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No Lifer
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Joined: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:40 pm
Location: The Bone Zone


Post by Kalev »




The water sources that the civilized establishment of Guildereim relies on has suddenly become toxic and undrinkable, for both mundane and magical creatures a like.
A sickness has swept the denizen in a sudden wave, and though some are very sick it has yet to claim any lives. Yet.
All medically inclined are struggling to determine the source of this seemingly random illness, and whatever has infected those that have succumb to the malady seems very resistant to medicine.

People are scrambling for an answer as the supply of water becomes dangerously low, people are panicking and there is unrest spreading through the halls of the building just as swiftly as the sickness itself.
There are desperate attempts to purify the sea water for consumption, but the process is not swift enough to cover the whole population.

Water will now be rationed and excessive bathing or frivolous use of aqua is off limits until the situation has been resolved.
Anyone caught over-using the limited resource of fresh water will be punished accordingly.

This is intended as a world-wide dream event, so absolutely everyone is welcomed to join, and is encouraged to!
If you want your character to be among the first to be infected, feel free. But try to remember that this bug is relentless.

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