
Records of slaves, merchant sales, and anything that can be done IC on record will be posted here.

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Post by Toxicenvy »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Desta

Nickname: Dust

Name on Identification: Dust

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Canine

Sub Species/Breed: African Wild Dog AKA Painted Dog

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Tall and skinny. Some muscle, but not too much. Practically flat chested, but small firm and round butt.

Height: 6'0"

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) Hair is dreadlocks in a mohawk fashion. Starts black and gets lighter until eventually blond. Dark amber eyes. Black skin and gums but pink skin near stomach and genitalia.

Physical Markings: None

Physical Drawbacks: Being female, she is not as strong as most males.

Current Infliction(s): None to speak of.

Physical Defenses: Claws and teeth.

Appealing Attributes: Foreign and mysterious.

Clothing: None. Occasional rag to cover bottom.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Tribal

Phobias: Slavers.

Disorders: None to speak of.

How do they present themselves: Shy and cautious, but willing to do most commands from fear. Responds better from fear.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Visual dislike for both.

Overall Attitude: Shy and cautious are the best words to describe her. She does not talk much due to her lack of understanding. Very frightful but occasionally fiery.

Quirks: Has a deep east African accent.

Hobbies / Interests: None displayed

High or Low Maintenance: Middle.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore


Language(s) Spoken: East African tribal language, Swahili(for trade), and broken common.

Can they Read / Write: Neither.

Can your character produce magic: None at all.

Talents / Skills: Menial tasks and labor.

Training: None


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Free woman of Africa

For Rent or to Own: Both. Rent to own.

Cost:10 to rent 150 to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I try to be on every day at various hours. I work a full time job though and usually work nights.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'm pretty NC, but some one that can use her to her full potential would be lovely.

What are your allowances for your character: Almost NC. Just ask if you are unsure. And please ask before making any drastic changes.

Long Term/Short Term: Both.

General Information

Character Description: Pending.

Website: None yet.

Notes:Mostly NC. Just ask before any major changes to her character.

Images: Image
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