[IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Bocca »

Furcadia Login: Bocca
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/Bocca
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
**Armor: +1
Explanation for Points: Most of Bocca's generous weight is carried in muscle, gained from working on ships and general body building activities, which accounts for his stamina as well. He constantly carries a whip, which is generally used for slave training, but he is versed enough with it to use it as a weapon, if necessary. He usually wears a leather cummberbun type garment that holds his weapons and doubles as mild armor.

Aspects inputted on Oct 29, 2011 by Siena.
Last edited by Bocca on Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.


(17:30:20) Raginfrik: BE LIKE
(17:30:52) Raginfrik: DO IT
(17:31:00) Bocca: They would institutionalize me


(00:33:47) Jihan: everytime I think of Bocca
(00:33:50) Jihan: I think of starbucks
(00:33:55) Jihan: A tall grande Bocca
(00:34:09) Bocca: I bet that drink tastes like good dick and lies
(00:34:19) Jihan: Or cigarettes and fury
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Beryl »

Furcadia Login: Beryl
Profile: Loyalty knows no boundries, not even between life and death. The slain salvation and lost translation of a true misanthrope devised from the cruel game of love, gave birth to an abomination with a murderous history. Myths and ballads, though some devised from crude superstition, described an inconceivable monstrosity void of compassion. It was the blossom of feminine perfume and a harlots deftness, that would defy the vision of a monstrosity, and leave one to envision Aphrodite herself, in defiance of her otherwise fatal nature. Harbinger of violence upon humanity, cruelty disposed into tangled mind to play its part in forming man's worst enemy, bastardizing what could've been the loyal family bitch.
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1
Explanation for Points: A cruel trained mutt, the dog is the product of a slavers vision for nothing but his own greed for glory and the fullness of his pocket. Thrown into rings with creatures much bigger, stronger, and overall badder than the dog quickly had her learning the steps of fighting. Heavy shackles on each of her four paws kept her weighted down, building the muscles of her legs which added to her speed. Heavy, relentless beatings on a daily basis gave birth to incredible stamina and vicious personality. Quickly the dog learned to bite the hand that fed with veteran weapon(s) of fangs and claws.

Inputted into the system on Oct 26, 2011 by Cresenzo.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Affair »

Not that I expect this to happen any time soon but its best to have it known.

Furcadia Login: Affair
Profile: Offsite Character Page, Slave Papers, Furcadia Description best to be read on website.
Strength: 0
Speed: +1 (feline attribute)
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Weapon(s): +1 (Claws)
**Armor: 0
Explanation for Points: She isn't the type to dish-out any wallops or handle any throws for that matter, but due to being a woman she learned to use defensive maneuvers to neutralize her opponents and possibly get out of grapples. I have thrown this under speed for when used in defense it doesn't get cut in half, as to why I haven't used stamina is because she still can't handle thorough punches.

Aspects inputted on Oct 29, 2011 by Siena.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Valish »

Furcadia Login: The Magister
Profile: RP Repository.
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30

Weapon(s): (Staff) +2
(ALT: Claws/Teeth) +1
Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:

Strength: Necromancy is a hands-on profession. Years of toting, treating and occasionally violently manipulating corpses have left him with decent upper-body strength. He has also trained with his staff, to ensure he's not entirely helpless without his magic.
Speed: Runs if he can, walks if he must. Being feline in nature and having spent part of his youth pearl-diving and much of his adult life traveling on foot (sometimes very quickly, often in the opposite direction of local law enforcement and/or angry villagers who object to his rifling through their mausoleums), he knows how to move when he has to.
Stamina: Average is as average does.
Weapon(s): Carries an enchanted silver staff which does minor elemental damage on strike; generally manifests as an excruciatingly cold burn.
Armor: Wears no armour. Merely robes or light clothing.

Aspects inputted on Oct 29, 2011 by Siena.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Raginfrik »

Furcadia Login: Theron
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/theron
Strength: 2
Speed: -1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 1
**Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:

Strength: Supernatural strength that he had even before his horrid curse- due to him being a superhuman before.

Speed: Naga-like lower half is made more for water than it is for land. The scales on his stomach are not as tough as those of his land-dwelling likenesses, and therefore fast or prolonged movement causes irritation and is slow anyway.

Stamina: He's lived a long time and knows how to handle pain as well as dish it out.

