Crux Natsume - Unowned

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Crux Natsume - Unowned

Post by CruxNatsume »

Slave Form

Basic Info

Name: Crux Natsume
Gender: Male
Name on ID: Natsume
Age: Unknown
Species: Maned Wolf / Panda German Shepherd Mix

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Somewhat slender but muscular

Physical Details: Has a unique fur color; a black saddle with orange markings that run down his front and hind legs where it blends to a white. But the orange color also comes around the side of his head up to his ears where it blends into black. Has a white muzzle with a few black spots, along with a solid white chest and belly. The tips of his ears, paws and tail are white in color.

Physical Markings: A few scars

Physical Drawbacks: Has a bad left knee that bothers him at times

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Just the basic ones like teeth and claws.

Appealing Attributes: Ice blue eyes that are almost white in appearance.

Clothing: A old pair of deer skin pants that have been patched together a few times. Doesn’t like to wear shoes or anything upon his feet. His paws are bandaged up with old animal skin strips. Has a decorated armband on his one upper arm.

Other Items: An old leather pouch that contains some herbs for medical treatment in it. A leather necklace with an old native american charm hanging from it.


Feral or Cultured?: For the most part cultured

Phobias:Abandonment, Serve Storms

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Most of the time submissive, pleasant and polite, it all depends on how he is approached. Doesn’t react well to attitude. I
Feelings towards being owned: Not sure what to make of it. Thinks it’s the only way he has left to live anymore.

Overall Attitude: Loyal to those he can respect. Reckless at times, doesn’t put much value into himself. Rough around the edges but friendly when he gets to know someone.

Quirks: Chews on things when he is nervous. Tends to hide under things during thunder storms.

Hobbies/Interests: Likes being out on the water, loves to cook. Wants to learn more about the stars and space. Loves being outdoors

High or Low Maintenance: Usually low maintenance.

Diet/Allergies: Allergic to seafoods. His usual diet is light on meats, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Orientation: Bisexual, male preference.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Sun, Beaches, Soft fabrics, Sweets, Autumn
Dislikes: Storms, the cold, being stuck indoors


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read/Write: Not Well

Can they produce magic: Animating

Talents/Skills: Cooking, Survival Skills, Herbology, Hunting

Training: Harem Dancing; None

Other: Shifting to canine form.

Previous Owner(s): None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: N/A

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-own
Cost: 10g to rent. 4 rentals minimum for those I have not RPed with or know personally.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Weekdays are best. Weekends are Sketchy

What are you looking for in RP: Good stories and character development on both parties

Long Term/Short Term: Any RP is good RP

No-Show Rule: If we have a story going and I don't hear from you or get a message form you, after one week my character must move on.

Contact Details: PM here or on Furcadia

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