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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:11 am
by Evette
Furcadia Login: Expressive
Profile: Link.
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
Weapon(s): 1
Armor: 1

Explanation for Points:
She has an athletic physique and trains regularly.
*Speed: Small stature and regular training.
*Stamina: Hardened lifestyle, regular fitness training and previous grievances.
*Weapon(s): Silver, sickle-shaped blade, serrated on the inside edge. Bone hilt encrusted with an onyx jewel and a silver chain connects to the bangle on her left wrist.
*Armor: She dons a layer of leathers when fighting/training in the arena.

Entered into the system on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:36 am
by Hydester
Furcadia Login:Concobar
Profile:In progress.
Strength: +1
Speed: -1
Hit Points 30+(7xStamina): 44
Explanation for Points: Concobar has been there and done that, working many hard labor jobs, from farm-work to dockworker. A previous lifetime of lifting heavy objects over his head, as well as many fights in bars before he became a boxer paved the way for his larger frame. His speed is probably his greatest weakness, focusing more on his heavy right hooks to knock someone out cold. Concorbar [Or Connor, for short] has had the literal Hell beat out of him. That is, if you ask the zealots from the church orphanage when he was a young boy. The early physical abuse led to Connor toughening instead of whimpering, only to build upon that success of taking so many hits to the head throughout his career as a boxer. His weapon, as one could call it, was once a large ring, having been modified, it now serves as a contoured steel plate, affixed to his hand by the leather glove he wears. His armor, although being ramshackle around his body, does protect him against most ill-managed attacks. Allowing himself to curl to the side, letting the hit glance roll off him, or take directly against the plates on his left arm.

Entered into the system on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:34 pm
by Eaon
Furcadia Login: Eaon.
Profile: Link
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1 Any form of blade permitted by the tether. (Hooves and horns are rarely used.)
**Armor: 0

Explanation for Points: All of Eaon's points have been trained ICly at an old battle slave dream called Winsere. Not sure if it's still around. Last I checked it had disappeared, whether it closed or the location was simply moved. He also spent time at the slave trade where he was bought and further trained by a woman with the name Oddessa.

- Speed has always been high due to a fit and agile build. +1 naturally.
- Stamina is given +2 due to prior training (specifically, ICly, being forced to withstand beatings in order to train him to ignore pain), as well as the additional rapid healing he possesses (via 'neuvoids' in his blood). Wounds don't close but bleeding usually stops minutes after the injuries are acquired (depending on the severity) and the pain of the infliction is momentarily dulled.
- Strength is given +1 because of, again, prior training and exercises. He was forced to run laps and lift weights with his previous mistress, as well as being shoved in to routine sparring matches and forced to endure further coaching and discipline.
- Due to his slave status he owns no personal weapons, though will often ask for a sword or short blade from the establishment when involved in the arena.
- No armor, natural or equipped. He doesn't own any additional items that would provide further defense.

Entered into the system on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:15 pm
by Oldmusic
Furcadia Login: Vibi
Profile: (Under 'Character Selection', click Vibi's Picture for all her info)
Strength: +1
Speed: +0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1 (Powerful Bite; Metal Poisonous Claws; Large Switch Blade)
**Armor: +0 (Fights Nude)
Explanation for Points:

Strength-- Vibi preforms a regular weight-lifting work out program in addition to light cardio to maintain a lean, toned figure. She also has practiced with street-style hand-to-hand combat; and refreshes and practices sparring with partners daily. Vibi takes a keen interest in keeping herself physically fit so as to make sure she gets her money after "services" have been preformed; this also helps make sure she is not take advantage of by customers.

Speed-- Vibi is a LARGE woman-- and a LARGE breed of dog. She'd not build for excessive speed, but being limber makes her average when it comes to movement.

Stamina-- Vibi, again, is a LARGE dog breed. She is also stubborn as a mule, and will not STOP fighting until she is completely unable to. She can take a hit, and has a high threshold for pain (this comes from growing up in a poor low income area, and having to defend herself; as well as be able to handle LARGE and POWERFUL customers without being killed in the process.)

