[IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

The Battle System, Aspects, Wins and Losses, and anything else to do with the Arena.

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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Tryn »

Furcadia Login: Tryn
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/tryn
Speed: +1
Strength: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
Primary Weapon(s): +1, consists of Bladed Whip, Claws, Fangs, and Stiletto Heels.
Secondary Weapon(s): +0, consists of her Standard Whip.
Primary Armor: +1, her armor looks similar to this. The only difference is that her armor is solid black leather, and the metal armor located on the leathers are silver in color, threaded into the left and right gauntlets, chest armor, and thigh-high boots. The boots and gauntlets are separate from the chest armor itself, meaning the body armor is one-piece, with gloves and boots. Her Corset -- unlike her non-combat leathers -- cover her breasts for protection, and the front of the one-piece set is trimmed with the silver armor also found on her gauntlets and boots. The leather rises up to her neck, also giving it moderate protection. Her gauntlets also double as weapons, and her boots are fitted with metal heels that double as spikes, for puncturing.
Secondary Armor: None

Explanation for Points:

SPEED: Her Speed is +1 due to conditioning and agility training. She trains with a personal trainer to keep herself in fit shape. Jogging and Running are just two of the things she does with this trainer, allowing her to stay fit. This also helps with her Stamina.

She is also naturally agile, due to her species (feline).

STAMINA: Her Stamina is +1 due to conditioning. Once a day, she carries 50-75 pounds on her body for one mile. This training also helps with her Strength.

STRENGTH: Her Strength is +1 due to conditioning. While she does lift weights, she is not by any means a powerhouse. While she is slim, she does have some body tone under that fur from moderate weight lifting.


Standard Whip - The Standard Whip has a value of +0. It is used to torture, and is not made for combat. Realistically, a standard whip doesn't make a good weapon.

Bladed Whip - The Bladed Whip has a value of +1. It was made specifically for combat, and is often used on Tryn's more disobediant slaves. The whip is, as the name implies, fitted with small blades, sharp as knives and sturdy as a sword. The inside of the whip is made of chains, while the outside is covered with leather, to give it that cruel intimidating look.

Claws (Natural) - Her Natural claws have a value of +1. Used to rip and tear at her opponents, her Natural Claws are retractable. If damaged, they will grow back/repair themselves, but it takes a while.

Claws (Gauntlets) - Her Gauntlet's Claws have a value of +1. Used like her Natural Claws, these are built into the metal armor that covers her gloves.

Fangs - Her Fangs have a value of +1. They protrude from her mouth, and are sabertooth in appearance and size. They can be used to dig into the opponent, and are often used in a "aim to disable" approach. If damaged, they will grow back/repair themselves, but it takes a while.

Stiletto Heels - Her Stiletto Heels have a value of +1. Made of metal, they are fashioned like spikes, and can be used for puncturing through armor.

Inputted by Ulfrik, August 12, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Tryn »

Sorry for the double post, but I've just finished another character's Arena Aspects. Cu Sith helped me out in-game with them. :)

EDIT: Removed the Acidic Saliva mechanic. It's just too much trouble to work with.
EDIT: Removed the Claws and Teeth. She will just use her tongue, tail, and brawn instead.
EDIT: Picture of the 'shroom dragon added. It's line art, but Jav will have it colored soon, and I'll link to that pic instead.


Furcadia Login: Korrit
Profile: Korrit on RP Repository
Image: Korrit by Jav
Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
Primary Weapon(s): +0, Natural Weapons. She has a whip-like tongue and tail, which is tipped with a club. She also uses her raw strength.
Secondary Weapon(s): +0, Unarmed.
Primary Armor: +2, as her armor and hide is made of the very fungus she spawned from. It is soft and rubbery in feel, but it is thick in texture, preventing some blows from cutting too deep into her. It does not mean you can't wear her down, hurt her, or pierce her hide in a fight; it's possible! But it just means that she can take a beating. Please see "ARMOR" below, under the Explanation of Points section for more information.
Secondary Armor: None

Explanation for Points:

SPEED: Her Speed is -1 due to her size and natural armor. She is as large as a Clydesdale, and as such, not the quickest thing around. Her shell also weighs her down, like a turtle's would.

