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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:33 pm
by Anechka
Furcadia Login: Chalchuitl
Profile: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16642
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): 1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 1
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Stemming from her semi-supernatural animal attributes, as well as weight training to maintain muscle mass and tone.
Speed: The character is a vessel for the Aztec god Tialoc, though has no supernatural powers beyond shape-shifting into a bipedal jaguar and unusual agility.
Weapon(s): In jaguar form, teeth and claws. In human form, daggers.
Armor: Ceremonial gold armor commonly found on Aztec priestesses; Chest armor (gold-plated breastplate), Gold-plated bracers (used for blocking oncoming blows)

Entered into system 04/30/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:59 pm
by Merl
Furcadia Login: Merl
Strength: +1
Speed: -2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): None
**Primary Armor: Everywhere +3
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Almost all of his muscle is placed in his tail and jaws, mostly from having to hunt down large prey while he was free. Since he is rather short the only way he can manage to kill something effectively is to slam his tail into it and then start ripping it apart with his jaws, which grew to be quite the workout day after day.
Speed: Merl is an extremely big and heavy creature, and as such it is very hard for him to do anything besides waddle slowly.
Stamina: Due to his thick scales and not having to go up against another predator Merl never really had to deal with taking lots of heavy blows before, so never built up a huge tolerance for pain. The stamina he has is simply from when his prey decided to be stubborn.
Weapon(s): Seeing how Merl is a feral, he is unable to wield any type of weapon besides the teeth in his mouth, which aren't any larger then a dog's. Due to his large size and weight placement he is also unable to swipe at anything with his claws since he needs to distribute all of his weight evenly to his four feet otherwise he would tip over.
Armor: He has very thick scales all over his body that act as armor to protect him which he was born with that come from half of his hybrid breed, the Girdled Armadillo Lizard.

Entered into system 04/30/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:50 am
by Zepar
Furcadia Login: Zepar
Profile: ... page=25859
Strength: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37 pnts
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Axum Nerteri (great switch-bladed mace)
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: N/A
Secondary Armor: N/A
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Born and raised in the sweltering deserts of Ethiopia, strength was needed to combat the heavy weight of lions and elephants during the hunt. Grueling training as a child into adolescence helped hone her body properly as a warrior king of the Oromo tribe. Such vigorous training also sculpted thighs for long distance running.
Speed: In the hot desert, speed was a necessity in tracking and hunting as well as chasing the prey. Endurance of running in sandy dunes helped firm leg muscles.
Stamina: Running in Ethiopia's heat, chasing wild prey and outrunning vicious large cats has increased her level of tolerance.
Weapon(s): A heavy mace carved from the bones of Rhino, Giraffe, and Elephant, this weapon is quite heavy. Doubling as a club and blade when extracted.
Armor: A weak and base armor with no other attributes other than her country's style/motif of dress. It serves no other purpose other than to look fashionable.

Inputted by Ulfrik on May 1, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:49 am
by Orvar
Furcadia Login: Orvar

Human Form - This will be the most common, default form.
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 2
Secondary Weapon(s):1
**Primary Armor: 1

Explanation for Points:
Strength: He is strong, but not a brute by any means. Keeps a healthy diet and regularly works out to keep his form.
Speed: No faster than the average man
Stamina: A long life of manual labor, training, and dealing with prisoners has given him a tough constitution.
Weapon(s): Primary: Flanged Mace
Secondary Seax
Armor: Furs over a leather brestplate, shinguards, bracers, knee and thigh guards.

Dragon form
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 1
**Primary Armor: 2

Strength: As a dragon his strength is still fairly great, unless compared to other dragons. He keeps up his training in this form as well as human form
Speed: Average, still
Stamina: Tough hide alongside years of personal training
Weapons: Teeth, claws, tail "spade", general body as a whole.
Armor: Thick, rock-like scales that cover the majority of his body save for his tail and wings.

Entered into system 05/02/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:03 pm
by Artalvin
Furcadia Login: Artalvin Embermane
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +0
Hit Points: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Flame-bound Gauntlets or Chains.

**Primary Armor: None. Simple wollen garments for +0

Explanation for Points:

Strength: Large of stature, and in excellent physical condition due to the stringent demands of magical practice in former professions. Affirmed by the natural genetic physicality of the lion, even if slimmer than most.
Speed: Feline. Sharp reactions, excelent perception, and instinctive reflex. Slim build for a lion helps to detail this.
Stamina: Not yet accustomed to direct physical confrontation.
Weapon(s): Extensive training in magical and pyromantic arts allows him to give form to fire magics, even to solidify them without a high need for magical draw.

