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Post by TahKren »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tah'Kren


Name on Identification: Tah'Kren

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Nar'ket

Sub Species/Breed: n/a

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Muscular.

Physical Details: Brown hair, golden eyes, brown skin with darker markings across the shoulders and back.

Physical Markings: None except for those natural to his species.

Physical Drawbacks: None.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Horns and cranial ridges.

Appealing Attributes: Well-built, fit, healthy, refined speech, intelligent.

Clothing: Elaborate loincloth of brightly dyed fabrics.

Other Items: Bronze earrings and neck band.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: No significant phobias apparent.

Disorders: No significant disorders apparent.

How do they present themselves: Refined and well-mannered, skilled and helpful. He has been well-educated and submersed in culture.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He is a member of the Sek'tir'am, a slave caste in the Nar'ket culture. The Nar'ket religion and culture emphasize the importance of fulfilling the ideals of one's caste. As such, he is comfortable as a slave and completely loyal to his current master, having no apparent aspirations beyond fulfilling his duties.

Overall Attitude: Pleasant, refined, well-mannered, and calm, with very little violent tendencies.

Quirks: A very devout follower of the Nar'ket philosophy and religion, though he never speaks of either unless prompted.

Hobbies / Interests: Enjoys philosophy and other intellectual pastimes.

High or Low Maintenance: Relatively low maintenance, as he will make do with whatever is provided.

Diet / Allergies: No specific dietary needs or concerns.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Nar'kethar, and several other languages to varying degrees of fluency.

Can they Read / Write: He can write in multiple languages, using several different writing and number systems.

Can your character produce magic: No apparent magical abilities.

Talents / Skills: Multi-lingual; Well-read and well educated, capable of conversing on a variety of topics, especially in philosophy, politics, literature, and some areas of scholarly pursuit; cultured, has refined manners and is well-versed in all aspects of society; sexually trained, experienced with a variety of sexual activities.

Training: A fully trained member of the Sek'tir'am, a caste in the Nar'ket caste system which trains its members as escort slaves.


Previous Owners: Unkown.

Previous Usage(s): Trained as an escort.

Previous status: Member of the Sek'tir'am caste.

For Rent or to Own: For rent.

Cost: 28Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Evenings, EST.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Well-written, skilled roleplay. I enjoy sexual scenes, but I do not enjoy purely sexual RP without any context.

What are your allowances for your character: See my f-list, or talk to me in whispers.

Long Term/Short Term: Short-term, possibly long-term

General Information

Character Description: A tall, muscular creature. His warm flesh was a tan color with dark markings and some bony plates, giving him a hard look, like a rock. He had strong, chiseled features and sharp, golden eyes. Pointed ears and a pair of slender horns swept back, holding his long, deep brown hair back. He wore an elaborate loincloth of dyed fabrics but his only other decoration was bronze jewelry, two rings piercing his left ear and a twisted bronze band around his neck.

Website: Site

Images: Reference

Contact Details: Furcadia whispers, f-chat.

Notes: whisper friendly and always seeking RP, but I prefer to be whispered at OOCly before beginning an RP
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