Maud's Papers

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Maud's Papers

Post by Aetherna »

Maud Peyton

Basic Information

Full Name: Maud Peyton

Nickname: Mad, Maub, Pey

Name on Identification: Maud Peyton

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Lapine

Sub Species/Breed: Holland Lop

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slim

Physical Details: Indigo hair, suspected dyed; irises are white with black schlera; cream fur, white markings. Notch in left eyebrow.

Physical Markings: White forehead and nose, white patch on chest, white patch near lower abdomen, white tail

Physical Drawbacks: Being slim and around 130 lbs, Maud is clearly not very strong and is frail in terms of combat while collared.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Strong teeth, though these are not usually weapons, and talon-like nails.

Appealing Attributes: Slim, slightly exotic look with the eyes, well groomed, subservient nature

Clothing: General peasant fashion clothing

Other Items: Silver collar with runes etched into it to suppress her abilities


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Being abandoned

Disorders: Inferiority complex

How do they present themselves: However she thinks will best please her master/mistress

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She's eager for such a thing, although if it were up to her she'd rather be trained well first.

Overall Attitude: Slightly manipulative, submissive, slightly dependent, and a bit feisty when riled up.

Quirks: When she's lying her right eye twitches.

Hobbies / Interests: She enjoys grooming herself, and when she isn't posing for onlookers, she grooms herself thoroughly.

High or Low Maintenance: Low-medium maintenance. She can be left alone with food and water and expected to take care of herself, and she knows some basic tasks, but she does crave contact.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: Not magic, but she does have 'powers', and these have been suppressed with rune magic on a silver collar. These include empathy and reactive evolution.

Talents / Skills: She is uncommonly good at tiny origami.

Training: Next to none outside of extensive etiquette and submissive training to refine her personality to that of a proper slave.


Previous Owners: Three, now deceased.

Previous Usage(s): Companionship, training.

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:

Cost: 10 gold to rent, contact to buy.

OOC Info/Notes


What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Training, fun, memories.

What are your allowances for your character: I am not particularily against anything, it's easier if you ask about the thing you want.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character description:
> The real question is...
Black schlera, wide smile, and well-groomed fur. Not yet clad in silks, but she will be soon, she hopes. A collar rings her neck.
what motivates a well-behaved slave? Fear... or something else?
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