Weapons-- Vibi carries a switchblade on her person at all times as a means for defense usually-- but also uses it in battle to stab at opponents that are close enough. Vibi has had all of the claws on each of her fingers on each hand removed (declawd) and replaced with metal (steel to be specific) claws (rather than the organic ones). They are each an inch long, and curve SLIGHTLY at the tip, and are strong enough to cut through normal flesh/fur and most leather armors (NOT dragon scales, or metallic armor). She paints said claws with a poison that, if it gets into an open wound, can cause flu-like symptoms that can last up to 2-3 days. The immediate effect of the poison however, simply is an added element of pain to the cut-- like lemon juice in a deep wound. And lastly, Vibi has a very powerful bite. She is canine and a full sized poodle with a large set of chompers that lock when they close-- which she makes use of often going for the throat or a limb, and then thrashing her head about to damage her opponent.

Aspects inputted on Oct 12, 2011 by Yoshino


Furcadia Login: Perfection
Furcardia Description--
When her male counterpart failed, she was crafted from the same hate and desperation for domination. "Get the the masses to their knees." The fault lies with the creator: who crafted a male with the power to say "no". And in answer to this rebellion, Perfection was sent-- the woman: susceptible to all temptation, weak willed, and the cause of all things wrong and sinful. Nothing but a slimmer version of her older brother-- black bitch wolf with yellow eyes and sharp bladed horns. Pretty enough for a night cap-- but not a painted portrait. She bit into the apple and told God she was unimpressed. (Ti'Demitri Dormasz) Picture

Strength: +1
Speed: +3
Stamina: +0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Weapon(s): +1 (Natural: Spells; Acidic substance production; Teeth, Tail, Claws)
**Armor: +0 (Fights Nude)

Explanation for Points:

Strength-- Perfection was created as a combative Demon. Though she remains slimmer than her elder brother and is built more towards speed than stamina-- her strength resides in her tail. The tail is made of sheer muscle, and moved of its own accord. This is where her "above the average furre" strength comes in. The tail can be a battering ram, or just an extra set of jaws that have a bite for strong enough to crush rocks to dust, and make tinfoil of most metal armors.

Speed-- Perfection is small. Well-- small by the standards of her creator, and her brother Demitri. She moves faster than the average mortal eye can follow. She is a "super natural" demon, made specifically for combat-- speedy, sneaky combat. (Hence why I feel a 3 is justified.)

Stamina-- As mentioned above, Perfection's abilities are based in a 'quick kill' sort of way. She is small, lithe, and her power and muscle is concentrated in her tail alone. Body wise, she is of an average furre's build-- with enough strength to throw a normal punch (or rather, in her case scratch your eyes out).

Weapons-- Perfection has a number of abilities she makes use of in battle. I gave her a 1, as she wields no manner of special weapon, nor are her claws, teeth, or tail imbued with anything 'super natural'.

Aspects inputted on Oct 26, 2011 by Ulfrik

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:46 pm
by weylandsir
Furcadia Login: Weyland.
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: +37
Weapon(s): +1
Explanation for Points:

Strength: he's dedicated a lot of time to perfecting his body, to drag in more flies for the honey trap. Works out daily.
Speed: his breed mixed in with having to chase down his prey a lot of time has molded him into someting of a light foot.
Stamina: High endurance from running, a lot.
Weapons: Simple taxiderm knife, nothing really special about it. He also has a set of cat-like teeth and retractable claws on fingers.

Aspects inputted on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:12 pm
by Mandei
Furcadia Login: Stillbirth
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1 (Natural Claws/Teeth)
**Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength -- Still is a malevolent, sometimes benevolent, entity that is often required to get physical with her victims. Borne of hell, she was trained hard to show little to no mercy. She's strong because for centuries she's been bringing down lost travelers in their carriages, on horses, and hiding behind things. She's about the size of a horse in all fairness. This is a honed gift for defense but mostly offense.

Speed -- Black Hounds have to be quick on their feet to catch their victims. Or give chase to various children. She's a tall creature with long loping strides. Her movements are naturally quicker then average due to feral nature and thoughtless reactions. She's not a speeding bullet fast - but her reaction time is whip-like.

