Caliena - Owned.

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Caliena - Owned.

Post by Praetor »

Basic Information

Full Name: Caliena Co'Tour

Nickname: Callie

Name on Identification: Caliena

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Sphynx

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Mesomorph

Physical Details: Red hair, purple eyes, cream colored skin with black dapples along flesh.

Physical Markings: Black dapples on cream colored skin

Physical Drawbacks: Gets cold very easily

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Claws, teeth.

Appealing Attributes: Uncommon breed, pretty face.

Clothing: Purple dress fading to black at the hem, black wool stockings on legs and arms, white bandage cloth wrapped around ankles.

Other Items: Nothing.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Freezing

Disorders: Shows signs of Paranoid Personality Disorder

How do they present themselves: Aloof and dour. Confrontational.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Annoyed.

Overall Attitude: For the moment, annoyed and insolent.

Quirks: Gets a twitch at the corner of her left eye sometimes. Fidgets with claws and tail when nervous.

Hobbies / Interests: Muay Boran, napping.

High or Low Maintenance: Can be low maintenance, so long as she has clothing to keep her warm.

Diet / Allergies: Carnivorous with a taste for raw red meat.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes, both.

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Agile and lithe. Effective at Muay Boran fighting. Picks up easily on fighting moves.

Training: Fresh meat, as it were.


Previous Owners: None

Current Owner: Chaffen

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Free person

For Rent or to Own: Owned. Not for rent currently.

To Rent - 5Image
To Own - 50Image or 5Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Fluctuating. Generally early afternoon to late evening.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Story and content. Callie is a new character that I would love to blossom into something more.

What are your allowances for your character: NC except for death. Mutilation requires OOC consent.

Long Term/Short Term: Both with a preference for Long Term.

General Information

Character Description: Modestly dressed came something that looked a little off. The feline was furless, of the sphynx variety. She wore a simple purple dress that faded to black as it reached the hem, with some black stockings on both arms and legs to help keep her warm. While she might be furless, she had a full head of lustrous, silky red locks that fell in ringlets down to the middle of her back. Eyes were a deep purple, almost looking black. Her face was flat, with just a hint of an upward turn to voluminous lips that is inherent to all felines. Feet were bare paws with sharp claws generally hidden, while hands were more human in appearance, ending in little black slits that hid claws.

Website: You're on it/

Images: None yet

Contact Details: Caliena on Furc.

Notes: Please don't rent her just for sex. I actually spent a lot of time on the character and I didn't intend for her to be just a pleasure slave. It can come up through RP, that's fine. But I don't want that to be the sole focus.
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