PLEASE REMOVE - Calandra Fengge - Rent-to-own

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PLEASE REMOVE - Calandra Fengge - Rent-to-own

Post by Calandra »

After some time of little character development and not being able to roleplay as much, I've made some updates to Cal's story and have taken it in a new direction as a freed slave. I'd appreciate if this could be removed whenever possible. (I couldn't find a way to delete it myself)


Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Calandra Longwei Fengge.

Nickname: Cal.

Name on Identification: Calandra Fengge.

Age: Unknown.

Gender: Female.

Species: Dragon. (has learned alchemical means for 'skin walking')

Sub Species/Breed: Wyvern.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Humanoid.

Physical Details: Her hair is a platinum blonde faux-hawk, and eyes are golden with a black slit. In 'humanoid' form, she stands at 6' 10". Skin is pale, covered in black scale patches with a green shimmer. Half of her face is taken over by scales, and she has a slight muzzle beginning to form. She has large wings with the same scales, as well as a tail with a multi-spike tip. In anthropomorphic form, she is 12' 3" tall, and is of course, covered entirely in scales.

Physical Markings: A vine tattoo on the back of the neck, and a tattoo of an iguana and chameleon around her navel. On the outer wrist of her left arm, she has a branded "P", and on the inner wrist of the left arm, an arcane symbol.

Physical Drawbacks: Because of her height, Calandra can be quite clumsy. Sometimes she accidentally hits someone with a wing, or trips them with her tail; Calandra does not eat regular food, but rather eats raw meat and bones. Usually they are of the two-legged sort, but if she has to, she can live off of the average raw meat and bone; While her tail and tongue can regenerate if removed, it is quite painful and itchy! (this ONLY applies to tongue and tail. If she loses a limb, she cannot get it back unless she a) finds a new fresh body to transfer to, or b) learns how to alchemically attach another arm)

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Her nails are naturally thick and pointed, and make for excellent weapons if needed. Her tail is spiked on the end, and has a row of small spikes all the way up. Her teeth are also all quite sharp, to be able to tear into meat.

Appealing Attributes: She has been a blacksmith so long that she cannot recall when she started. She can not only make armor and weapons, as well as inventing new and unusual pieces, but she can smith jewelry as well. She is an excellent leather worker, and makes most any ware available in leather.

Clothing: A dingy white shift, that is clearly too small for her. It reaches to mid-thigh, and she is constantly trying to tug it down to cover her exposed scale-patched legs.

Other Items: Her old clothing, and a few worn out tools. Some of her leftover wares from when she was brought in. The includes a few of her "breast strap" inventions, and half-finished bits and pieces of armor or weaponry.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured. (Can become feral if she goes hungry long enough; Around 4 months)

Phobias: None.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Polite, though proud of her work.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She looks forward to showing skill to renters, and putting them to work for owners.

Overall Attitude: Proud, and sometimes a bit cocky.

Quirks: Sometimes licks or nibbles on other slaves; Tends to play with the edge of her shift dress

Hobbies / Interests: Smithing, leather work, tinkering, and some alchemy.

High or Low Maintenance: Relatively low.

Diet / Allergies: Must eat only raw meat and bones. Anything else will come right back up.


Language(s) Spoken: English, Italian, some Draconic

Can they Read / Write: Yes / Yes

Can your character produce magic: No. She does, however, use some alchemy.

Talents / Skills: Blacksmith, leather working, minor alchemy, and herbal mixtures. (basic medical herbal mixes, and alchemical alteration of mixtures - usually to make drugs)

Training: Basic. Has learned some things here and there, but has had no formal training. She has been a slave for a long time, though, and has the basics down.


Previous Owners: Astrarot

Previous Usage(s): Blacksmith

Previous status: Pirate

For Rent or to Own: For rent and rent-to-own (minimum of three rentals for a trial run)

Cost: To Rent: 12 Gold ; To Own: 200 Gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I am usually on between 11 pm and 11 pm FST. (Though for a good a roleplay, I'll stay up until 1; I am on EST)

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Someone who will benefit from Calandra's skills just as much as she will benefit from putting them to use.

What are your allowances for your character: I am generally non-consent for minor things, though would like consent for major things. (such as removal of a body part, breaking bones, etc.)

Long Term/Short Term: Both, with a preference to long term.

General Information

Character Description: Signature clothing gone, she was forced into a simple knee-length shift, exposing more of her scaled body than her previous garb had allowed. Holes had been torn in the back of the shift to make space for her dark green wings, which were mushed up behind her, twitching from time to time in their anxiety to stretch out in the crowded pens. She seemed fairly comfortable on the hard stone floor. Patches of the same dark green scales littered her body, already covering half of her face and most of her arms. Her hands were covered in callouses, a clear sign of hard work though her muscles were still lean. If she were to stand to her full height, she would tower over most. What was she?

Website: RPR ; Site

Images: Here

Contact Details:; Cal is my main alt, but if I am not on her, try whispering Clarisa Dominia

Notes: I'm very whisper friendly, and always looking for RP for a couple of characters. Feel free to whisper me or email me, if you'd like to talk about Calandra, or you'd like to see some of my other characters!
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