Stamina -- With her speed, she has to run for a long time. Be able to fast for a long time. Stay awake longer. Her stamina to endure is real good, but not perfect. Simply determined and strong willed.

Aspects inputted on Oct 26, 2011.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:46 pm
by NeroDraconis
Furcadia Login: Dark_Goliath
Profile: Offsite Character Page, Slave papers or Furcadia Description]

Strength: 2 [Contributed from a lifetime of living off the wilderness in a nomadic tribe, raised from birth to be a warrior in his Orcish clan.]
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2 [Resistance and stamina has been tempored of the years by constant travel, constant battle, and years working as a mercenary for hire.]
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 0 [Is your typical bare knuckle brawler, opting to to use his fists, though if need be the brute carries a dagger about the size of a short sword strapped to his leather belt along with a bastard sword slung over his back that the behemoth uses as a one handed weapon.
**Armor: 1 {Uruk wears a mismatched medley of leather armor, over sized demon skulls offering up ominous pauldrons.]
Explanation for points: Nero is a battle hardened mercenary, working bloody jobs for coin and adding that extra precision and killing power in any crusade or battle. Standing at eight feet six inches tall and weighing in at over a half tonne without armor the beast is a tank fitted with razor sharp claws and fangs, fortified by many years in a waring nomadic tribe and living off the land. Killing was his previous profession, and Nero favored a 'hands' on approach when it came to the task. Being so large though has it's disadvantages and Nero is a big target. Armor is a mismatched medley of plated, leather and bone armor that looks like it was scavenged off of defeated enemies.

[Updated, though this stats sheet has already been approved, I just want it on a different name.]

Aspects inputted into the system.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:22 pm
by Shanantina
Character: Cubi
Profile: Alluring woman had looks to kill with and talents to die for, starting from such striking green eyes that had a fierce nature about them. Seductive and exotic, dazzling smiles were always present on plump lips to lure in her audiences with siren singing and hypnotic body movements. Dramatic swells and dips of her body were used in ways to seduce, while draped in rich colored sheer fabrics and sparkling gold jewelry that glinted from various parts of her figure. Searing the hearts of those she captured into the spell of infatuation, she passed through lives with a bounce in her dainty, bell-jingling steps. (Slave) (Website in progress)
Strength: +1 (Six foot in height, very brute-like and tribal. Strength is a must in her fight training.)
Speed: +2 (Feline species makes her quick and agile. Does a lot of running and physical activity on a daily baisis to keep in shape.)
Stamina: +1 (Does a lot of dancing and acrobatics as well, thus enabling her to be able to do physical activity for a long period of time. As well as a high pain tolerance.)
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1 (Claws, teeth.)
**Armor: 0

Entered into the system by Cresenzo -- October. 15th/2011

Re-added and modified by Shanantina. April 1st/2012

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:10 pm
by Dorian
Furcadia Login: Dorian Argus Forte
Profile: ... page=14765
The profile also holds deeper detail to the armor.
Strength: +0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Weapon(s): Steel staff +1
**Armor: +2
Explanation for Points:
Not all fighters are renowned for incredible strength of body. Dorian is no exception to this his body being powerful, but not anything to say is over an average his true strength lies in more talented places than that of his muscle.

Dorian has invented his own style of fighting renowned for its way of making even armored combat into a visible art form. His agile form has gifted him with the grace that only a handful will ever hope to find even with the most rigorous of training.

Stamina is average.

A simple tool to the less lethal fighting style designed to subdue and break ones opponent. It can be seen as a higher threat than it really is, but the weapon is not used in its most lethal form often. An extension of his being it would do no more damage than ones fists could.

Dorian has invented a new type of metal by combining carbon based meteoric rock with common steel. Taking the fire proof leather hide of the Khamourie Dragon a giant lizard of the Desert on the outskirt of his jungle like homelands he places his special metal in segmentation plates that provide optimal deflection and protection while not forfeiting greater agility. This leaves the joints the prime targets for piercing attacks.

