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Post by Spartus »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Abaddon Spartus

Nickname: Spartus

Name on Identification: Spartus

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Canis dirus

Sub Species/Breed: Northern Mountain

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Large, muscular.

Physical Details: Spartus is a towering mass of muscle and fur… a beast that looks like a wolf but much more fierce and larger in size. If this feral beast were to stand upon his hind paws, he would stand close to six feet tall and weighs almost two hundred pounds. Even though he looks like a timber wolf, there is much more to this massive beast. There very solid muscular body in which the thick plush long fur hides the ripples from the muscles. It was as if this wolf was built to be a battering ram. There is nothing small upon this wolf from the large head upon his neck down to the paws that seem to those of a monster with their size.

When it comes down to his coat of fur, it’s a rather unique one. With it’s deep green markings that will change color to gray in colder months to allow him to blend in better with the snowy landscape. Along his muzzle down to the underside of his tail is white with shades of silver but between the white and green are sections of a bluish silver color that only accent that beautiful forest green markings.

Physical Markings: Has two large scars both jagged in appearance and both on his left side. The first runs across his shoulder and the second runs along his hind quarter. Earned in a battle with pack leader. Spartus also has deep green markings that turn gray in the colder months and back to the green in the warmer months.

Physical Drawbacks: None

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Typical Wolf defenses.

Appealing Attributes: His eyes are almost like a pure silver in color, bright like the moon in the sky. Spartus' large muscular form can be thought of as appealing. His large ears and paws tend to draw attention to his form leaving many to wonder what else large when it comes to this wolf.

Clothing: Just a thick leather collar used to lead him around by.

Other Items: There is an old leather necklace that is rather valuable to him. The brown animal hide appears rather old and in the center of the necklace is an old Native American bone carving of an owl and there is an old wolf claw hanging beside it. This is a very precious object to Spartus and they hold a deep meaning to him.


Feral or Cultured: Sadly for the most part Spartus is a feral wolf but he has the ability and brains to be turned into a cultured beast.

Phobias: Deep water.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves:

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Rather turned off by the idea of being rented and owned... it's a major blow to his pride and ego. He cannot even think of the mere thought of it without feeling sick to his stomach.

Overall Attitude: Spartus has two sides, one which he shows outside, and other he hides deep inside him. His behavior also depends highly on what kind of a company he has. This wolf might seem distant, cold, harsh and mean, and not interested about other wolves lives. It's very, very hard and slow process to gain Spartus' trust, and it takes much patience and flattery to get him like you. Sometimes to get Spartus accept you it's just enough that you proof him that you are quite the same as he is: independent, strong in mind and body, determined with goals to reach and clear minded. Spartus questions everything, seeking new knowledge about everything. But still, doesn't seem to after all know much about himself...

Usually Spartus hides his emotions deep inside him, showing outside only some negative or minor ones. It's hard to break ice from this wolfs heart, and even harder to get a honest, happy laugh. Spartus thinks that he has everything okay in his mind, that he has control over things and himself, when actually Spartus doesn't know much about himself. He doesn't know what makes him happy, hasn't experienced nice company or fun times. And he hasn't has actually nice friends who care about him, and Spartus thinks that he doesn't need them.

Won't eat a piece food if its touching a different type of food
Can talk but refuses to
Regularly looks up at the sky to check the position of the sun/moon

Hobbies / Interests:
Watching others
Learning more about different subjects

High or Low Maintenance: Falls in the middle, all depends on what trouble he got himself into or what his mood is

Diet / Allergies: Mostly a meat eater, eats some fruits and vegetables. Cannot eat grapes or dairy products.


Language(s) Spoken: Can speak and understand common language.

Can they Read / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: Poison Magic - capable of freely producing and manipulating poison, manifested in the form of a toxic gas. Said gas seems to be "tangible", and can thus be used as an effective blunt weapon, inflicting physical damage to foes while at the same time infecting them. Allows has the ability to take another type of poison that is not his own to restore their body's health and regain strength.

Can shift to an anthro form when he feels like it but refuses to because of the bad memories from being an anthro many years ago.

Talents / Skills:
Skills - Hunting and tracking. Limited fighting skills.

Talents - None currently.

Training: At the moment this beast is untrained but seems like he has the ability to be trained and be a rather good slave.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: None

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own

Cost: Rent - 5 Gold Own - Up to the handler.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Random times through the day.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'm pretty much up for anything within limits on somethings. I would like something that is at least a paragraph in length. I am not the most advanced roleplayer so I don't require that from anyone. I just want something that is fun for everyone.

Long Term/Short Term: Doesn't matter. I am up for either.

General Information

Website: Coming soon


Contact Details: Whisper or PM.
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