Knephili - unowned slave.

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Knephili - unowned slave.

Post by Knephili »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Knephili neh-filly Baioumi
Nickname: Kneph, Phili.
Name on Identification: Knephili
Age: Thirty.
Gender: Female.
Species: Human.
Sub Species/Breed: Lioness.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender, lean and toned with a very prominent hourglass figure.
Physical Details:

Height: 5'10" - her legs go on for days.
Weight: 65kgs.
Skin tone: She's covered in short, soft milk chocolate coloured fur. Her flesh is a lovely medium tan colour.
Hair colour/style: Golden brown that's ombre with honey blonde. Her hair falls to her lower back and is all swept over to the right side.
Eye colour: Soft aqua.
• Two golden hoops in her right nostril.
• Several piercings in her left ear.
• Five on her right.

Physical Markings:
• She has a white lace tattoo that wraps around her left arm down before going down to her hand to look like a glove. arm piece looks something like this and the glove like this. The tattoos are there to hide the damage she's caused herself throughout the years.

Distinct features:
• She has a beauty spot just above her cupids bow.
• She has a small cluster of light freckles just above her breasts in the middle of her chest as well as some on her shoulders. She finds them horrible even though they're not visible unless you're really paying attention or she's been in the sun for far too long.

Physical Drawbacks:
• There're scars on her arms and thighs from back in the day when she used to self inflict.

Current Infliction(s):
• Rope burns on her ankles, wrists and around her neck.

Physical Defenses: N/A

Appealing Attributes:
• She has legs that go on for days.
• She has a perfect hourglass figure.
• Long, thick hair.
• Big, doll-like eyes framed with long lashes.

This is her attire, however rather than being purple, hers are all different shades of aquamarine.

Other Items:
A necklace her mother gave her for her eighteenth birthday.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.
• Agoraphobia - It's the specific anxiety about being in a place or situation where escape is difficult or embarrassing or where help may be unavailable.
• Androphobia - the fear of men.
• Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse



Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common, chronic disorder characterized by long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any one object or situation. Those suffering from generalized anxiety disorder experience non-specific persistent fear and worry, and become overly concerned with everyday matters.

Separation Anxiety:

Separation anxiety disorder is the feeling of excessive and inappropriate levels of anxiety over being separated from a person or place. This only really occurs when Knephili's partner is gone for long periods of time.

Panic Disorder:

With panic disorder, Knephili suffers from brief attacks of intense terror and apprehension, often marked by trembling, shaking, confusion, dizziness, nausea, and/or difficulty breathing. Attacks can be triggered by stress, fear, or even exercise; the specific cause is not always apparent.

Intermittent explosive disorder:

Intermittent explosive disorder is a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand. Impulsive aggression is unpremeditated, and is defined by a disproportionate reaction to any provocation, real or perceived. In Knephili's case, her explosive episodes can come straight after or during a PTSD attack. It can also happen when someone approaches her without announcing ones presence - if someone is to grab her or touch her in anyway she'll lash out.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that results from a traumatic experience. Post-traumatic stress can result from an extreme situation, such as combat, natural disaster, rape, hostage situations, child abuse, bullying, or even a serious accident. Knephili developed PTSD because of her abusive upbringing and now, whenever she sees blood (even if it's the smallest amount), it triggers a horrific episode that can last from a few minutes up to a few hours.

How do they present themselves:
Very quiet and reserved - she's often sitting off to the back corner of the pen with her hands in her lap and her eyes downcast.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
She hates it.

Overall Attitude:
A quiet, reserved young woman who, although seems unapproachable and disobedient, will be as loyal as a lap dog (so long as you aren't a man). She doesn't want to be a slave, not after having been a slave for her previous lover who threw her to the ditch when she wouldn't open herself up, but because she can't escape what now is her life, she's willing to learn what she needs to to get by. But, if you are a man, she'll be even more obedient in fear of being beaten and abused the same way her father once treated her mother. She'll steer clear of you as much as possible and will only really approach or speak if forced to.

• Scratching at her wrists.
• When stressed, she'll pull out a strand of her hair and bite at the follicles on the end.

Hobbies / Interests:
• Gardening.
• Cooking.
• Reading and writing.
• Swimming.
• Charcoal painting.

High or Low Maintenance:
Most likely high maintenance due to her mental afflictions.

Diet / Allergies:


Language(s) Spoken:
Nobiin and English. She can speak a little German too.
Can they Read / Write:
Yes - both Nobiin and English.
Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills:
• Gardening
• Cooking
• Babysitting
• Cleaning
• Playing the Harp
• Singing

• Knephili is a highly trained handmaiden.
• Trained in general house duties (comes mainly from common knowledge)
• Musical training - she's played the Harp and has been singing since she was five.


Previous Owners:
Previous Usage(s):
Previous status:
For Rent or to Own:
Rent but, for the right price, you can own her.
25 gold to rent
300 to own.

OOC Info/Notes

I'm in the GMT+10 timezone, but am usually up 'til all hours of the night so will more than likely catch a lot of people online.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
For Knephili, I'm looking for someone who is willing to take the broken young woman under her wing, train her more skills that a slave might need and to give her a chance at a relatively normal life (well, as normal as a slave's life can be.) I would preferably like a woman to buy her as a handmaiden or as a general house maid. It'd be nice if this person was willing to try and draw Knephili out of her shell.

If a man, I want someone who is the polar opposite of how she views men - someone who'll be confused and hurt because of her avoidance and fear of him. Maybe someone who's trying to show her that not all men are as abusive and horrible as her father? Or I'd like someone who is the embodiment of everything Knephili is scared of in a man - someone who will abuse her if she does something wrong - maybe even sexually abuses her too - and is very strict, controlling, etc.

What are your allowances for your character:
I will allow most things (this is all up for discussion and whatnot between me and the other person), but nothing fatal (no death, no ongoing mental damage).

Long Term/Short Term:
Both (: I'd love for short term rents to happen as well as for Knephili to develop long term relationships (friends, enemies, a new lover, etc).

General Information

Character Description:


none yet but an artist has been commissioned. (her closest reference is shay mitchell)

Contact Details:
Whisper me on Knephili or on Gadya. I also have skype/aim which I will give to you if requested.
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