STAMINA: Her Stamina is +1 due to being a large creature that carries her shell around. With natural armor like her's, she's got to have the stamina to move around with it.

STRENGTH: Her Strength is +2 due to being a large creature. Again, she has to carry her armor around, and that keeps her muscles toned as well. She's also a magical creature, making her stronger than the average Furre.


Korrit uses her body as a weapon. Be it a bull-rushing tackle, punching with her fists, or otherwise, Korrit fights unarmed. However, her two most notable "weapons" are her tongue and tail, explained below.

Tongue - Korrit's Tongue is 8' in length (1/3rd of her total length), she uses it to grab fruits and leaves from trees. In combat, she uses it as a whip.

Her tongue can be sliced off, and I fully allow it, as it regenerates within 24 hours of removal. If your Severity Roll while attacking her tongue (which can only be attacked after she attacks with it) is 15 or higher, you have successfully removed her tongue, and she may not use it for the remainder of the match.

Tail / Tail Club - Korrit uses her tail to swing at enemies. It is tipped with a club, shaped out of three mushrooms growing around the tip of her tail to form a three-headed mace.

ARMOR: Her armor is the very hide she wears. The value of her Natural Armor is +2 because while it feels soft to the touch like a mushroom, it is actually thick like plate armor. This is mostly due to the fact that her mushroom armor sort of resembles that of a turtle's shell in look and function. However, it allows for more mobility than a turtle's shell. The natural armor is heavy and weighs Korrit down, bringing her Speed from 0 to -1 as a penalty.

Inputted on Aug 20, 2012, by Siena.
Last edited by Tryn on Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:41 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by DivineTerror »

Furcadia Login: Divine Terror
Profile: I Am The Rose. Independant, strong, cunning. Like the rose, I will lure you with Beauty and Promises of Everlasting Love. Too late you see the thorns and mine are the color of blood.
Website- http://devilsdancingsam.wix.com/divineterror#!

Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
One 10' chain whip with a curved blade fixed at the ends made of silver coated steel. The way the weapon is designed allows Samantha to throw the dart out at a long range and be used for twining, binding, circling, hitting, piercing, tightening, and other techniques. Twining and shooting can e done from any point, such as, foot, knee elbow, and neck. The chain is normally anchored on the left hand and played primarily with the right hand. If all else fails Samantha will use hand to hand combat.
**Primary Armor: 0
Samantha does not wear any armor.

Explanation for Points:

Strength - The +1 represents that Samantha is not as weak as her appearance seems, she was trained upon a ship and uses that skill to her advantage in making people think she cant do things.

Speed - Samantha has a small lithe and elegant structure, making it easy for her to move quickly and out of positions most would find uncomfortable. Hence the +2. she is mostly skilled in just avoiding the blows.

Stamina - Samantha isn't a super human and thus her energy in a fight will run low over time in a fight, that doesn't mean she can't last for a while though. Samantha was trained to fight until she was tired and ready to pass out. She can't fight until ready to die, even if she tries, but sweaty fights that last a while aren't a bother, hence the +1.

Weapons - Samantha uses her chain whips in almost every fight, so the +1 represents the skill in the weapon that she has.

Armor - Samantha prefers to fight with no armor, hence she has no skill in the aspect.

Inputted by Manky, Aug 15, 2012.
Last edited by DivineTerror on Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Kopi »

Furcadia Login: Demian
Profile: http://plumtreedesigns.wix.com/demian
Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): +2 - Pole arms
Secondary Weapon(s):
**Primary Armour:
Secondary Armour:
Explanation for Points:

Strength: Trained core muscle. Has some power behind him but focus is on attacking key vital areas.
Speed: Very light bone structure added with lithe musculature. Slim and quick in order to get around attacks easily and position himself for counters.
Stamina: Mix of strength and speed wears him down easily

Weapon(s): Halberd- Long arm weapon with a nasty dual end. Pointed tip good for stabbing attacks while shape blade runs along part of the edge to offer slashing blows. Wooden shaft also acts as a defence for some attacks, though can end up breaking the weapon if used that way.

