Sutta- Rent to Own

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Sutta- Rent to Own

Post by Sashabo »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Rakshasi

Nickname: Sutta (most commonly used), Sasha

Name on Identification: Sutta

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Eastern Dhole (Asiatic Wild Dog)

Sub Species/Breed: Ancestral bloodlines linked to the Rakshasi, lesser demons of mischief, discord, and bloodlust. (Note:Character is unaware of this history and any resulting abilities. Her name is incidental- see history on RPR)

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
5'8" or 173 cm, flat foot; rather tall for her species, but members of her clan seemed to be genetically predisposed to height.
Weight fluctuates between lower 140s to 150s, or roughly between 64- 71 kilograms depending on season when physically well and fed.
Small-medium bone structure that sports a slight pear or triangle shape
Shoulders are narrow and her bust is modest. She stays narrow until past her ribcage, where she fleshes out a bit. She carries most of what fat reserves she has at at her hips and hindquarters. Her thighs are full, but not overly big. Past her knees she's slender and compact again, sprinter's calves and narrow ankles.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)

Hair. Longest layer past her bust; hasn't been cut in a while, slightly disheveled. Gradient coloring, starting at the top with dark brown similar to her tail, fading gradually through a spectrum of color to the tips, which are a whitish blonde that closely matched her undercoat; example

Fur. Tawny, burnt orange over most of her body, prominently her back, shoulders, and upper arms. A long stretch of white starts at her nose and continues down the front line of her body to her toes. White encompasses her arms from elbow to fingertip, though its glove-like appearance is interrupted with splotches of color every now and again. The base of her tail begins in the burnt orange and quickly tapers to a dark auburn, then dark brown. It's kept relatively short over most of her body except her exceptionally fluffy tail, and if she doesn't have proper trimming equipment, her scruff and wrist tufts.

Face. A narrow heart shape. Defined, but not sharp jawline, brow, cheekbones. Accentuated almond eye with a slight upward slant at the outer corners, doe brown with undulations of copper and amber near the pupil. Under-defined cupids bow, medium thickness lips. Although she's obviously Asiatic, it's difficult to pinpoint a specific heritage line from her features- which makes sense considering she's from a migrant clan.

Fox like ears perched atop her head, burnt orange on the outside, dappled white on the inside.

Claws in place of fingernails and toenails. Canid fingerpads on humanoid digits.

Physical Markings:
Other than aforementioned color patterning, she has half of her right finger cut off. Fur had grown over most but the top can be seen as heavily scarred through the thin layer of fur. Old callus lining fingerpads.

Physical Drawbacks:
Sensitive hearing. While also a strength, it can be an extreme disadvantage when noises are loud, raucous, or piercing. Set at the right pitch and length, someone could easily render her immobile and possibly knock her out with sound.
Although spry and used to heavier labor, she is still not significantly strong when compared to abilities of many in the Tether and her muscles are weaker with disuse. About 60 lbs or 28 kilograms is her limit for lifting at the moment- and even that is very strained (e.g. she will probably end up dragging it after a minute)
For all intents and purposes, she is mortal. She bleeds, she gets hurt, she can be killed.

Current Infliction(s):
None. Healthy.

Physical Defenses:
Canid teeth, sharp claws.
Fast. She has a sprinter’s built and it shows when she is put into action and allowed regular exercise.
Agile. She is a fantastic messenger/goods runner. Though she may not be able to fend off an opponent with strength, she can often wiggle herself out of a tight spot and change direction of her movement in an instant.
Latent abilities. Though she does not know it, Sutta can sometimes express goblin-esque abilities to reap chaos around her. Precious items disappearing and ending up in her holding, a sudden and well-placed crack in the floor causing an unexpected fall, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up when she walks by. If anything, these are seen as inconveniences by Sutta if they are recognized at all. These events only occur when Sutta is under stress or feeling intense emotion (and only when the other people I am playing with agree/want these events to happen). She would need extensive training in order to develop these abilities into anything near a chaotic force typical of a demon.

