Cecil - Rent-to-own

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Cecil - Rent-to-own

Post by cecil »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Christopher Cecil Johnson

Nickname: Cecil

Name on Identification: Cecil Johnson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Rodent

Sub Species/Breed: Gerbil/kangaroo mouse

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe

Physical Details:
Hair: Black and purple
Fur/Skin: Cream in complexion
Eyes: Haunting silver
Tail: Long, slender. A tuft of Black and purple hair at the end.

Physical Markings: None

Physical Drawbacks: Blind

Current Infliction(s): Upon arrival to the island the medical staff took note of evidence of abuse, and neglect prior to the slave being signed over into their custody.
Multiple bruises upon his face, arms, torso, stomach, legs, back. Evidence of malnutrition, neglect and abuse. All long term. The slave refuses to give us a straight answer as to if the abuse he has endured was the cost of losing his sight

Physical Defenses: Fingernails, sharp teeth, and toenails

Appealing Attributes: Slave is young, aswell as exotic in breed when it comes to the tropical islands of Guilderium

Clothing: Slave has been given a pair of simple trousers, and sleeveless top. The slave's attire was taken to be washed and put up until further instructions were given on what to do with the slightly feminine style of clothing.

Other Items: At this time, the slave has no personal items.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Fire

Disorders: No known disorders

How do they present themselves: Calm, collected and kind. Always willing to listen, and offer some type of assistance.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Accepting of his fate.

Overall Attitude: Timid, shy and withdrawn

Quirks: Fidgets with his tail when nervous.

Hobbies / Interests:
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, playing harp and flute.
Interests: Art, and poetry.

High or Low Maintenance: Slave is medium maintenance.

Diet / Allergies: Slave has no known allergies, and seems to accept anything edible given to him.


Language(s) Spoken: English/common

Can they Read / Write:
Read: braille
Write: No

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills:
*Live stock, and animal care

*Domestic household chores
*Basic slave ettiquette
*Pleasure - Both male and female.


Previous Owners: Sophie Jackson(NPC)

Previous Usage(s): Punching bag, Torture victim, general prisoner.

Previous status: peasant

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-own

1 Night Rental 5Image
To Own 50Image or 5Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I work Wed-Sat. I am available anytime Sun-Mon. Available from 9am EST-10pm EST on Tuesdays

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Cecil needs a strict owner, his previous Mistress was a sick, and twisted woman. Every bit the sadist, she enjoyed beating, abusing, and torturing Cecil. The abuse, and neglect has left him with severe trust issues when it comes to those outside of the pens. I am looking for someone who is interested in a long-term commitment, and who would broaden Cecil's training, and help me flesh him out as a character as a whole.

What are your allowances for your character: NC with exception of death, and for fuck sake don't use him as a god damn toilet. Scat/Watersports are negotiable, but if you plan to have him used as a toilet..yeah not going to happen.

Long Term/Short Term: Both, long term is preferred

General Information

Character Description: These burdened eyes that saw the fire, they see no more. Now burnt and tired. It lay in ruin, my ashy waste. This time, this life..the firey lace. But look! Charred wood shines in the light, and what a sad joke to one without sight. (Bi)(Unowned)

Website: STC


Contact Details: Whisper Cecil Johnson in game

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