
Records of slaves, merchant sales, and anything that can be done IC on record will be posted here.

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Post by Thermador »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Aaros

Nickname: Thermadoor

Name on Identification: Aaros Thermador

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Black Hare

Sub Species/Breed: Monster Breed

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Only slightly toned, not physically strong but agile and coordinated

Physical Details: Dim Emerald Eyes that glow slightly in the dark and long, silky Fog colored hair.

Physical Markings: Pale Fog markings along his hands and feet, the tips of his ears, bottom of his tail, along his muzzle and down the center of his body.

Physical Drawbacks: Doesn’t show facial emotions, slim frame, cant swim

Current Infliction(s): Damaged right arm, not broken and is healing.

Physical Defenses: Dull Claws and Canine teeth, can call spirits when bleeding.

Appealing Attributes: Attractive smelling blood that draws creatures that can smell it, slim frame

Clothing: Worn grey cloth shirt, worn black cloth trousers, belt and coat taken to be given to the owner.


Feral or Cultured: More on the cultured side

Phobias: Dragons, humans and deep water

Disorders: Slight paranoia when around large groups

How do they present themselves: Very well-mannered and proper, timid, withdrawn

Feelings towards being owned / rented: uneasy. It takes a while to get him to trust someone.

Overall Attitude: calm and collected, always learning and given time will do anything for the ones he trusts.

Quirks: Can speak to spirits of nature and the dead, can summon demons through rituals.

Hobbies / Interests: potion craft, cooking and cleaning... nothing like a clean home and well cooked meal!

High or Low Maintenance: very low

Diet / Allergies: Doesn’t like alcohol


Language(s) Spoken: Common, feral monster

Can they Read / Write: Both very well

Can your character produce magic: Yes but does not know how, requires teaching and training.

Talents / Skills:
-Cleaning, very high! Easily able to make a pigsty into a spotless room you could eat off of... or he can.
-Cooking, moderate. Therm can cook almost anything he is taught, specializes in meaty feasts and soups
-Violin, low-moderate. Therm has learned how to play, but only a few songs

Training: No slave training outside of capture.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Again none

Previous status: Escaped and free till 1/10/15

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own

Cost: 6g per rental

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Mostly available during the week, less on weekends

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Those that can train him, teach him, improve his skills, make good use of said skills and progress story. its been a while sense he has been in cages so I would like him to not be freed from slavery for a while.

What are your allowances for your character: Consent must be given for body augmentation or mutilation

Long Term/Short Term: Short terms allowed but long terms adored

General Information

Character Description: Nothing spells Warlock like the smell of old tomes and herbal medicine, this little black rabbit carries both! With a thick bag resting upon his back filled with scrolls and books, touted around along with the soft clatter of bottles rattling about his belt making his profession rather apparent to any within sight or smell. [Whisper for attention first please]


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