Nathaniel 'Oso' Dominguez -UnOwned

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Nathaniel 'Oso' Dominguez -UnOwned

Post by Oso »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Nathaniel 'Oso' Dominguez

Nickname: Oso and/or Nathan

Name on Identification: Nathaniel

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Ursine

Sub Species/Breed: Black Bear

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Toned & Fit With A Bit Of Body Fat.

Physical Details: No Hair Only Fur, Blue Eyes, Black Fur with Light Brown Fur Around Snout & Above Eyes.

Appealing Attributes: Nathaniel's Spanish Accent & Native Language

Clothing: The Ursine wears no shirt, since the fabric always seems to bother him and cause him to get uncomfortably warm, but he does wear soft thin fabric pants to cover his lower parts.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Fear Of Needles. Fear Of Dying. Fear Of Choking.

How do they present themselves: Nathaniel presents himself properly in the presence of all eyes, he is calm & collected. Nathaniel stands behind his Owner as a symbol of perfect slave breeding. The Ursine believes the be representation of his Owner is best said through his own actions & words, so he would never blunder for it would be an insult towards his Owner in the sight of others. Nathaniel stands tall with confidence and assurance that he can amount to infinite amount of possibilities if utilized properly by his Owner.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Nathaniel is born to serve, it fulfills a large part of himself to give another everything they wished for, their praise, their heart, their adoration through tasks alone. Nathaniel is highly adaptable to any Owner & will learn to pick up cues without a single word being uttered.

Overall Attitude: Calm, Attentive, Intelligent, & Witty.

Quirks: Often mixes his Spanish words within his English sentences.

High or Low Maintenance: High Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Strictly Drink Water (Besides The Occasional Alcohol) & prefers to eat one or two proteins with a melody of vegetables every meal with a fruit at the end for added vitamins.


Language(s) Spoken: Spanish, French, & English.

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Has Children Experience, Has Bartending Experience, Has Technological Experience, Has Fighting Experience, Has Cooking Skills, Has Basic Household Skills, Has Hunting Skills, Is Genuinely a Jack Of All Trades.


Previous Owners: N/A

Previous Usage(s): N/A

Previous status: N/A

For Rent or to Own: Only For Being Owned~ Will not be Rented.

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: At Nights Mostly but Sometimes During the Day.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Uniqueness. Someone that can utilize my potential through tasks other than carnal needs. I am to be an appendage of my Owner, I am able to amount to more needs than those of the flesh. Someone imaginative, that can challenge me to become the best I can be. I would like someone that isn't afraid or intimidated by intelligence and find that aspect of their slave, appealing. (Gender Preference: Shemales, Herms, Females, & Trans.)

Long Term/Short Term: Depends On The Owner.

General Information

Character Description: Nathaniel is a 270 lb Black Bear, standing 6'0 ft tall, he has piercing blue eyes that glow during the night time and shimmer during the day, his jet black fur glistened under moonlight & sunlight, the brown patches of fur around his snout and just above his eyes, that make it look like he has eyebrows, make his eyes pop out even more. The Ursine's build was better than most of his species, a stronger built than most with a slight tummy but with feint signs of a six pack, his fur was also thicker than most Ursines and extremely soft. Nathaniel prides himself on personal looks and hygiene but doesn't mean he is a 'clean freak' either, he must shower at least twice a day so that his testosterone filled musk does not over power the minds of those around him, but he will skip a shower or two at the request of his Owner.

Website: N/A

Images: Nathaniel 'Oso' Dominguez

Contact Details: N/A

Notes: My Gender Preference For An Owner Would Be (Female, Trans, Shemale, or Herm.)
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