Inputted by Siena on Aug 20, 2012.
Last edited by Kopi on Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Eblis »

Furcadia Login: Eblis.
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/eblis
Strength: +1
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
Primary Weapon(s): +2 Teeth design to tear at the flesh of crocodiles and snakes, talons that could rip skin by accident and a long, incredibly strong tail.
Secondary Weapon(s): +1 Fist, feet and head.
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Being an eight and a half foot reptile brute comes with it's advantages - easily stronger than your average mundane, Eblis can lift things ei; cars (if they existed in the time period) that humans could only dream of doing. Being a keen hunter before his slave years, he has honed his muscles due to having to fend off various predators trespassing on his tribe's land, with could vary from crocodiles, lions and even hippos.
Speed: Surprisingly swift for a monster of his magnitude, in the average spectrum however he is nothing special in this aspect.
Stamina: Having to endure the intense African heat, days without clean water or even food, and the startlingly brutal methods his clan used to hone warriors, Eblis has learned how to endure and embrace pain.
Weapon(s): Nile Monitors are renown for their incredibly sharp talons, that could rip through flesh with the slight of touches. His teeth are inwardly serrated and designs especially for ripping the tough hide off crocodiles and hippos, and his tail can crack as swift as a whip, but hit as hard as a wrecking ball. Eblis' skin is considerably thicker and his build strong than most, this considering a punch, kick or even a headbutt from him will leave you more dazed.
Armor: His form is covered in strong, scaly skin, but naturally it is not enough to contend with the steel of a blade or axe.

Inputted by MAnky, Aug 15, 2012.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Embry »

Furcadia Login: Caracas
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/whale
Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Harpoon
**Primary Armor: None
Explanation for Points:

Strength: He is a well muscled and large man, a body well cared for and trained. Packs a powerful punch, for sure.
Speed: Due to his size, he is rather cumbersome and not particularly adept in getting out of the way.
Stamina: Again, his size and body type plays a large part in his ability to take hits, stemming from being a whale dragon in a humanlike form. Naturally, he endures a great deal with relative ease; he is difficult to stagger and quite steadfast. His species, being both whale and dragon, is indicative of long journeys and a constant need to move, so it is rare for him to tire and regardless of injury, resting has never been an option. In addition, the sea is a harsh mistress and filled to the brim with competition for survival that he has combated for as long as he's lived.
Weapon(s): With the amount of power he can put behind them, punches and kicks are particularly effective. In regards to the harpoon, it is a versatile weapon in a fight. He has the capability of hurling it like one might a spear but it serves the purpose of a polearm as well.
Armor: He wears no armor.
Last edited by Embry on Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Monstrum »

Furcadia Login:

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:
*Primary Weapon(s):
+1 Dual Castellani daggers
Secondary Weapon(s):
0 None
**Primary Armor:
0 Legionnaire armor
Secondary Armor:
0 None

Explanation for Points:

Fairly average strength. Nothing spectacular.
Speed is his main, and probably only skill. Not only does his supernatural heritage help boost this aspect, but for most of his life he spent as an 'express' courier, using his ability to fly and his insurmountable speed/agility while running to deliver urgent messages. Later on when he was trained as a fighter, this strength of his was honed into his fighting style, where he uses his speed to slowly whittle down his enemies while deftly dodging deadly attacks.
He's not the most sturdy of opponents, with the right amount of force he can be knocked out pretty quickly. However, his training has helped to develop higher stamina that the average furre, allowing him to stand and fight for longer.
He wields two Roman daggers in the arena. While they are not the most intimidating of weapons, they are deadly sharp and can cut flesh with the most gentle of touches. Either master craftsmanship, or they're enchanted.
Wears Roman Legionnaire armour, made of leather and some steel. It's not as protective as it seems and teeth and claws, even some weapons, could pierce it.
Inputted by Manky, Aug 17, 2012.
Last edited by Monstrum on Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

His hands would plait the priest's guts if he had no rope to strangle kings.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by DivineTerror »

Please check PMs - Siena

Furcadia Login: Baden
Profile: He wants to die in the place where she first said, "I love you." Spread his ashes with the breath of the last kiss that she blew.
Website- http://devilsdancingsam.wix.com/baden

Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Metal spikes covering body and along tail. Claws and fangs.
**Primary Armor: +1
Metal spikes are also used as protection.