Weapons: Teeth, claws, tail and tentacles

Entered into system 11/4/2011, Astrarot.
Last edited by Raginfrik on Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Evette »

Furcadia Login: Coquettish
Profile: Site
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 1 - "Alan" has been discarded for "Faoil", an ornately decorated gauntlet sword, gifted to her by Ulfrik. "Brid" is her primary weapon; a long, slender, serrated blade of iron in a bone, ruby-encrusted hilt, named after her mother. She also wears steel-capped boots endowed with iron spikes.
**Armor: 1 - Steel-capped leather knee and elbow pads, leather bracers, leather corset, steel-capped boots endowed with iron spikes.
Explanation for Points: She was brought up in a fighting family; back in the times of barbarians. She had to be good enough to pillage and to beat people twice her size to take their gold, furs, food, etc. She was formally trained since early childhood by her brother in strength and stamina (he thought these were the most needed), though due to his size and the brutal nature of such training, Coquettish has the greatest advantage in her stamina. Her speed is average and was maintained only by the training of other aspects. Growing up in times when their family had to either grow or steal food meant that she also did a lot of work in crops, harvesting, sewing and working with her mother at the same time as she underwent training with her brother. Being one of two children, and with her brother often brewing with their father, Coquettish's workload was massive and lent muscle to pack behind the hand-to-hand combat she was being taught.

Entered into system 11/10/11 Quietus.
Last edited by Evette on Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:17 am, edited 4 times in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Iseut »

Furcadia Login: Trial
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/trial/15709
Strength: +1
Speed: -1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
Sword; single-handed
Axe; single-handed
**Armor: +1
Chainmaille over the top of a padded wool gambeson.
Explanation for Points:
Strength -- He's been in and around military encampments since he was pretty much a teenager. He comes from a time period where weapon's training started in the teen's and he's been doing longbow since he was 7 every Sunday with a fine if one didn't pitch up. He's built like a middleweight boxer with the apppropriate earnt muscle - no steroids or herbal shit here, he's got a body that he has taken the time to gain and fittingly earnt.

Speed -- Face it, in chaimaille and with a weapon per hand, he's not going to be pulling any sharp corners or doing backflips.

Stamina -- See strength, and he has marginally better reserves to draw on than the average mortal due to his half-fallen Celestial heritage. He's not Jet Li mind.

Weapons -- Typical weapons of his time period, both single-handed.

Armour -- Again, typical of his time period. A sword hit will bruise, but not cut, if he's wearing that.

Entered into system 11/4/2011, Astrarot.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by roseshade »

Furcadia Login: Rose Shade
Profile: http://tinyurl.com/ba7tonj
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
Weapon 1: 0
Weapon 2: 1
Armor 1: 0
Armor 2: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Demonic blood gives her a slight advantage over most when it comes to physical strength. Coupled with years of physical training through running, swimming, and other physical training tasks have left her slightly stronger then the average furre or person.

Speed: Dancer's build allows her to maneuver around her opponents with fluid like motions. She has trained herself through the jungles of the tether to obtain a higher agility advantage.

Stamina: Years of endurance training through pushing herself past her own natural limitations, and sheer determination to train through physical training, and agility have given her an above average advantage. She has trained herself to endure more then a few punches when in the arena, knowing when to tighten her muscles and brace her stance in attempts at preparing herself for opponent(s) attacks.

Weapon 1: She prefers to use her natural defenses within the arena. Demoness' true form is used when fighting. Leaving her primary weaponry to be her natural claws on hands and feet, as well as that vicious spade on the end of her tail.

Weapon 2: Secondary choice of weapon is a simple rapier, she prefers not to use this item in battle unless it is absolutely necessary

Armor 1: None.

Armor 2: None.

Revamped character aspects.
Last edited by roseshade on Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:19 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Eevonair »

Furcadia Login: Gantz
Profile: SITE
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 1
**Armor: 1
Explanation for Points: Not being very big and having rather skinny legs he's rather average for his size in strength. Yet what he lacks in strength he makes up for in speed and strong attacks with his deadly talons. His feathers are made to soak damage and act like armor. Being a lynx gryphon he's quite hardy and has above average stamina.

Entered into system 11/7/2011, Quietus.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Dejkar »

Furcadia Login: Dejkar
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?char=6972
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1 – venom, large fangs + claws
**Armor: +1 - Naturally tough hide and scales

Explanation for Points:
Sheer size and the fact that the naga is basically 26ft + of muscled coils designed to crush and constrict prey. Living as a feral creature for his whole life before coming to the Tether he’s had to either learn to survive or be killed. (Strength + stamina)

His size makes it problematic for him to move fast, short bursts in a straight line are fine but twisting and turning sharply won’t happen. As any reptile he can suffer from colder temperatures and his energy levels can drop drastically if he gets cold. (Speed)