Gauntlets -- Close-range weapons, meant for direct contact.

Chains -- An alternative to the gauntlets for distanced combatants. Can extend and retract between 12 feet and 4 feet. Seeing as fireballs arent exactly allowed for this sort of thing.

Both weapons are very, VERY hot, likely to cause burn damage, attributing to their stat boosts.

Armor: N/A

*Weapons are dependent on the keystone for Artalvin's bracers allowing a limited flow of his magical abilities. If this is not allowed in the current battle, bonuses will not be applicable.

(Contact me if there are questions or concerns.)

Entered into system 05/02/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:07 pm
by Amerel
Furcadia Login: Amerel
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): No weapon
Secondary Weapon(s): No Weapon
**Primary Armor: No Armor
Secondary Armor: No Armor
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character.)
Strength: Amerel can pack a powerful punch. Especially if she kicks! But she is young, so does not entirely have a knock-out hit.
Speed: Being an equine she is built for speed. She has done a lot of endurance running for many years.
Stamina: She may not look like much, but she had an iron, unbroken will. Able to take a punch but keep on coming. She'll fight until she can fight no more.
Weapon(s): It would be unwise to offer a unbroken, wild slave a weapon at this point.
Armor: Due to her hostility, she has been stripped of her clothing as one of her punishments. So she has no armor.

Entered into system 05/02/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:23 pm
by Kalev
Furcadia Login: Maximillian.
Strength: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
Primary Armor: +1
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Trained for years to fight whilst a part of the Roman army and being a pitfighter in the early stages of his slavery, Max has built up grand pyhic that could easily benefit him in the heat of battle.
Speed: As an equine he is naturally gifted to be swift, but his combat and evasive lessons have taught him to think on his feet.
Stamina: Vyatka horses were specially bred for their sheer endurance and stamina, coupled with his military life of having to march for hundreds of miles through extreme environments, means he's built up a strong resistance to pain and fear a like.
Weapon(s): A single scimitar coupled with a heavy, full bodied shield capable of easily knocking a man out with a good swing. Hooves made of compressed keratin can easily break bones with a solid kick.
Armor: Customized Roman-inspired armor crafted by the blacksmith Kodachrome which covers every inch of the stallion from ear to hoof, accompanied by the aforementioned heavy duty shield.

Entered into system 05/02/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:27 pm
by Asmodaeus
Normal Form

Furcadia Login: Wind
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Slim build, strength is not her forte, though she isn't weak either. Average.
Speed: Being the goddess of weather with a focus on the wind, she is naturally swift and flexible, augmented at times by her powers.
Stamina: As a deity, she has lived many millenia and survived through various encounters. Like the weather she represents, Wind can endure a long and arduous battle if she has to, and her stamina reflects this.
Weapon(s): Enchanted Chakrams (Pic).
Armor: Coat and panties - nothing substantial.

Dragon Form
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: +1
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Slim build, strength is not her forte, though she isn't weak either. Average.
Speed: Being the goddess of weather with a focus on the wind, she is naturally swift and flexible, augmented at times by her powers.
Stamina: As a deity, she has lived many millenia and survived through various encounters. Like the weather she represents, Wind can endure a long and arduous battle if she has to, and her stamina reflects this.
Weapon(s): Her claws/teeth/etc - natural, from her dragon form.
Armor: Scales of her dragon form, providing some protection.

Entered Normal Form into system 05/02/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:27 pm
by Montego
Furcadia Login: Sibil
Profile: RPR Site
Strength: +1 (Set at one because her strength is just above average for her size and build. Giving the training she's endured, she's developed toned muscle in her arms, legs, and back.)
Speed: +1 (Set at one as well because she isn't lightening fast, but above the average furre for having been trained in races that suited her previous Owners.)
Stamina: +2 (Set at two to her constant conditioning and being able to take a hit. *Currently training with NPC Guards as per Renter's suggestion.*)
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Claws. (Her natural set, that is it)
**Primary Armor: 0 (No armor due not having been gifted any.
Explanation for Points: Explanations are above.