Spike locations: Along the spine of beasts back, they lead down into his tail. They are also upon his skull, though more in the shape of a horn. Back of each paw are two located, much like the would be on the center of a wrist and heel of a human.

Explanation for Points:

Speed and Stamina: Because of Baden's large size in his feral form...the man can be very slow in his movements. Though because of this, the male has had disadvantages and advantages. While size has kept him from quick movements (not to mention the metal puts weight on him). Hence the O in speed. Baden makes up for the speed though in his tolerance to attacks, hence the +1

Strength: Baden is a large beast and a killing machine. He can't control his power level at times because of this. When angry, the male can go on rage and won't stop until he or the victim is greatly injured or has dropped dead. He is a blood seeking, vicious animal. Hence the +2

Weapon and Armor: Baden has rough skin for the leathery appearance it gives off. Not only that, but he he has metal spikes that cover his body and tail, that of which has a curved razor like blade on the end. Not only can the spikes be used as a weapon. they work just as well as a defense mechanism. Baden will also uses fangs and claws to maul another person. Baden can use the spikes, fangs, and tail in both forms.
Last edited by DivineTerror on Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by eaglelord »

Furcadia Login: Jarrod Lough
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/jarrod
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 - Nunchaku
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: 0 - None
Secondary Armor: N/A
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Jarrod trains at least three times a week. He may not be able to throw the strongest punch in the universe, but he's at a level above wimp. Training for this specifically is shadowboxing.
Speed: Jarrod's training again: he runs a mile or more every other day. That, and you get good at running from bullies after a while.
Stamina: Above the average due to training (working up constitution through his running an shadowboxing) and plan ol' stupid tenacity.
Weapon(s): Jarrod's no master of this weapon, but even so it sucks to get hit with. Better than fists, too!
Armor: Jarrod doesn't exactly have the funds for proper armor.

Inputted by Ulfrik, Aug 20, 2012.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Guilder »

Furcadia Login: Bredja
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/bear-heart/

Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (Double-bladed ax)
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: +1 (Thick leather armor, chainmail underneath her dress, as well as light, thin crafted shoulder plates)
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)

Strength: She has worked and toiled for years in a blacksmith's forge, and due to that, her body is toned and strong enough to wield a weapon with a powerful blow.

Speed: She's fat, she's not going to be running very fast. After all, she relies on her heavy punches and her skills with her ax to aid her in a fight

Stamina: She may be hefty, but the work she had done and the fighting experience she's gained allows her to fight longer and harder than one would expect.

Weapon(s): Her ax, forged by herself, had been made and double bladed so she could provide a heavy swing both ways if she absolutely wished to. That and the strength she puts behind her blows could easily cleave a dragon in two

Armor: Thick leather armor, and the metal upon her shoulders, gives her the light protection she needs. However, because it is comprised of mainly leather, it can and will break with a hard enough blow.

Inputted by Ulfrik, Aug 20, 2012.
And Lancelot with head held high
Said "I'll stand for love of Guinevere,
For pride in love..."

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Kera »

Furcadia Login:

Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:

Kera is a Lycan and has an unusual amount of strength, even for a female. Not just because of her species but because of her training. She's active and practices parkour at all hours of the day. Her upper body strength is by far her strong point, build something similar to a gymnast with muscled shoulders, arms and a thick neck.
While Kera is strong, she is also fast, and will likely progress further in this area than any other. She possesses quick, agile reflexes and manages to remain light on her feet. This makes for excellent defense because she is able to react quickly and dodge, which allows her far more mobility than if she were to wear armor to protect herself instead of relying on speed.
Durability; while Kera doesn't have any specific set of armor to wear besides her clothing, she tends to heal quickly and therefore can absorb a ton of damage before officially knocking out.
Her only weapons are her nails and teeth, which she doesn't necessarily use when fighting in the arena. She's human, in appearance, and would prefer knuckles to the face than biting someone's nose off.
All natural skin, plus some clothing to cover it. Probably not the wises decision she's made but at least she doesn't waltz into that arena naked.

