Trix Aliya

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Trix Aliya

Post by Trix »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Trix Aliya

Nickname: Trix

Name on Identification: Trix

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown (generally appears as a rodent)

Sub Species/Breed: Shapeshifter

Physical Appearance

Note: (Trix is a very adept shapeshifter. As she has been 'locked' as a mouse, this section will detail her appearance as such...)

Body Type: Short, scrawny. She has shapely hips, but a rather small bosom.

Physical Details: Trix has long, black and slightly curly hair. Her eyes are a deep blue colour, and her fur is an eggshell white. There is no fur upon any of her paws, and barely any grows on her ears nor her tail. All of her exposed flesh is a pink hue.

Physical Markings: Nothing of note. Several small scars can be found all over her, though none stand out as a defining feature, or are even noticeably without close inspection.

Physical Drawbacks: Trix is small, and she is weak. Her claws are quite blunt and wouldn't be able to do any serious amount of damage to anyone.

Current Infliction(s): An enchanted platinum anklet has been locked around her left ankle. This item allows for greater control over Trix. It will be explained below.

Physical Defenses: Teeth

Appealing Attributes: Ease of control. Childish attitude -- some may find her quite adorable. (others might view her as annoying however.)

Clothing: A tattered pink blouse and matching skirt.

Other Items: A key to the anklet will be provided to anyone who purchases her, though it is strongly recommended not to remove it.


Feral or Cultured: Mixed -- Trix was a feral child. She has learned during her time in slavery, but she is still far from cultured...

Phobias: Sexual contact.

Disorders: Hard to discern...Trix does have a developmental disorder (likely brought on by years on her own in her youth). She has difficulty speaking, and doesn't seem to understand social cues very well. She is quite intelligent, however. She has shown signs of deceitfulness.

How do they present themselves: Naive, cute, shy, friendly, mischievous, annoying. She may or may not choose to be willfully obedient.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Slightly favourable -- Trix really doesn't enjoy the cage, but can cause quite a fuss if she doesn't like a renter, or her owner. Depends on her impression of a renter or possible owner.

Overall Attitude: Unstable. She's quite childlike, often playful and viewing little things with amazement and wonder. Positive stimuli can produce extreme elation and joy in her (such as worthless gifts, or certain treats). Negative stimuli, however, can bring unreasonably severe reactions as well.

Quirks: Yes, she is quirky.

Hobbies / Interests: Need further observation of her...

High or Low Maintenance: High Maintenance. Her anklet does an exceptional job of keeping her under control. However, inexperience and lack of foresight with it could have disastrous consequences, either harmful to her owner/renter, or resulting in harm or death to herself. She has survived on her own for years, but she used thievery to accomplish this. She can also be quite sneaky, and possibly manipulative.

Diet / Allergies: No known allergies. She is omnivorous.


Language(s) Spoken: Common (albeit not well)

Can they Read / Write: No/No

Can your character produce magic: A tentative no. Trix can undoubtedly shapeshift (and is very good at such). Enchantments that focused on blocking magical abilities failed to prevent this, and an alternative solution had to be sought.

Talents / Skills: Thievery, Foraging, Stealth, Doppelganger (Trix can assume an imperfect copy of another individual from her mental image of them).

Training: N/A


Previous Owners: *one name is scratched out beyond legibility*

Previous Usage(s): Companion

Previous status: Three years escaped slave -- assumed born in wild.

For Rent or to Own: Rent leading to ownership...

Cost: Price: 100 gold. 10 gold/night rental


(Important, please read!!!)

Purpose: Trix is an adept shapeshifter, and has proven to be quite slippery and hard to contain. Ordinary enchantments that seal magical ability had absolutely no effect on her, and Trix was easily able to escape. It has since been determined that her shapeshifting ability is not magical in nature, and that another means of controlling her was necessary.

Item: An anklet made of platinum has been fit to the slave's left ankle, which holds the enchantments that effect Trix. A key for this anklet is available upon the slave's purchase, however -- it is strongly recommended that owners do not remove it under any circumstances.

Enchantments: Their are two enchantments on the anklet, as follows:

A) The first enchantment is simply to allow the anklet to transform with Trix, enabling her to shapeshift without being able to lose or remove the anklet in the process.

B) The second enchantment is the source of control over the slave. It is a Programmable Obedience enchantment. In essence, it allows for Trix to be programmed. This enchantment is extremely powerful. Careless use can result in disastrous consequences!!! It is for this purpose that the following details concerning the enchantment are provided.

1) The enchantment allows for the slave's will to be overridden. In other words, she can be compelled against her will.

2) The enchantment only works for those who have been given control of the slave. It will be useless for anyone who does not. Control of the slave can be given through a command (i.e. Someone who controls the slave can command her to obey someone else...). At time of writing, only Tether trainers, guards, and administration have been given command over the slave.

3) The enchantment works primarily through voice command. If someone who has control over the slave speaks a command to her, she will be unable to resist following that command.

4) Anyone who has control over the slave can also set rules for her. As with any other command, the slave will be forced to follow these rules.

5) The slave can also be 'commanded' to follow physical cues (i.e. gestures or events) and to react a certain way in response to them.

6) Rules or commands that have no set duration will last until they are overridden by another rule or command. A rule will remain in effect until revoked even if the one who set the rule for the slave no longer has control over her.

7) The slave will follow the exact wording of a rule or a command. Common sense and self-preservation will not override a command that the slave has been given.

8) The slave's understanding of a rule or command will effect her response to it. She listens to words, she doesn't read minds.

This list is far from exhaustive, but it should give an idea as to how the enchantment works to a potential renter or purchaser of the slave. Plenty of things can go wrong if one is careless in how they command the slave.

Effect: This enchantment succeeds in containing the slave's shapeshifting powers, where other enchantments have failed. By simply commanding the slave not to shift without permission, she is physically unable to change her form of her own will. It also has the added benefit of allowing easier control of the slave (being the unpredictable creature that she can be). That said, it also increases the maintenance necessary for this slave. She can quickly and easily be put into a situation that can cause her harm and unable to help herself. There is also potential danger to a renter or an owner if they are reckless.

OOC Information

Availability: Available almost daily, though at various hours of the day

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'm looking to renew my beloved Trix with an interesting storyline, mostly. I would love someone who would experiment with ways they may utilize her and her unique talents and limitations. I am not looking to wind up a sex slave. Although sex can't be ruled out, I do enjoy 'kink' a whole lot more.

What are your allowances for your character: Don't kill a Trix! I am mostly no consent, though for drastic changes, a heads up would ensure a more smooth acceptance of (mutilation, nullification, horrific disfigurement...stuff)

Long Term/Short Term: Long Term preferred/Short Term acceptable

General Information

Character Description: A precious little mouse girl! Downy white fur coats her lithe frame. Most tend to tower over this rodent who stands at little over four feet. Raven hair is in stark contrast to her white coat, falling well below Trix's slender shoulders. Her lower paws remain bare as the nimble pink tail that sways behind her. She wears a tattered pink blouse which descends slightly past her hips, partially covering a short pink skirt that drops to mid-thigh. A necklace bearing a small pendant encircles her throat, while a shiny bluish-silver anklet is wrapped snug around her left ankle. With such a tiny form, this rodent appears to be frail at a glance. One can not deny the spirit that her deep blue eyes portray.



Contact Details: Trix Aliya (Furcadia)

Notes: N/A
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