The Helmet: The helmet protects the head and symbolizes the mind. Built in the likeness of a fierce wolf the helmet represents leadership with unmatched tactics in battle. Fur is used to add to the realistic look of the helm as well as fangs. This makes the Helmet flammable for the brief moment as fur burns fast.

The Chest Guard: Built in resemblance to the great dragons of old the plates resemble scales and build a perfect musculature body like in Greek armor. This resembles nobility at heart.

The Tail Guard: Designed in the same fashion as the chest guard.

The hip Guard: More of a belt with chain mail skirt to cover over the places the pant armor does not at the waist. The belt buckle holds his crest.

The Shoulder Guards: Simple enough looking like tortoise shells they are solid metal that help guide strikes to glance off. They resemble that one must wait to strike with reason. A long hard lesson to learn.

The arm guards: Part of the chest guard they are the wrist length sleeves. The plates are designed to flow with the muscles and be easy to strike with. Serpents are engraved on the metal to represent the swift strike they allow.

The Gauntlet: A leather glove with a metal plated top on the backhand and top part of the fingers. Protects them from being cut. The backhand plate holds his crest engraved.

The leg Guards: Built just like the Arm guards they are in a whole his pants. They are engraved with his religious symbols.

The Boots: Leather and fur with a metallic outer casing the bottom of the shoes are leather with more traction than metal.

The Shield: As much a device to strike with as it is to protect the shield forms an up and down oval with a crescent space missing from the top right. Worn on the left arm the small crescent moon missing is used for a see through, and a place to set the staff for a more steady powerful jab.

The Staff: A steel rod is rather simple of a weapon meant to break ones opponent and deflect them than it is to kill.
Armor is the honor of his homeland that coats a warrior from head to toe. Each piece is specially designed to represent a part of the warriors very own soul. Once the warrior has completed his full set of armor on his right of passage he gains the title 'Guardian'.

The armor he wears is strong and reliable lighter yet still stronger than any steel ever made before this time. The design of the armor creates a safe guide to deflecting strikes though there is a large catch. To be built with such great mobility the joints are made to be much more susceptible to piercing strikes. (Ankles, wrists, elbows, knees.)

Aspects inputted on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:54 am
by Iseut
Furcadia Login: Sidonius
Praetorian Guard. Now, just another veteran. Dignifed in bearing yet cynical, honour-bound yet a stern disciplinarian -- the belt at his waist and the phalerae that were signs of bravery in battle were still worn, despite the empire he had loyally served forcing him to retire before his time in the midst of a religious war. The medals hung on leather straps over fishscale maille, lorica squamata, that was faded from years of use - all over the top of a thigh-length tunic of dark wool. Fine-featured without loosing the impression of strength to his jaw. Prettiness in youth had been eradicated by over a century of military service. Quite the harsh intensity lingered in those pale blue, dark-ringed eyes. Black hair was kept regulation length at mid-three inches, streaked lightly with ash grey from the ageing that had also begun to show at the corner of his eyes. Wiry-muscled and with a sinuous build that bore faint scarring, it was the subtle point of his ears give him away -- half-elf. b]Centurion[/b].
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
Pompei-pattern gladius & Pugio
**Armor: +1
Helmet* & Lorica squamata **
*Crest should be horizontal, not facing frontal
** More silvery rather than brassy, more dulled and the leather should be dark grey
Explanation for Points:
* Strength - Military training, and 105 years of it.

* Stamina - His half non-human heritage and wiry build gives him the same sort of stamina that one might expect of an athlete. Which is pretty much what a Roman soldier, and therefore certainly a member of the Praetorian guard, was - a man had to be able to run, jump and even swim in full armour. Certainly something you'd need stamina for.

* Weapons - Both the gladius and pugio are made for a distinctly frontal method of fighting - thrusting. While they can slash and cut, it is not as well -- the main use of both were to strike for the three weakest parts of the body, the throat, heart and crotch arteries. The gladius blade was about the same size as the average man's heart, and was designed specifically to pretty much pop the heart in two if it was thrust into the body there.