Inputted by Manky Aug 21, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Tryn »

Furcadia Login: Annhylde
Profile: A woman of tall stature, the 6' 3" viking wasn't dressed in much but the leathers and furs on her back. Face uncovered, one could see her darkened skin and red hair, long and often matted, though sometimes groomed... but on rare occasion. Soft hazel eyes betrayed rough, battle hardened flesh and muscle, which was sometimes hidden by a black shirt and pants, made of cloth. Her chest could often be seen within a brown leather cuirrass atop that shirt, with matching bracers on her wrists. Boots were also of brown leathers, and kept her feet warm. As far as furs went, they could be found on her red cloak, the fur a soft brown and wolven in origin. Never without a weapon, the woman carried a large 7½' long glaive.
Strength: +1
Speed: +0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +2, 7 ½' Glaive
Secondary Weapon(s): +0, Unarmed
**Primary Armor: +0, consists of a simple X-style top, loincloth, and boots.
Secondary Armor: +0, None
Explanation for Points:

Strength: Annhylde's Strength is +1 because of all the fighting she's done in her life. Swinging a weapon all her life and fighting in drunken brawls, Annhylde has remained in fit, and is muscular for a woman in her clan.

Speed: Annhylde's Speed is +0 because she's not an excellent runner, but she can keep up with anyone who's not physically fit for speed, making her average in this stat.

Stamina: Annhylde's Stamina is +2 because of all the fighting and training she's put herself through for war. She can easily take a lot of blows to her body and keep chugging like a train till she runs out of energy.

Weapon(s): Annhylde's Primary Weapon is +2 because it is a large two-handed weapon. A 7½' long glaive, the blade is made for slicing and stabbing. She can easily use this weapon to pierce and carve through armor, depending on the thickness of it. Annhylde has no secondary weapon(s).

Armor: Annhylde's Armor is +0, because as mentioned above, it's a simple X-style top made of cloth, a loincloth made of dried leather, and boots that are made of the same dried leather. Despite what she wears, none of it is thick enough to stop an attack, and leaves her face, mid-rift, arms, and thighs exposed, therefore giving her no real protection. Annhylde has no secondary armor.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Gorgona »

Furcadia Login: Blare
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/blare
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (Silver knife)
Secondary Weapon(s): 0 (Unarmed)
**Primary Armor: 0 (No armor)
Secondary Armor: 0 (No armor)
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Blare is just an average guy in his human form.
Speed: A life filled with running from various dangers as he grew up has boosted his speed greatly. Not to mention being a werewolf has had a bit of influence on this. In human form, this ability lingers, unlike some of his other stats.
Stamina: Like with speed, a life full of running has increased his stamina. Also, being a werewolf helps, and is the same situation as stated above with his speed.
Weapon(s): Nothing too special about this knife aside from the fact it's made from pure silver.
Armor: No armor.

Inputted by Manky Aug 22, 2012.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Dhattah »

Furcadia Login: Dhattah
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?char=13669
Strength: 0
Speed: -1
Stamina: 3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Gladius
Secondary Weapon(s): Fists
**Primary Armor: +1 Leather armor – chest plate, armguards, leg guards.
Secondary Armor: none
Explanation for Points:

Strength: She's about as strong as a normal person.
Speed: She isn’t very fast to begin with, and when fighting with weapons, she’s even slower.
Stamina: If there is anything Dhattah excels in, it’s the ability to take a hit. She is usually being flung around when fighting something, and through sheer determination and an ability to be hardy, she manages to last where others would give up. Plus being supernatural in a manner of speaking helps too.
Primary: While not particularly skilled with a sword, she knows enough to keep the pointy end pointed at her opponent, and is able to make her strikes count when needed.