As well as crushing coils he can claw and bite his targets, these are generally secondary attacks to his spitting. The venom is more or less harmless on fur and skin –slightly itchy on skin but nothing serious- but in eyes, mouth, wounds or injected it eats away at healthy tissue. (Weapon)

His thick hide and scales act as a natural form of flexible armor (Armor)

Entered into system 11/7/2011, Quietus.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Turiah »

Last edited by Turiah on Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

(14:25:08) Silversmith: BUY MY CUNT COVERS, WHORES

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Tory »

Furcadia Login: Predatory
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/tory/15926
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): Razor sharp steel nail tips ( Think of the movie catwoman, those diamond tips she wore with her gloves ) Has 10, one to cover each finger. Will Also use feral form as a weapon.
**Armor: 0
Explanation for points: Tory is rather normal in size, long legs and slender torso.
Strength: Because shes a shapeshifter she gains a bit more muscle than your typical human and more feral instincts tend to kick in when it comes to a battle.
Speed: Longs legs and keen cat sense gives her that more agile being.
Stamina: Had some training, having to run and take abuse built up the girl quite quickly.

Inputted by Siena on Nov 26, 2011.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Bellare »

Furcadia Login: Bellare
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/bellare
Strength: +1
Speed: -1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1
Gladius {here}
Bullwhip {here}
**Armor: +1 {visual} - only slightly more moulded at the top to fit her female figure, so akin to a boned/armoured corset at the top, but with the same arrangement of straps, ties, buttons and scaling maille and the same skirting of straps.
Explanation for Points:
I. Strength -- Her physique is that of an athlete, although in the context of her occupation, closer to a fighter than any sort of gymnast and the like. Her upper body, thanks to her wing musculature, is well-defined and more like that of a light weightlifter. Her abdominals are subtly defined, as is visibly her lower back and legs. She is not bulky however, nor are her muscles large -- they are appropriate for her height, bone structure and physical training. She spent 30 years within the environment of a ludi; training within a gladiatorial school involved hours at the pallus, double-weighted weapons and a regimental diet - an overall grueling regime.

II. Speed -- Lesser than average and more nimble moves are difficult, thanks to a combination of her wings, armament choice and weaponry.

III. Stamina -- See strength, and factor in a mild influence on part of genetics, thanks to being part unicorn/pegasus - mythological, but not supernatural. Able to go on for longer but just as capable of defeat at the end of the day as any other.

IV. Weapons -- Aside from her fists, mythril-shod hooves, horn and wings; a gladius and bullwhip tailored to her.

V. Armour -- Leather armour that visually appears a merger between a lorica and a linothorax. This in addition to greaves, a segmented metal manica lined with padding on her right arm, padding on her legs and a customised helmet that resembles that of a hoplite.

Entered into the system by Ulfrik on Nov 16, 2011.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Jao »

Furcadia Login: Jao Wongryutian
Profile: Papers
Strength: +1 [ His body has been honed to kill wanted prey upon site and he has grown quite muscular from hunting. ]
Speed: +1 [ Is accustomed to running about on bare feet/hooves from years of roaming about the lands before finding self at the Tether. ]
Stamina: +1 [ Learned to take a blow or two when having to hunt for food; the strong weren’t easily bested by the weak. ]
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1 [ claws, feet/hooves, teeth, tail, horns ]
**Armor: +0 [ Will enter the arena as is; has never found a use for any of it. ]

Entered into system 11/15/2011, Quietus.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Samuel »

Furcadia Login: Noah Hartley
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?char=8078
Strength: +0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Weapon(s): +1 (Claws and fangs)
**Armor: +0 (Not in the position to afford armor.)
Explanation for Points: Strength is that of an average person mainly since he lacks training that would focus upon the aspect. With significant training the point might be risen to that of 1 though it is highly unlikely that the boy would find the training required to bring it above that. Whilst not that strong overall, the jackal mostly relies on the ability to dodge the opponent's attacks as was constantly taught from an early age. Even though a peaceful nation, the practice was allowed to remain healthy and physically active. Thin, yet highly flexible, body structure is required to live on high altitudes and use flight as a daily form of transportation no matter the condition so of course trained from a young age to be able to compensate for the general physical weakness. Stamina will probably never rise above average due to the weakness in the creature's bone structure. Only possibility to rise it would be with some sort of magical intervention or capital change.