* Armour - The helmet is designed to lessen blows to the head. The gaps allow for commands to be given, the crest identifies him as a Centurion and the cheek guards protect the majority of the face as the guard at the back prevents or lessens the severity of blows to the back of the neck. The brim on the edge of the helmet also allows for a pretty damn nasty headbutt! The lorica squamata, also known as fishscale armour, is less effective than the more familiar lorica segmentata of the legionaries. It was designed for show, more or less - a Centurion's armour was less effective because it showed the enemy that he was not afraid, in principle at least.

Aspects inputted on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:01 pm
by Xhayra
Furcadia Login: Aluanarae
Profile: ... page=14732
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
**Armor: +1
Explanation for Points: The strength is due to a racial heritage of dragon and ogre and ontop of that, a life full of training as a warrior, which is pretty much the reasoning behind stamina as well.
She has a sword/naginata-ish weapon, and she wears full body steel armour, thus the +1 in those areas. If more detail is required, just let me know.

Entered into system 10/17/2011, Quietus.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:31 am
by TourDeForce
Furcadia Login: Tour De Force
Profile: Currently a WIP
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): Rapier and/or a dagger: +1
**Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Speed: Dougal is a lithe, agile fellow from working upon many ships since he was a child, often set up in the rigging or on the boarding teams. During his time on land he was oft a pickpocket, which further developed his quickness and agility. And being a supernatural creature of sorts, he has an added edge to his physical abilities.

Stamina: He's fairly hardy, after all, he spent much of his life oh the seas, he wouldn't have made a very good pirate if he wasn't able to hold his own. And the lichens that attributes to his 'lichenthropy' are woody and fiberous, and add a bit of this quality to his skin.

Weapons: His weapons include a rapier, which he is decently skilled in. No fancy tricks truly however, as he learned during battle rather than from a professional teacher or 'for sport'. He has a dagger for the occasionshe loses his sword or a smaller ite is needed. He also owns a flintlock pistol, but will not use it in arena fights unless it is a deathmatch, or is requested by his opponent.

Aspects inputted on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:20 pm
by shambala
Furcadia Login: Matsya
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
**Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:

Speed - Mat is built more for speed rather than strength, part of his natural build in and effort to avoid being eaten by predators, seeing as he is unable to physically hold them back. He is strong, but not strength wise, instead it is concentrated into being as nimble and agile as possible.

Weapons - His own natural weapons; his antlers. They've grown larger and sturdy over the years, and are pretty capable of causing some damage. Due to the beehive type design of the bone, they do nothing to impede his speed or agility - even if they quite possibly could get in the way.

Aspects inputted on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:50 pm
by Blade Runner
Furcadia Login: Zelanze Balestra
Profile: > Knight Erraunt and Single Father; Fox had come a long way in the last several years, the very example of knightlyhood; steps taken in long perfected posture. Tightly linked well-made chainmail was dressed over with black tabbard pulled to his form with matching sword belt. Red cape drapped from it's pin on his shoulder, it's upper half pulled flat to his back by kite shield bearing his family's heraldry. Both swords are straped tight and peace tied to his sword belt at all times, one rapier and one longsword; whilst his parrying dagger is strapped to the back of his hip. A portable coffee container tied next to his coin purse at all times. (URL:
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37

Explanation for Points: Zel is a professional fencer; and for over three years has been an arena combatant (including a lot of time in The Tether, before this system was introduced) and adventurer. Zel's technique is based around quick reactions and small, precise movements, resulting in the higher speed stat; not to mention the fox's lean and quick physique.

*Weapon(s): 2 (Red Obsidian Rapier)
Defying all logic, obsidian may be popular in fantasy but makes poor logical sense for a sword. It lacks the durability to survive a single fight; yet what if it could withstand the call of combat? Mysteriously smithed in such a way that it does not shatter the obsidian blade has a sharp enough edge to effortlessly cut through armor with a flick of the wrist. Small and light, yet deadly and swift. A martial weapons that are meant to be accompanied with proper skill and technique. By parrying with the sword or shield your opponent's weapon is displaced while allowing your own weapon to remain on point. When combined with the knight's speed and proper technique it is arguably one of the most lethal blades from Kasuria. The guard of the rapier is a stylized swept hilt which protects his paws and wrist while the blade is a dark tinted red that leaves an after trail with each motion. Zelanze wears lighter armor when using this seat to better facilitate proper movement.

