Shinji Yoshida - Unnowned

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Shinji Yoshida - Unnowned

Post by FlaringDog »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Shinji Yoshida


Name on Identification:




Sub Species/Breed:

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Athletic; svelte.

Physical Details:
A rather tall man considering his supposed origin; upright, the slave stands a fine six-foot-one. Straight hair reaches down to the margins of his collarbone, pitch-black in colour with little requirement of grooming. Has eyes closed at all times; the slave refuses to open them even at an direct order, to which he replied "Can't stand the light." Fair complexion, leaning towards yellow skin pigmentation. The slave has two oddities in need of addressing, namely the colouration and texture of his teeth and nails. Both teeth, finger- as well as toenails appear to be coated in a dark metal of some kind, assumed to be darkened steel by the looks of it.

Physical Markings:
A large, kite-like scar stretches from one shoulder blade to the next, dipping low from the nape to the small of his back, stretched wide as a kite. By the wavy pattern we assume he acquired it through a severe burn of some kind.

Physical Drawbacks:
With the slave refusing to open his eyes, he's either blind or overly sensitive to light. He doesn't appear impaired too badly by this handicap; his sense of sound localisation functions beyond the norm (he made mention of someone nearing long before we heard footsteps), and his equilibrium is stable and smooth when he walks. We were even rather surprised to see he managed to keep himself from colliding with several objects in his path; while he touched them, his reflexes are superb.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:

Appealing Attributes:
Looks younger than his given age. Facial features are symmetrical and round, soft cheekbones and a narrow, flat nose. Rather full lips for a man. By the looks of things we assume he has almond-shaped eyes, though we can't say for certain. No second eyelid, however, as most Asian people tend to exhibit. Other than the large blemish on his back his skin looks well taken care of; no visible birth marks, nor scarring found anywhere other than on his back.

Sports a worn, maroon-tinted hakama. The slave has a tattered, crimson shirt with him that he seemingly prefers wearing around the waist instead of over the shoulders. Whether he wants to make an example out of his own scar we don't know. When asked if he could wear it normally he simply replies with "Too hot."

Other Items:


Feral or Cultured:


Slave seems to exhibit signs of an eating disorder; so far none of the meals we've offered have stayed down for very long. Whether he's ill or just badly accustomed to the nutriment of the island we hope to figure out soon enough. It's come to our attention that this particular slave eats humanoid meat, and humanoid meat only.

How do they present themselves:
He comes of as aloof and distant. Though, considering the man had a lengthy travel across sea behind him not too long ago we don't blame him. We just hope he'll end up presenting himself more energized after he's cleaned and thoroughly searched.

Feelings towards being owned/rented:
"Renting only," he told us. Awful direct while most of his replies so far have been detached.

Overall Attitude:
Needs some polishing; if he wants to stay with us for a while his remote attitude needs to be addressed upcoming period. He speaks formal enough even if, at times, overly so to the point of parody. He slipped in sarcasm time to time while we questioned him. However, a quick rectification on etiquette put change in that. He can come across as awful restless at times as well.

Tends to "stare" at us while we speak; rather unnerving if I do say so myself. Other than that the slave seems incapable of sitting still for too long.

Hobbies / Interests:
He just grunted at us at this point. The prick.

High or Low Maintenance:
Low maintenance, by the looks of things. He doesn't strike either of us as the type that seeks the help of others. Just mentioning it made him seem a bit more tense in his seat. (Note: Slave is proud.)

Diet / Allergies:
The slave mumbled something about "raw meat," though the latter neither of us really caught.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common. We have a suspicion he knows more than mere Common, though he refuses to budge when we prod him about it.

Can they Read / Write:

Can he/she produce magic:
When my fellow guard inspected his back, well... let's just say I've never seen the man in such cold sweat as now. I refrained from catching a good glimpse of it myself, so we've fitted him with magic-nullifying shackles as a precaution. It might just be nothing, however.

Talents / Skills:
Seeing the slave refuses to cooperate any further, we'll simply fill this in another time. At the second "interview" the slave made mention he used to run his own forge as a blacksmith after multiple mentions came to our attention; it seems the man used to work here on this very same island nearly a year ago. Funny how people change.

Slave needs to be trained in etiquette for the time being. After that we can focus on more specific skills, such as manual labour, and perhaps in the skills of a gladiator. He certainly seems to have a few cards up his sleeve by the way he handles himself despite aforementioned handicap.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Someone made mention to have seen the man in the forge several times. However, when we ask him about it he simply grunts at us. We know for certain now that this slave used to be a free man that ran his own business as a blacksmith.

For Rent or to Own:
For Rent only.

At four gold, seeing the large scar on his back and his poor manners, he'll likely be one of the cheaper (if not cheapest) slaves up for rent in the pens, or at least for a while.

OOC Info/Notes

Mostly late in the morning (FST).

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver roleplay:
Right now I'm looking for people who are interested on using him as either a bodyguard (Funny, I know! Seeing he poses as being blind and all that), or as a gladiator in the arena to make coin at the behalf of his renter. Depending on circumstance one might buy to own. I would like to add, however, that my character chose to become a slave at his own freewill. There might come a time when he seeks to escape.

What are your allowances for your character:
I am a no-limits kind of guy. Do know that my character is his own person, and will object towards certain matters either verbally, or physically; to him, being a slave be damned when lines get crossed.

Long Term/Short Term:
Right now I like to find someone interested in fitting him with a new purpose. I rather not plan too far ahead; I prefer a natural flow in advancements of plots. So please, if you have something in mind for my character, feel free to let me know so we can get the ball rolling. I'll try to be open minded whenever I can.

General Information


Spoiler! "Image"

Contact Details:
Furcadia; Gaueko

Nearly everything you have read above has been a lie. Most IC information is fabricated so he may blend in easier. Also, if it wasn't clear, this document has been filled in from an IC perspective, by a NPC guard who I'm gonna call Ted. Ted the guard.
❝...Don't stare for too long now.❞
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