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Post by Luxxie »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Kaleth

Nickname: Kar

Name on Identification: Kaleth

Age: Appears 17-20ish in age

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Sub Species/Breed: Flightless Toy Dragon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slim, short, shapely behind

Physical Details: Shimmering, soft, teal scales cover most of his body, with some flecks of lime. On his stomach, undertail, and rear there are tougher, golden scales. He has no hair, instead has three rows of horns on his head, the ones in the middle being the shortest. His spikes and horns are dulled and kept short. He has earlike fins, though they do not contribute to his hearing. Instead, he hears with an external eardrum, and while it does not pick up sounds as well as an external ear, it serves its purpose. Fins are also on his arms. The fins serve no known purpose. A tail about the length of his body extends from his rear with four spikes that are dulled like his horns. The tail ends in a somewhat double-spaded tip. His eyes are slitted and golden, and seem to put off a glow.

Physical Markings: Specks and splotches of lime green, gold on lowerbelly, underside of tail, and buttocks.

Physical Drawbacks: His horns and spikes are dulled to make them less of a weapon. He also has external ears which do not pick up sound as well.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Kaleth can use his teeth and claws to attack, as well as his heavy tail. To escape, he has a pepperspray-like dragon breath that temporarily blinds others. His breath is controlled however by his magic-nullifying collar.

Appealing Attributes: He is of a more exotic species, and is also well suited towards those with kinkier tastes, as he is willing to go places some would not. He is open towards all genders though enjoys males the most. Kaleth is also quite attractive, with a very well shaped behind and beautiful shimmering scales.

Clothing: Kaleth wears a dark brown silken cloth over his groin, and some bronze chains. He is also pierced in various places with bronze, including his head fins, spade tail, and a corsetted piercing on his back that has been threaded with brown silken ribbon.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Flirty, available, polite

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Kaleth enjoys pleasuring others, and so being a slave came naturally to him. It didn't take him long to get used to, but because of his compliance early on, many were weary of him, thinking he had something up his sleeve by being so good when he really didn't.

Overall Attitude: He is usually very friendly, and often tries to seduce possible renters/owners into taking him home. He dislikes rejection, but has learned to accept that sometimes he just might not fit their needs, especially when female slaves are all the more popular among patrons. He tends to get a little jealous and pouty when others are chosen over him but tries his best to hide it.

Quirks: Plays with his tail sometimes, peoplewatcher, jealous

Hobbies / Interests: Before becoming a slave, he very much enjoyed metalwork. He often also slept around, and it was sleeping around with the wrong person that brought him into servitude. He also loves piercings, and has many himself mostly made out of bronze.

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Mostly meat, but will also eat some fruits and veggies.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, draconic

Can they Read / Write: Only in common

Can your character produce magic: Yes- Shift feral, pepperspray dragonbreath

Talents / Skills:
Pleasure Slave: Kaleth was highly trained in the art of pleasure, and thoroughly enjoys seeing the mark of pleasure on his masters' faces.
Metalwork: Skilled at creating metal trinkets and jewelry, Kaleth can make chains, rings, and necklaces from metals.
Piercing: Kaleth has grown to love piercings on himself, as well as piercing others. Although a not very practice skill, he often pierced others on request at the back of his metalworking shop.

Advanced Pleasure Training
Advanced Etiquette Training


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: None

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own(If Owned I'd like to still be able to rent out)

Rent: 20G per night or 2P
Own: 300G or 30P

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Available on most days at most times after 12PM EST

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Dominant but not to the point of severe abuse. Aftercare is very nice! As for ooc, I'd like someone who is friendly and open to conversation outside of our roleplays. Friends are just as nice as rp partners.

What are your allowances for your character: No death, maiming, or "permanent" damage without permission. If permission is given for these, then it will only be within the confines of that particular RP.

For a full list, my F-list is here.

Long Term/Short Term: Both are fine but sometimes I need a break!

General Information

Character Description: Kaleth was rather small in stature, standing only 5'6". Rather short for a dragon. His body was thin, and covered in shimmering teal scales, with small patches of lime. Bronze piercings adorned his body. On his lower stomach, behind, and underside of his tail were golden scales that shimmered in the sunlight. Upon his neck was a collar inlaid with magic runes, suppressing his ability to spit his blinding breath, and as proof of slavery. As for clothing, all he wore was some silk fabric over his most private parts.



Contact Details:
Skype: Kaiisyn
Furc: Kaleth, Luxxie, or Kafaei

Might add onto this later
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