery grey, her hands, feet, and tail drifted into a deep, silvery stone colour, as though she'd dipped them in ink long ago and had yet to recover.

Physical Markings: 'Stone Paws'

Physical Drawbacks: Lacking a great amount of physical strength, but smart enough to smartly-lift things to distribute weight.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: (If any.) None worth noting so far

Appealing Attributes: Desirable body type, adept conversationalist, literate

Clothing: Slave owns one night shirt, one set of silks for the pens, and one black dress for formal wear.

Other Items: Various items in a trunk on wheels containing items necessary for medium sessions with clientele; additional two gold for rental from TGT


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, minor vocational training.

Phobias: Nyctophobia (Genuine fear of the dark), minor claustrophobia (fear of having no escape and being closed in)

Disorders: None apparent

How do they present themselves: Though hardly refined, slave shows the early stages of a lady in poise and conversation, hinting at some schooling while younger. Slave is slow to anger and quick to apologize, though sooner to remain on her own than socialize with a group.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Rental seems preferred over ownership, as it seems like a more standard form of living - as though pretending to have a job opposed to being property.

Overall Attitude: Moderately optimistic, if not distant and day-dreamy.

Quirks: Please Note: Slave presents self as medium with an affinity for spirits and ghosts; unable to confirm or deny accusations; any fraudulent claims are to be dealt with via the slave herself, as The Golden Tether stakes no authenticity in claims of supernatural phenomena with any eligible merchandise.

Hobbies / Interests: Shows an interest in helping the gardening staff, as well as the kitchen staff.

High or Low Maintenance: Moderate to low; does well even if neglected for long periods of time. Self-sufficient if given a routine.

Diet / Allergies: Mostly seafood and other proteins, low dairy, low wheat.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Writing 7/10, Reading 4/10

Can your character produce magic:No actual 'magic'.

Talents / Skills: Please Note: Slave presents self as medium with an affinity for spirits and ghosts; unable to confirm or deny accusations; any fraudulent claims are to be dealt with via the slave herself, as The Golden Tether stakes no authenticity in claims of supernatural phenomena with any eligible merchandise.

Training: Officially trained as hostess and companion, Childcare


Previous Owners: REDACTED

Previous Usage(s): Guest Entertainment, Kitchen Servant, Nanny

Previous status: Ward of the state, indentured servant

For Rent or to Own: Rental, or Rent to Own

1 Night Rental: 10 Image, or 1 Image
Own: 200 Image, or 20 Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Irregular schedule, 3-5 days per week, most of the day into most of the night.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Someone to balance out Bansidhe's somber, optimistic approach to life - to shake her up a bit, but also someone who will utilize her connection to the Otherside somehow, even if just casually and occasionally.

What are your allowances for your character: I play by a general no-consent rule; I'm a mature player, and prefer realistic, visceral roleplay. You don't need to make sure something is okay. If I don't like the direction the roleplay is going, I'll let you know. C:
Long Term/Short Term: Long Term is preferred, but we won't know if we're compatible until we test out the Short Term! I'm open to both. <3

General Information

Character Description:
Soft; such a good word to describe the grave flower, pale in pallet and demure in demeanor. Never the one to make a fuss, the girl spent more time tucked away in the corner of a cage or the bough of a tree, when given the chance. Despite dreams of grandeur, any coin earned was hardly tucked away for safe keeping - but spent sleeping in plush silks and rich feather bed spreads, given a wisp of light to the other days spent in darkness. There was something haunting about her, from her soft contralto to her quiet step, one wouldn't have a hard time believing she could speak with the very voices of the dead.

Website: RPR in the works <3


Contact Details: Very whisper friendly <3

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