Appealing Attributes:
Wit. She can be a fantastic conversation companion if the right person brings it out in her. Mostly socially appropriate, if uncultivated. Knowledge of hunting big game, pelting, petty thievery skills (breaking locks, pick-pocketing, conning, etc), trade, mercantile affairs, scamming (how to look for one as well as be one). Extensive knowledge of quite a few cultures. Knowledge of opium and tobacco, as well as their trades. Rolls a damn fine cigar or cigarette. Studied under performance magician for a few years. Literate in several languages; can't speak most as well as she writes- enough for trade. In good health, mildly athletic, though she's never trained any sort of sport. Decent seamstress. Knowledge of silk craft esp. spinning, working with animal pelt, and fan making. Virgin.

Clothing: A simple white canvas dress provided by the establishment.

Other Items: She has a worn leather collar with a silver engraved name-tag, and two jewelry pieces that use to go over her right ring finger. These are held by the establishment.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, albeit at times unrefined. She is a good servant for her background- she was a personal attendant to her Master and a field worker on a tobacco plantation in the Middle East (Furcadian equivalent of India). She has no training in ettiquette beyond this setting, which leaves her particularly stunted in harem settings and with court/palace-level nobility.

Phobias: Hot irons. The sound of grating of metal against a hard surface can cause her to completely freeze up. No other known fears.

Disorders: PTSD. Low-grade, manifests in occasional nightmares.

How do they present themselves:Despite her lack of refinement, she is nearly savant in her ability to determine implied expectations of social comportment from one place to the next. She will change her eloquence and speech depending on the person she's talking to and their relationship to her (colloquial with friends and those she knows well, elevated speech with strangers). She prefers to be a wallflower among nobility unless she has an agenda. She will either be extremely charming or exceptionally ancy if interrogated by a member of upper class- depending on her motives and preparation. For the most part, except when called upon, she is a quiet and attentive presence with eyes that speak of many moving gears beneath her placid surface detail.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Ambivalent- at least at the surface. This has been a way of life since she was a young adolescent.

Overall Attitude: She is both naive and very cunning- caught in between womanhood and a childlike demeanor that speaks of youth never properly lived.
Sutta's the textbook baby of the family in a lot of ways. As she grew up, even though she wasn't particularly raised by her parents, her brothers sheltered her a lot and doted on her. She hasn't had an easy run of it since she was very young, and as a consequence she's never had a chance to develop her femininity or even explore it. She's learned to parrot some very basic wiles in her spoken word and body language if she finds it necessary to get something from someone, but if someone pursues her to show her 'feminine charms', they'll find that it's an extremely shallow and uneducated act. She has had little to no exposure to a strong female influence throughout her life, so many of Sutta's mannerisms can almost seem childish when she confronts topic of sexuality. She's at the cusp of maturity; she very knowledgeable in some ways of what she needs to do to get by, but she has no idea how to be a 'woman'. However, it's not as if the idea doesn't interest her. The dhole possesses a keen awareness of how she is lacking in her development. She will often will secretly admire females she believes to be exemplars of feminine ideals, although how to go about modelling the same qualities often simultaneously draws her curiosity and perplexes her.

If you entice her with intriguing conversation, she is charismatic and an easy companion. She is manipulative, independent, slightly self-serving, but loyal to those who have earned her trust. She uses her charisma and wit to bend rules to get what she wants and needs n any one place. Otherwise, she's not intentionally averse to structure, but she would prefer to follow her own internal code of morals rather than completely conform to any one standard. In her free time she would rather associate with the outliers of society than keep company with the 'dress to impress' just for her comfort level. Honor among thieves and what have you.

Picks at her claws- on her hands especially- when nervous, anxious, annoyed, or bored.

Wraps her tail around her waist or thigh most of the time when standing; keeps it up in her lap when sitting unless she is particularly emotional.

Keeps many of the vocal and body language habits of her species, especially when emotional (or in the company of similarly behaving canids).

Inherently discriminates against certain breeds of animal; usually those she hunts. Therefore, if your characters are of the family Felidae (especially Panthera tigris), Cervidae (especially deer species found in East Asia), or Lepus (again, especially lapine types from East Asia), expect Sutta to meet their company with certain prejudice.

Hobbies / Interests:
Athletic activity, gossip, sewing, arts and crafts, hunting, refining pelts, reading and dictation.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance for the most part, although if the owner wishes to refine her abilities, she will need more instruction.

Diet / Allergies:
Primarily a carnivore, with some tolerance and craving for grain and green.