Armor: Each piece of the armor is cured and crafted with care, allowing for a harder time for the areas it covers to be hacked into.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Aiza »

Furcadia Login: Haynes
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=33570
Strength: 2
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1.
He can partially shift his hands, so that he has claws.
Secondary Weapon(s):
**Primary Armor: None.
Secondary Armor:
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Being that he is a werewolf, he naturally has more strength than your average human being, and he also works out.
Speed: He has no added speed, as most of his efforts were centred on extra strength though he can still move quickly.
Stamina: Because of being a wolf, and having the increased strength and the power he does, the blood flowing through him naturally gives him the ability to go for longer, in order for his strength to be used.
Weapon(s): Because he was born with the curse of being a werewolf, that means it also comes with extra abilities. One of which is the ability to partly shift, just his finger nails and hands so that he has claws for weapons.
Armor: He chooses to wear no armour, so that it doesn't drag him down. He will fight in either a simple tshirt, or bare chested.

Furcadia Login: Aiza
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=32945
Strength: 3
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): her bare fists
Secondary Weapon(s):
**Primary Armor:
Secondary Armor:
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Aiza is a class one Djinn. This means that she doesn't get any elemental powers, or other abilities but she was gifted with superhuman strength. This is an ability given to only the highest in power. She can lift incredibly large objects with little effort, and can convert that easily into fighting.
Speed: She is about the same speed as a normal human, though not slower.
Stamina: Because she has to be able to keep up with her strength, and she can heal faster as is part of her power she has the ability to go for longer.
Weapon(s): She has none, she fights bare fisted.
Armor: The same again. She will just wear tight clothing, to make sure she can move fluidly.

Inputted by Raginfrik on Aug 28, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Xun »

Furcadia Login: Xun
Profile: > A tall, lithe man with sharp, lionlike features that are as cold as the stone he was created from. His dark violet fur is streaked with black and scars but muscled and hardened through vigorous training and warfare. Two sharp tusks curl out from his black lips below his ice-blue eyes, both old and in poor repair. His mane encompases his head, caught up in a tall ponytail, the rest trailing down his spine to an equally massive tail. He wears nothing but simple cotton trousers, old sandals on his feet, and a collar around his neck that reads 'Xun He.'
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: A little stronger than the average person due to daily exercise and decades worth of harsh, rigid physical training and discipline
Speed: Light on his feet as one must be for the Shaolin style of fighting he uses. He runs miles as exercise and again, decades of rigorous training in this fighting style. He is an agile and quick hand-to-hand fighter.
Stamina: One of the main points of his fighting style is not only being able to take many hits without flinching but also how to keep a clear head and not get distracted by the pain or the blows while fighting, allowing him a very strong constitution.
Weapon(s): Fists, feet, claws, fangs
Armor: None, robes.

Inputted by Raginfrik on Aug 28, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Darkblaze »

Furcadia Login: Allyah Darkblaze
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=27593
Strength: +1
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1 - claws, teeth, scorpion tail.
**Armor: None

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Her sheer size and weight, as well as her build affords her great added strength.
Stamina: She grew up around others of her kind that were more violent. They constantly fought and play-fought with her from her kitten-hood. That plus her penchant for hunting got her fit. Continued hunting and intensive exercise keeps her that way. Her breed is naturally sturdy, as well.
Weapon(s): She's used them all her life, and will not hesitate to use them.
Armor: Wears none

Inputted by Raginfrik on Aug 28, 2012.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Embry »

Furcadia Login: Civilize
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/civilize

Were (primary)

Strength: 3
Speed: -1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1, teeth and claws
**Primary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: As a werewolf, there is a vast amount of supernatural power behind her. She is massive and houses the muscle to make her a formidable beast. In addition, her bite force is tremendous and not to be underestimated.
Speed: Due to her size, she is a bit slower than average and not as capable of much evasion or swift attacks.
Stamina: Size and build make for a difficult beast to topple. She is heavily muscled and therefore quite sturdy. As such, she also does not respond as readily to pain and severe damage that might otherwise slow a person down.
Weapon(s): Naturally, her teeth and claws are capable of dealing severe damage.
Armor: Has no armor, only fur, flesh and muscle.


Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 1, knives, fists and feet.
**Primary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: The ability to fight as both human and were is important to her. For this reason, she has taking great pains to insure she can deal damage to the best of her ability. Well trained and fit with a little more muscle than strictly necessary for a woman, she hits hard.
Speed: Where she lacks in size and brute force, she's kept up on grace and and fleet feet. She had taken advantage of long legs and the capability to move far and fast and has focused more on this than other things.
Stamina: Even as a human, she maintains some of the staying power that comes naturally to weres. It takes more than good beat down and blood-letting to down any were, human or beast. That she seems to enjoy the damage she takes helps, too, and she has no problem aggravating her own wounds to power through a fight.
Weapon(s): Carries knives when she can but, being well aware that they are not always an option or available, she trained for the use of her body as a weapon as well for the sake of not being caught defenseless.
Armor: Wears no armor, fights in plain clothes.
Missa :: Hegan :: Batul
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by MiranTheWolf »

Furcadia Login:Miran Di'Norte
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): None
Secondary Weapon(s): None
**Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points

Strength: Strength has been a high quality of Miran's through out his life as a wandering fighter and body guard. Building his body with fight after fight and all the training that he could muster inbetween. Strength training was time spent in the forests carrying and training his body against heavy stone, mighty tree, and powerful streams under the watchful gaze of the CElestial beings that overlooked his deceased tribe. He has taken to nature, and in return nature has bestowed the angelic timberwolf a mighty gift of his strength. Along with numerous fights with in the lands of battle such as the fallen fortress Last One Standing.

Speed: Despite being a fluent melee combatant, Miran's speed is still something to be desired due to his massive size. Lighter opponents will have an easier time stepping up against him if they can finesse their way around him. This comes with great caution though as it puts them in range of his strong attacks.

Stamina: Much like his time spent training his strength, the toll of battle has granted him a great gift as well as his natural species and his more secretive sub-species. Wolves are known for having strong stamina over greater distances and Miran is no exception, and with the aid of the Angels that oversaw his fallen tribe, he's been blessed with angelic blood. This bloodline, along with battle and combat have hardened the Timberwolf's body allowing him to sustain great deals of punishment to a point that some rumors have called him the fighter that never falls. This is an untrue rumor but it is something of a challenge to bring him down to his knees and make him surrender.

Inputted by Ulfrik on Aug 21, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Brùid »

Furcadia Login: Brùid
Olde World, the Highlands had birthed the gnarled bearer of oathsworn corruption. Thirty-seven in age, full of vitality. Turbulence roiled beneath the gruff, cold composure of the rugged brute. Wild-eyed tribal savage, head-hunting beast. Wolf bore dire ancestry, primitive and with a sense of earthy spirituality unrestrained by convention or law. Seven foot of athletically practised scar-laden muscle, broad-shouldered sinew with a predatory sleekness. Nude, save for leather laced on both wrists and buckled 'bout pelvis at a slant. Durable hardiness. Mane of fur naturally spiked-up, stiffly arching back down his neck to end mid-back. Pictish. Canis l. lupus.
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: L0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: He's naturally well-built, but also has trained himself well both in and out of combat. He's a predator after all - you don't see wild wolves with flab or fat rolls, or limp wrists. He practices daily to maintain this.
Speed: See above; wolves are made for speed as well as strength. While he's no cheetah, he's reasonably manouverable and agile for one of his height and physique.
Stamina: Endurance is his strong point. If he can't fight it in one go, he's more than comfortable slogging it out. This is a trait drawn from his feral counterparts, that can and will chase prey down for miles before bringing it down.
Weapon(s): His claws and teeth are sufficient enough.
Armor: Aside from his fur and some leather bracers, why bother?

Inputted by Ulfrik on Aug 21, 2012.
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