Djedhor - Rent to Own

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Djedhor - Rent to Own

Post by Tusmah »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: None

Nickname: Teos / Djedhor

Name on Identification: None

Age: Twenty Five Years

Gender: Male

Species: Pharaoh Hound

Sub Species/Breed: Selectively bred and magically enfused to have golden attributes, to appear as an Anubis statue.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Ectomorph

Physical Details:
Hair: Hairless
Fur: Black
Eyes: Golden, no discernable pupils, slightly glow.

Physical Markings: Gold fingertips, toes, skin and genetalia.

Physical Drawbacks: None, save for unwillingness to fight is betters.

Current Infliction(s): Muzzled with golden apparatus that keeps magic sustained. The muzzle glows slightly.

Physical Defenses: None. Musculature is entirely for show, and he does not make use of, or know of his own strength.

Appealing Attributes: He is very attractive, to those that find hounds so. Golden points make him perfect for showing off.

Clothing: A sheer black, silk loincloth that covers nothing, held at the hips by golden rings. A chalkboard resting around his neck.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None

Disorders: None discovered in processing.

How do they present themselves: Still and quiet. Statueseque. Very very rarely moves.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Indifferent.

Overall Attitude: Teos was raised to be seen and never heard and as such, that is all that one can glean from his attitude. His is zealously loyal, when it has been earned and unyeildingly submissive.

Quirks: Stillness. It is nearly unnatural.

Hobbies / Interests: Drawing on his chalkboard with negative space drawings.

High or Low Maintenance: Very low.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore with carnivorous preferences.


Language(s) Spoken: Arabic, Common

Can they Read / Write: Fluent writing in Arabic, less so in common. The latter he writes more formally and refers to himself as 'This one'/

Can your character produce magic: Indeed, but it is quite subtle. Whatever he speaks becomes truth (hence the muzzle). While of his own accord, he would never use this magic for anything wrong, it could be manipulated by those wishing to do so.

Talents / Skills: Mummification, Artistic bondage (Similar to Shibari), Cadaver Preperation, Organ Preservation, Assisted Suicide.

Training: Basic behavioral training. Has no training in pleasure and household tasks.


Previous Owners: One NPC Owner, Tusmah.

Previous Usage(s): Before coming to The Golden Tether, he serviced the dead in temples in Egypt, assisting them in passing to the next life and those left behind in the grieving process. Not only was he bred to look like a statue, he was trained to behave like one, when not in service.

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Rent to Own.

Cost: 20 Image to rent, three rentals to purchase at 180 Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: When I'm online I want to Rp!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Training, mostly at this point, general slave / master Rp.

What are your allowances for your character: I'm pretty open minded, ask!

Long Term/Short Term: Both!

General Information

Character Description:

Website: None

Images: One Two

Contact Details: Whisper me!

Notes: N/A
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