Entered into system 05/07/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:43 am
by Proverb
Furcadia Login: Oldmusic
Strength: 3
Speed: -1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): None
Secondary Weapon(s): None
**Primary Armor: 1 (Thick leathery hide)
Secondary Armor: None

Explanation for Points:

Strength: Demonic strength. When Oldmusic reaches her final bestial form she is over 14' tall at the shoulder and weighs over two tons. She is a massive monster that can really destroy things.
Speed: She is big and cumbersome, with small hind legs and poor posture that keeps her from being quick with her attacks.
Stamina: She is big and built for battle like a tank. Throbbing lean muscle is rock hard beneath her natural thick hide.
Weapon(s): None.
Armor: Thick hide that covers her entire body and can be compared to heavy leather armor. It is is some two inches thick, and further protected by dense matted fur.

Entered into system 05/06/2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:04 pm
by Skutatoi
Furcadia Login: Skutatoi
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37 HP
*Primary Weapon(s): 0 - He uses Hands, elbows, knees, and feet to inflict damage to his opponents.
Secondary Weapon(s): 0 - None
**Primary Armor: 0 - Traditional monk vestments and fine cloth garments. They provide no additional protection.
Secondary Armor: 0 - None

Explanation for Points:

Skutatoi is a warrior-monk trained in the Eight Limbs fighting style. He has lived and breathed a regimented, martially-intense existence from the day he could begin to walk until present. His twenty years of travels across the realms and experience in combat has honed him into a battle-hardened fighter. He is formidable -- even against armed opponents.

Strength: Eight Limbs focuses on offense through overpowering force. Strength is represented not only in physical prowess, but mastery of one's inner energies (chi). By focusing his chakras Skutatoi can strike an opponent with an impact far exceeding his physical capability and can dent armor and break bones with a well-placed attack.

Speed: Eight Limbs focuses on defense through avoidance. While a strong body is important, Eight Limbs requires exceptional dexterity, situational awareness, and reactionary times to emerge from a fight intact. The thoroughly punishing regiment at his monastery has made Skutatoi an exceptionally fast and nimble opponent which is further enhanced through his harnessing of chi mastery.

Stamina: In order to sustain the amount of energy to perform the punishing strikes and lightning-fast dodges of Eight Limbs, the monk's body is in excellent shape. Training has focused on cardiovascular endurance and lean, compact muscle verses pure bulk and physical resistance. Considered against an average fighter, Skutatoi is above-average in his resilience to injury. However he does bleed, cut, and bruise just as easily as the next fighter and will succumb to numerous or severe injuries.

Weapon(s): Skutatoi uses his limbs and carries no additional weapons. His damage is inflicted through pure strength aided with focusing his chakras into each attack.

Armor: Skutatoi wears simplistic but well-made monk vestments and fighting gear. It is of fine-quality cloth which allows him full range of motion and movement. They offer no additional protection.

Inputted by Siena on May 9, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:57 pm
by Alisha
Furcadia Login Karakulak
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:37
*Primary Weapon(s):1
Secondary Weapon(s):none
**Primary Armor:0
Secondary Armor:
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Lived in the deep jungle woods. Has lived four years out there, she is very long and very lean and muscular. She is used to having to kill and bring down prey that is larger then her, so her hunting skills are moderate to advance.
Speed: She is feline, has great balance and a low center of gravity. Her padded feet allow her to move swiftly while being very quiet.
Stamina: Used to traveling long distances. hunting wise she has to take down large prey, sometimes fighting with them for upwards of an hour to finally get a kill.
Weapon(s): She has only her natural weapons. Her front and back claws are very strong. She also has a very strong jaw(with help from her teeth), allowing her to snap her preys neck.
Armor: none

Entered into system June 25, 2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:32 am
by Izekial
Furcadia Login: Violence

Profile: Site

Strength: +2

Speed: -1

Stamina: +2

Hit Points: 44

Primary Weapon(s): +1 -- Claws and teeth
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A

Primary Armor: +1 -- Leather armor -- Gloved vambraces protect the lower arms, spaulders protect his shoulders. Leather hide is also stretched across his chest and back. Lower legs are protected by leather greaves. Animal pelts and hide are secured at the waist by a leather belt, barely coming to his burly knees. The skull atop his head is also part of his defense. (this cannot be removed)
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength: He trained and served as a hunter and warrior within the pits below. It was eat or be eaten, and thusly, he has trained vigorously just to survive. (Plus bear's are naturally strong.)

Speed: That hulking size and brute strength has its disadvantages. Preferring to fight on two legs rather than on all fours, he is clumsy when it comes to moving this way.

