Luno Vulpes - Unowned

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Luno Vulpes - Unowned

Post by lunovulpes »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Luno Vulpes

Nickname: Luno

Name on Identification: Luno Vulpes

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Red Fox

Sub Species/Breed: N/a

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Luno is very slender when a feminine curve.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) Luno is a stereotype red fox with short maroon hair that swoops off to the right side of his face. His eyes are an emerald green with long eyelashes. His appearance all around is very feminine from his cocky side smile to the way he sits with his long tail behind him.

Physical Markings: His markings are that of a stereotype Red fox except for a single strip on his eye beneath the black tip, and in the white of his tail.

Physical Drawbacks: Luno bears limited muscle. His body is lean and starved.

Current Infliction(s): He has no physical inflictions, but a past abusive master has left his tongue sharp. He doesn't trust people easily.

Physical Defenses: (If any.) None

Appealing Attributes: Luno is very beautiful. If one wasn't looking close they would swear him to be a woman. His long eyelashes sharpen his eyes, and his physical nature is streamlined. He often drapes his tail over himself as he sprawls across whereever he sits.

Clothing: The clothing is simple due to being unowned and unspoiled. He has black pants that hang on him loosely, and a torn off white shirt that often reveals his mid section.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.) None


Feral or Cultured: He knows how to be cultured, but often to pretends to be feral to ward away unwanted people.

Phobias: He has a general phobia of being touched in anyway. Permission is always needed to lay your hands of him.

Disorders: He is extremely narcissistic leading to disobedience.

How do they present themselves: He knows he is attractive and often presents himself as an easy subject, but will turn on the master very easily.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He hates it.

Overall Attitude: Luno is very flirtatious, and knows the system fairly well. There are many chances that he will try to run if the opportunity arises. He is will be very nice to other slaves, but masters have to watch their backs.

Quirks: He shifts his opinion a lot. One minute he will spit in your face and call you name, next he will be begging for attention.

Hobbies / Interests: Luno enjoys art, especially painting. He often is rented out to just paint rooms in people's homes.

High or Low Maintenance: Very high maintenance.

Diet / Allergies: A past master decided to starve him out, so he will often not eat.


Language(s) Spoken: English

Can they Read / Write: Yes. He struggles with anything too complex, but basic reading is known.

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.) No

Talents / Skills: Painting and Dancing. If treated correctly, and bribed, he is a very good servant as well.

Training: Luno has spent his entire life in Slavery, and learned everything there is to know about being a servant from a Duchess before she passed away from bad health.


Previous Owners: (If known.) He grew up in a house of a Duchess before she passed away. He was then bought by an abusive Duke who beat and starved him. Luno ripped off his ear before he was put back onto the market.

Previous Usage(s): Servant

Previous status: Servant

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.) 5 to Rent. Must have at least 5 rents before purchase can be made at an addition 20 gold.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Evenings Central time

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Good Story. I am not looking for a sexual RP unless the RP leads to that moment.

What are your allowances for your character: Luno is a servant before all else. He is not a nice slave. If you are looking for something simple this is not the character. I will also not allow abuse (physical or sexual) of my character.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: Luno is a very beautiful creature. His slim physically features are shown through the cut of shirt around his stomach. But don't let his beauty fool you. His tongue is sharp, and his emerald eyes leer in your direction. His tail drapes around his waist as he sits, and smirks letting his maroon hair fall onto his face.

Website: N/a


Contact Details: Whisper is best. If we go for Long Term I can give you my skype

Notes: Serious RPers only please.
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