Avena - Unowned

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Avena - Unowned

Post by Avena »

Full Name: Avena

Nickname: V or Vena

Name on Identification: Avena

Age: Looks 22 years of ages, really over 2000

Gender: Female

Species: Deity/Shifter

Sub Species/Breed: Golden Malayan Tiger, whatever else she wants to be.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Well toned, Slender waist line with curvaceous bust and hip line

Physical Details: Blood red hair - medium length with natural beach waves, Ocean Blue eyes. When in human form her skin is slightly tanned with faint tiger marking like birthmarks, when feral or anthro her coat is the regular golden characteristic. he also has wings the shape of a barn swallows and tail feathers around the base of her tail.
https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6225/7029 ... 4026_z.jpg<-- golden tiger color

Physical Markings: Tiger stripes

Physical Drawbacks: Light coat keeps her cool in the heat but when it gets cold outside she get cold easily. Used to tropical and rainforest like weather.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Can create and manipulate all four natural elements. Uses these in only crafting, defense, or if needed in a specific situation.

Appealing Attributes: Vena will not age she is forever stuck the way she is now. Has had over 2000 years to master the skills of botany as well a pleasuring whether it be sexual or sensual. Can radiate like the sun and emit a warmth euphoric feeling into ones body.

Clothing: Wears nothing in feral form but when Anthro or Human she enjoys fine silks and cottons or even laces. Sometimes prefers to go commando.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Spiders, Clowns, Lots of fire

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Well behaved and mannered, always well groomed and ready for presentation even at a moments notice.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Fine with either one of them.

Overall Attitude: Gentle and courteous, often kind hearted and calm.

Quirks: none as of yet

Hobbies / Interests: Botany, can grow anything from carrots to the pickiest of marijuana plants.

High or Low Maintenance: High, though she doesnt mind getting dirty she must clean her self after whatever she is doing is finished.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, fancies fish and game animals more than Chicken, Pork, or Beef.


Language(s) Spoken: English, open to learning more

Can they Read / Write:Can do both

Can your character produce magic: Has the powers and nurturing abilities of mother nature.

Talents / Skills: Gardening, Medicine, Herbal remedies.

Training: Basic house slave training classes on botany.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Companion

Previous status: Freeperson

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: 20 gold to rent or 280 gold to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Everyday, PST - online for 2-5hrs

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character developement, companionship, and to just have fun.

What are your allowances for your character: Will do anything but rps that involve fecal matter or urine, heavy bondage, rape, murder, racism.

Long Term/Short Term: Preferably Long term.

General Information

Character Description: A golden gem, the definition of exotic. She was a lighter coloration compared to the rest of her kind. Gold replaced orange and chocolate took over black. Described as the essence of pure beauty, The tiger was just as rare as the next but with a few slight differences. Wings graced her shoulder blades while tail feathers clung to her rump around her tail. The form of a god in the body of a feline. She was the guardian of her jungle and the hope of her people

Website: http://www.rprepository.com/c/avena

Images: on site

Contact Details: Whisper Avena or Defense

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