Stamina: Years of hunting and fighting have left the bear ready for anything. A strong mind was needed with a strong body, and a few cuts and broken bones came naturally. One had to be strong when they did not know when their next meal might arrive.

Weapon(s): He only fights with what comes natural to him. Teeth and Claws.

Armor: His armor alone is a trophy of his various victories against the hellish beasts of his homeland. Tough leathers were hand crafted from the various hides of dragon like beasts to fit his burly form. The belt, leather, and pelts at his waist are used to keep him modest, and to also protect his more...cherished parts. The skull atop his head is however, not able to be removed, and acts as a natural defense.

Inputted by Siena on May 9, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:57 pm
by Majestic
Furcadia Login: Majestic

Profile: WIP

Strength: +2

Speed: 0

Stamina: +2

Hit Points: 44

Primary Weapon(s): +1 -- Claws, teeth.
Secondary Weapon(s): None

Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None

Explanation for Points: This is for Majestic's werewolf form, which she is considerably stronger and durable compared to her human body. Werewolves are obviously stronger than normal furres/humans, her stamina is also natural. She wears no armor and carries no weapon, relying on her brute strength, claws and teeth to do damage. Her speed is average for werewolves.

Inputted by Siena on May 9, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:47 am
by Patrin
Furcadia Login: Macbeth
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (claws [sometimes silver], teeth)
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0, his flesh is slightly thicker than the norm but not enough to be considered a point
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: He's 9ft of muscle. The Crinos form (which is what he fights in) is essentially made entirely for combat. From a World of Darkness wiki (here) - "The crinos form is the war form of the werewolves. They gain exceedingly more mass and become incredibly strong in crinos form, which stands roughly around nine feet tall. The head becomes savagely wolflike as the rest of the body is covered in fur, the subject gains a tail, and the body adjusts to that of what could be explained as a bipedial canine (Although the crinos is just as comfortable running on four legs as much as it is on two)."
Speed: He's about as fast as any other mortal species, but has naturally compensated for this in Strength and Stamina. Swift opponents can literally dance around him in a way.
Stamina: See Strength. The Crinos form is a war form, so a heightened sense of stamina and endurance is neccesary when in combat, be it with arena opponents or creatures of the Wyrm.
Weapon(s): +1 (claws, teeth - said claws can be made silver if fighting against another Were)
Armor: 0, average - flesh is slightly thicker but not enough to count for a point

Inputted by Siena on May 9, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:45 pm
by yngvi
Character: Calloway
Strength: +3
Speed: -1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
Weapon: 0
Armor: +1

he will be available for arena fights in feral dragon form exclusively.

strength: calloway is a chaos dragon, a supernatural animal with intense amounts of strength and force.
speed: he is too large to get enough agility in the tether's arena due to limited space. can't expect an adult dragon to run at anyone in a pit designed for smaller fighters.
stamina: it's a tough feat to put a dent in his health with that kind of mass to contend with. years of violence and shitstorming have made him decently durable in combat.
weapon: basic claws; albeit vicious, they aren't remarkable in comparison to the rest of his attributes.
armor: he is very durable because of that thick, almost volcanic hide, which lends itself into the +1 armor stat.

Aspects inputted by Ulfrik on May 9, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:31 pm
by Lycan
Furcadia Login: Marceline
Profile: RPR
** She's more likely to fight as a dragon than as a humanoid.

Human Stats
Strength: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30hp
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Mace
**Primary Armor: +1 Light armored top

Dragon Stats
Strength: +3
Speed: -1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37hp
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Claws/Teeth
**Primary Armor: +1 Scales

Explanation for Points:
Human- Marceline has a fair amount of muscle on her, and on top of being muscular she's tall (5'11") broad shouldered and big-boned. She's been trained specifically to be able to hold her own in war, experienced in plenty of combat, with or without armor. As a dragon she also has a natural inherited amount of muscle.
Dragon- A large mass of bones wrapped in flesh and muscle clad in scales. Her strength is quite obviously supernatural, as is the form she takes, built specifically to physically combat other supernatural forces.

Human - Although she's not specifically agile she's got excellent reflexes and an expert eye paired with her ability to simply react quickly. Most of this speed is triggered by her hyper-awareness and quickness to defend or deflect an attack.
Dragon - A beast as large as a dragon in the Arena usually lacks the speed to move quickly. It's not uncommon that her size would inhibit her ability to simply move beyond the realms of predicament.