**Armor: 2 (Padded Chainmail Armor, Chestplate, Coat and Tabbard + Shield)
Explanation for Points: Zel now wears his full combat attire. A stylized chestplate set over over tabbard and full woven chainmail armor; padded on the underneath. Protective plates underneath the set protect the most vital organs. A much heavier set cape weighs on his shoulders over padded undercoat to offer maximum protection with a styled golden clasp that represents his current status in the arena.

Aspects inputted on Oct 20, 2011 by Siena.
Aspects inputted on Dec 24, 2014 by Muunokhoi
Aspects inputted on Nov 8, 2014 by Muunokhoi

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:53 pm
by IndraBolivar
Furcadia Login: Indra Bolivar
Profile: ... page=13446
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:44
*Weapon(s): 2 Steel Claymore
**Armor: 0 None
Explanation for Points: Indra has spent many years as a soldier and a fighter. He was granted a steel sword when he was given a minor title. His strength and endurance comes from forty years of training.At the Age of ten he decided to follow the path of the sword. Practicing with it daily and working as a guard till he was conscripted into military service where he adopted a daily routine of exorcise and sword play. Through his years her has continued this practice even after he was stripped of title and exiled.

Aspects inputted by Siena on Oct 23, 2011.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:07 pm
by Ryuu
Furcadia Login: Fernand

The epitome of beauty was sculpted into this imperfect being, a gargoyle, who has lived for over thousands of years. First glance was human, form stood at 6'9" and body fit into perfection-- Years of hard work shown upon body after serving the house of Drake for many generations, their families crest tatoo'd on his right shoulder. His eyes were a royal blue, it's menacing and cold stare devoid of life and face showed no emotion. Hair cropped as if recently cut, its color a chocolate brown, skin a creamy flesh but clothing hid all his battle scars. His attire hadn't changed in years - A white colored long sleeve blouse was worn underneath a black colored vest, matching corduroy pants fastened with a belt and tucked into boots. For years he has ventured far and wide, never sticking around for too long.

Strength: 0 - Average Strength.
Speed: 0 - Average Speed.
Stamina: 3 - Hundred of years of training with his father in pure defense, making that his best offensive ability and his supernatural abilities from being an Elder Gargoyle.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Weapon(s): 1 - All natural: Clubbed tail and two pairs of horns. One pair that curl away from the face, coming back around and curls to his mouth like THIS - And the other pair curls over the forehead and juts out forwards.
**Armor: 2 - Armor plated skin, takes a while to nick. (Kind of like The Thing from Fantastic Four but more jagged looking rocks)
Explanation for Points:
He is a 10,000 year old Elder Gargoyle and only changes into this form when he is in battle. He has served under the house of Drake for several generations, protecting them from evil spirits and other monstrosities. He was taught by his father before he died on how to become the greatest "wall". He was trained mostly in defense, how to use his energy to use his ability to become the ultimate wall and withstand lots of pain. Svathus has also gained all of his fathers abilities after his death, making him the next elder gargoyle, the highest of ranks in his family line. His weapons are his armored fists, two pairs of horns upon his head and clubbed tail. His armor consists of his entire body, darkened skin covered over layers of stone upon arms, legs and torso as well as his wings and tail.

Enraged form:

Strength: 3 - In this form he is more wild and vicious, turning his power in defense straight to his attack and is now a wall crusher. Elder blood couring through veins gives him newfound power.
Speed: -1 - Enraged state makes him a lot less slower.
Stamina: 2 - Still can take quite a lot of hits because of his defensive capabilities.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 0 - Jagged horns upon face. Spiked tail and spiked fists.
**Armor: 2 - Stone plated skin, takes a while to nick. (Kind of like The Thing from Fantastic Four but more jagged looking rocks)
Explanation for Points:
Once he is enraged, he turns his defensive power into pure power, making him a force to be reckoned with. No longer he is the wall to take thousands of hits but now a full out attacking gargoyle with an intent to destroy. And in this state, he is much slower than before, making him an easy target but his stone plated skin makes up for that.