Inputted by Siena on Nov 26, 2011.
Last edited by Samuel on Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by cobra175 »

Furcadia Login:LukaTheGreyWolf
Profile: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16175
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:44
*Weapon(s): 0
Explanation for Points:She had trained herself long and hard to become toned and ready as she is today, everyday doing exercises and working out when she can, she keeps her strength up so as to be able to play with the big boys. That also includes running and jogging long distances, , one to keep her legs limber and able to move fast when need be, usually by practicing dodging techniques. The other plus to her running is a heightened stamina, able to last longer and longer each time she runs, thus able to pace herself in her fights and try to outlast her opponents.

Entered into system 01/06/2011, Quietus.
Last edited by cobra175 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Muunokhoi »

Furcadia Login: Muunokhoi
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/muun
Strength: 2
Speed: -1 0 ( +1 for level 3 extra point )
Stamina: 1 2 ( +1 for level 4 extra point )
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37 44 ( +7 for level 4 extra point )
Primary: 2 - Sword, axe, single handed spear, large broken pipe
Secondary: 1 - Seax, spear shaft, wooden sword
Primary: 1 Ringmail hauberk (Torso, elbow length sleeves, reaches down to just above knees), leather bracers and glove, gjermundbu helm with frontless aventail

Explanation for Points: A big, beefy and muscular man. A mercenary trained well in a large number of combative tactics. Large for a regular human and carrying some bulk along with muscles. Age has and size keep his speed average. Although despite being an older man, he is still incredibly fit. Physically tough as well resilient. Able to withstand a surprising amount of pain. One armed, although years of training later, and such a debilitating injury seems to not matter.

Entered into system 12/6/2011, Quietus.

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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Alisha »

Furcadia Login:Bremusa
Profile: Site
Hit Points [30+(7x1)]:37
*Weapon(s):1 (Natural body weapons, claws, tail, maw, wings)
Explanation for Points: Bremusa is a dragon, she has lived most of her life in the wilderness and has fought a little here and there when necessary, so I put her strength at a 1 for her natural strength and for having a little previous experience. Being so big makes her a bit slow when she is in a confided space so I put her speed at 1. I put her stamina at 1 because, again she has previous experience fighting, and because of her natural armor defense she is able to absorb hits, that is also the reason I put her armor at 2, her thick hide and scales protects her fairly well. I put her Weapons at a 1 for her claws, tail, mouth, wings, she will ever only use her self as a weapon, so she has learned while fighting how to best use them to her advantage.

Entered into system 12/1/2011, Ulfrik.
Last edited by Alisha on Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Exalted »

Furcadia Login: Exalted
Profile: Link
Strength: +1
Speed: +3
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): 0
**Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:

Strength-: Multiple styles of fight training. She has had to battle large creatures and "take them down." Conditioning has made her notably strong.

Speed-: Aisling (Exalted) is a supernatual being (A type of dreamer fae*, known as The Sœng'ætüriê) that comes from a very intense realm (The dream realm - plagued by vicious nightmares and night terrors). In order for her race to survive they had to adapt to physical enhancements (like humans had to develop to stay on top). In order to survive they had to be very quick or die. This is because their predators are nimble (like how some prey animals have developed increased speed). Due to this, Aisling was born with a much higher than average (inhuman) speed enhancement. Furthermore, Aisling has spells (Enchantments) on her body that are unable to be removed. These enchantments also increase her speed. On top of her natural speed increase and enchantments; Aisling is trained in several fighting styles. Because she is small, she's had to learn to move out of the way of heavy attacks and quickly attack them while they're recovering. Agility is by far her "strongest" stat.*

Stamina-: She has to be able to keep up with all that running and dodging. She's taken a lot of good blows in the past (not just from fight training but general surviving), and has to be able to push on (or die).

*Edited to be explained better.

*I have a "Lost Girl," opinion on the word Fae. I use fae to describe ALL magical and supernatural creatures. That's anything from fairies to devils. Werewolves to vampires.

Entered into system 12/6/2011, Quietus.
Last edited by Exalted on Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:16 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Oni »

Character: Fefnir
Profile: http://www.thegoldentether.com/board/vi ... 32&t=16194

Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Hit Points: 30
Speed: +1
**Armor: +1


Strength: she’s a waft though seems to have the strength of an average person.

Stamina: She is alittle tough for her size but its nothing extrordinary

Speed: She’s thin and nimble a rather hard target to hit!

Weapons: Her tail is used for close range about 10 feet away and does contain neurotoxin venom, though its rather mild due to a lack of use to keep fresh venom in it. Her quills will cause nasty infection if not cleaned! Like porcupine quills they are barbed, they aslo detatch and the more they are messed with the more they burry themselves in.

Armor: Her quills are dense and cover her back side and most of her arms, they act like a light chain mail, her belly on the hand is very very soft!

Entered into system 12/6/2011, Quietus.
Last edited by Oni on Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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