Human - While she's got strengths in other areas, while human, stamina is not one of them. She's about as average as it gets.
Dragon - To support a mass as large as a dragons with negative speed stamina is kind of a must, built up naturally over the years.

Human - The Spiky Mace. This is an adored weapon and although it isn't the weapon she was train with specifically, it has adopted her favor over the years. Being that she has so much strength, wielding it through this sort of weapon satisfies her personal thrills.
Dragon - Teeth and claws; weapons of natural disaster. Supernatural disaster.

Human - She wears light armor over her torso, generally her shoulders and chest, occasionally light gantlets and pads for her thighs.
Dragon - Nature's natural armor; scales. The kind of armor that collectors gather for social status and function. Sure scales can be broken but they still serve a general purpose. Protection greater than that of naked skin.

Dragons aspects added by Ulfrik on May 9, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 7:00 am
by Skelengel
Character: Androgeus

Strength: +2
Speed: +0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
Weapon 1: +1 (Tomahawk and knife)
Armor 1: 0 (none)

Strength -- He is a rather large male. Standing at over 7 feet tall, there is a lot of room for muscle to coat his bones. Secondly, he has spent a large portion of his life in exile with no one to support him. Therefore, he has spent a lot of time to hone his body to a fine machine.

Speed -- Normal as he is quite large, but he's not so large that he can't move fluidly.

Stamina -- He was a warrior for his tribe, and they were a tribe of nomads. His body had to be able to withstand days of travel with little to no food or substance. That combined with combat training has given him the ability to receive a lot of punishment.

Weapon -- He wields a simple tomahawk and knife combination that he's had with him for years. He's comfortable with the weapons in different aspects. His mastery of them is complete, but they are so old that they aren't amazingly powerful for the time being.

Entered into system June 25, 2012, Fera.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:23 pm
by Eirik
Furcadia Login:Eirik|Grimsson

Profile: At 6'2" he'd almost blend in with the crowd if it wasn't for those broad shoulders, fair skin and sharp blue eyes that had become synonymous with pain in the ass. Thick dark brown hair most often tied back with a strip of leather, and a square jaw surprisingly clean. He has come to the isle dressed in a cotton shirt, dark trousers, and a leather jerkin, never without either a bow or stein in hand.

Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 Longsword; old, worn, but well loved.
Secondary Weapon(s): None yet.
**Primary Armor: Just clothes, no armor value.

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Years of helping raise houses and carry home big game has changed him from an adolescent mooncalf to a worthy man.
Speed: Primarily a hunter, the forest was always his second home-- practically his first. He came into the world knowing how to climb trees, rocks and run silently like a big cat.
Stamina: Living in cold northern climates killing northern creatures has thickened his skin almost immeasurably.
Weapon: His father's longsword that has been given as much care as was possible in a village without a forge.

Inputted by Ulfrik on May 18, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:30 pm
by Proverb
Furcadia Login: Perfection
Profile: ... omm-lo.png
Description: When her male counterpart failed, she was crafted from the same hate and desperation for domination. "Get the masses to their knees." The fault lies with the creator: who crafted a male with the power to say "no". And in answer to this rebellion, Perfection was sent-- the woman: susceptible to all temptation, weak willed, and the cause of all things wrong and sinful. Nothing but a slimmer version of her older brother-- black bitch wolf with yellow eyes and sharp bladed horns. Pretty enough for a night cap-- but not a painted portrait. She bit into the apple and told God she was unimpressed.

Strength: +2
Speed: +3
Stamina: +0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): None. 0
**Primary Armor: None. 0

Strength: Demonic strength. Perfection is an elder demon and with that she is a powerful force tucked into a small package. She makes use of her other-worldly powers to put forth a real incredible force behind an average punch. She was trained to fight, and made to fight. She is lean, lithe, and packed with taught muscles.
Speed: This is Perfection's special ability. She is able to move faster than the mortal eye can follow, which makes her incredibly hard to catch and land hits on. Her lean muscles also help her move quickly with powerful bursts of energy to evade, and retaliate.
Stamina: Average. Her body is lean and well built, but she can only take so much punishment. She was trained to hit hard and fast; she makes use of her speed and evasion to make up for her average stamina.
Weapon(s): Her whole body is a weapon, she makes use of no other tools or mechanisms to inflict damage.
Armor: She fights in the nude.

Added by Ulfrik on May 17, 2012.