Inputted into the system on Oct 21, 2011 by Yoshino.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:31 pm
by DemitriDormasz
Furcadia Login:Demitri Dormasz





Hit Points :51



Explanation for Points:
Demitri's Strength is reflection of his years of war and battling both mortal and demonic creatures for dominance. Created to be a weapon his strength is key to power, however he has expelled some of his power into others slowly weakening the demonic beast.

Having a large figure that he does his speed suffers, being over nine-foot tall with large wings limit's his speed. While on the ground the beast lacks any real speed however he makes up for this with strength.

However having a large body and being of pure demonic descent he has amazing stamina. Not needing rest or food the best does little more then mediate. Demitri was created to become a weapon of war and destruction thus he was made to endure battle and time itself.

Aspects inputted by Siena on Oct 23, 2011.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:38 am
by armin
Furcadia Login: Arminius


Strength: +2

Speed: +1

Stamina: +1

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37

Primary Weapon(s): +1(Broad sword, long sword)

Secondary Weapon(s): +0(Fangs, nails, hand to hand combat)

Primary Armor: +0(None)

Secondary Armor: +0(None)

Explanation for Points:

Strength: Arminius has spent years training as a swordsman. This had given him an increase in his strength. Vampyric blood also flows within his veins. These are two key components to his strength. He pushes himself to the limits physically through several intense strength training exercises to keep himself physically strong.

Speed: A combination of natural strength granted by vampyric blood and a vigorous training course using the tether's jungles as a training ground has kept his speed at a higher elevation then many others.

Stamina: In addition to his training in the jungles for strength, he also uses the jungles surroundings to push his body to the limits and beyond. Sometimes he can be found hiring patrons to aid him, to build up his endurance and therefore increase his stamina.

Weapon(s): Arminius has had a custom set of swords made. These blades are crafted from durable materials, aswell as balanced to give them a light weight feel to allow maneuverability without slowing down one's force when the blade is moved. He carries an elegantly crafted long sword, in his right hand. His left is sometimes found holding a broad sword embroidered with his family's crest in the base of the blade just above the hilt. Depending on his mood, depends on if he uses one or both blades. Should the blade or blades be lost during battle, he will fall back on his hand to hand combat skills, fangs, and elongated nails as weaponry until the blade/blades can be recovered.

Armor: No armor has been acquired as of yet.

Aspects inputted on Oct 26, 2011 by Siena.

Aspects have been re-explained due to aspects having been removed from the system -Armin.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:46 am
by ThatOneDy
Furcadia Login: Ivana
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:44
*Weapon(s): 0
**Armor: 0
Explanation for Points: As described in the character profile, Ivana's training, her career as a mecha pilot exposed to intense physical stresses and subsequent months used as an arena punchbag coupled with the fact that she's relatively young, with a body that adapts easily and regenerates quickly, have all honed her stamina. Her speed, too, was improved by the same factors, coupled with her petite frame which makes her faster and more agile overall. Having spent a fair bit of time with her body busy healing and regenerating, often on insufficient nutrition, there was little opportunity to develop the muscle, nor can she back her strikes up with physical mass. Thus her strength is below average for the time being. She does not use weapons unless given some, but her lack of training and experience with those would likely hinder, not help. Thus, weapons and armour are by default 0.

Aspects inputted on Oct 29, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:06 am
by Elsa
Furcadia Login: Elsa
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
Spiked Club – More 'Pole' like in design, this is a long club made of hardwood with a metal casing over it. From the metal protrudes many long spikes.
Dark leather Armor encases her upper body and arms. On her lower equine legs she wears metal bracers that go up to her knees.
Explanation for Points:
Being a centaur has it's advantages, she is both stronger than your average creature and faster. She has trained herself over the years to only increase this set advantage. Her stamina leaves some to be desired, but she intends to train in this next.

Aspects inputted on Oct 29, 2011 by Siena.