Typical canid allergies:

Most deadly or harmful- Caffeine, certain plants (tulips, daffodils, azaleas, rhododendrons, and sago palm), grapes. Many of these act like toxins within her body and can induce heart failure, kidney failure, coma, convulsions, and in severe cases, death.

Damaging- Avocados, macadamia nuts. Symptoms include overheating, severe GI problems, and muscle weakness.

Annoying- Fleas. A few well placed bites can have her body break out in an all over rash that itches horribly and persists for days. In worse case scenarios, her hair can fall out and sometimes she can have problems regulating her temperature. This is part of the reason why she has such a pathology about keeping her fur impeccably clean.


Language(s) Spoken: Common. Mamoristan. Far East dialects that have fallen into disuse.

Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes.

Can your character produce magic: Yes, but it is minor and not known to her.

Talents / Skills:
(one, least skill. five, most skill.)

Sprinting, ferrying goods, messenger services 4-5
Petty thievery skills. 4-5
Deception/acting (non dramatic, probably easily trained in theatre, though); illusion (studied under a performance magician for a short time) 4-5
Tobacco and opium harvesting, grading. 4
Literacy. 4, reads better than she writes.
Animal care, herd and exotic. 3-4
Skinning, pelt work, & silk spinning.: 3
Meat curing; making cheese, cream, & milk. 3
Seamstress skill- basic stitches and some detail work 2-3
Cooking- basic meals, over campfire. 2-3
Childcare. 1-2. Likes kids well enough, just has no idea what to do with them other than stuff food in their mouths and lead them around.
Dance. 1. She can sprint like the dickens, but she can't hold a beat.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):
Plantation slave, personal companion.

Previous status:
Slave since early adolescence. Prior, freeperson.

For Rent or to Own:
Rent to own.

Rent-> 10 gold/night or 1 platinum
Own-> 180 gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Scattered because of real life commitments but I am often around on weekends.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: I simply like to see the interaction of characters. I would love to see someone who can take Sutta’s basic skillset and help her flourish. She needs a firm, dominant hand from a wiser party than her to help shape her knowledge of the world beyond her slightly naive yet simultaneously jaded view. This person does not have to be kind (although they most certainly can be) but it should be known that Sutta does not respond well to brutishness and will likely wither into a shadow of her capability if consistently abused and beaten down. Discipline is fine and likely needed, but no one likes to play with a shell of a character. Also, I would like to make it clear that she is virgin. This, in my book, means that I would like to keep her in this state until a significant plot is built to rid her of it. Topics of sexuality exploration and witnessing are fine, she is not pure, but I made her a virgin so that she can have roleplay interactions where sex is at some point an addition to her plot with other characters- not the main focus of it.

What are your allowances for your character:
Always: Realistic IC consequences for IC behavior, One on one RP, Main hall RP, Group RP (up to 3-4), 18+ OOC, IC =/= OOC, Para, Para+ RP, Plot driven RP

Most times: NC, with exception death, realistic injuries/punishment, D/s plots , BDSM plots (note: BDSM and D/s plots do NOT have to include sex- please look up your literature if you have questions on this. like I said above, sex with Sutta will happen only after expansive plot)

Let’s talk about it: Mutillation/amputation, Loss of Sutta's virginity, Romance, Old connections-> plot to develop history

Never: Extremely weird fetishes (gore, etc.). If you think it qualifies on this list, check with me beforehand- I won’t judge you, I will just say no. No trying to kill my character without talking to me about it first, either.

Long Term/Short Term:
Long term/ short term friendly

General Information

Character Description:”She fulfills a namesake, flame-hued and shadow-licked limbs constituting most of a nimble frame with shocks of white to vary the pattern and hold a wandering eye. Burnt at both ends, umber gradients trailed from a dusky orange pelt, forepaws resembling the gloved nobility with half the effort. Simple canvas and cotton replaced fine silks once worn, occasional curves and dips along narrow-set bone structure to flesh out her femininity. Thick lashed, amber-streaked doe browns hinted at a deep intelligence which could be complimented if one asked her the right questions. The devil was in the details, so they say, but the femme wasn't revealing much.

Website: ... page=45136 Undergoing revamps :x Sorry if the info doesn’t match up yet.

Images: On site.

Contact Details: Sutta in game.
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