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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:01 pm
by Myth
Furcadia Login: Lele
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1: Tooth and claw- Leah is a werewolf and finds human weapons to be a sign of weakness thus she will only be using what mother moon had graced her with.
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0: No armor, she grew up fighting regularly in a pack to build up strength and stamina thus she will always fight this way.
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Leah is a werewolf, no doubt about that. She will never fight in human form, the human form is inferior to her lurking beast. Growing up in a pack she was tested twenty four seven to make sure she was still capable of surviving in a world full of hate against her kind. If you didnt survive the pack you wouldnt survive out in the real world. Ye she is still rather slender compared to others. Less muscle tone but she could still dish a rather vicious punch.
Speed: She may have some muscle mass but due to the smaller size compared to most of her counter parts she is still agile enough to bare a bit of speed. Though she is not the fastest out there she can still pick up the pace to keep herself ahead of the game.
Stamina: Same as before, she grew up in a pack. Leah had to take multiple beatings each and every day to prove she was of worth. She needed to build her stamina to make sure she could stay in a fight and dish out plenty of ass whoopins to those who tried to take her on. Leah had always been one to pick fights within the pack to make herself stronger and to show some who was boss.
Weapon(s): Tooth and Claw, she prefers to use what mother moon gave her. Other than that everything else if not of interest to her.. even if you were to hand her a flaming sword of dicks that would kill anyone in a single swing, she wouldnt take it. Its inferior and worthless.
Armor: Nothing but the fur on her back, anything an made is weak and pointless. Its degrading to her species to use something that humans made. The things humans make are made to kill her species so why would she use it?

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:03 pm
by Reichy
Furcadia login: Gracen
Form 1: human Current Form
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 silver Knife
Secondary Weapons: 0
**Primary Armor:0
Secondary armor:
Explanation for points:
Strength: Grace is a werewolf. Even in human form she is considerably stronger than most other species, though not as strong as most werewolves. Muscles do appear within her arms and legs though her core is pretty weak.

Speed: In human form Grace is still quicker than most. Though not the fastest she could be. Due to her smaller form she is able to make quick moves and dodge attacks.

Stamina: Over the years Gracen has been in many a fight, and therefore learned to build her stamina so that she won't tire quickly. She's trained herself immensely by going on hunts and running, making her endurance higher than most.

Weapons: Uses a silver knife in this form to help protect against her own kind. And its sharp enough to deal with others too.

Armor: Feels as though none is needed. She doesn't want it to weigh her down.

Form 2: Wolf
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 teeth and claws
Secondary Weapons: 0
**Primary Armor:0
[/b]]Secondary armor:[/b]
Explanation for points:
Strength: Grace is a werewolf. She is considerably smaller than most other wolves so may not be as strong as them, though being a werewolf she is stronger than the average Joe.

Speed: In wolf form Grace is very quick. She has four legs to keep her moving after all.

Stamina: As a werewolf she has been forced to be in several fights. She trains on a daily basis -by running and going on hunts - to help heighten her endurance and stamina

Weapons: As a wolf Grace has both tooth and claw to protect herself with.

Armor: Feels as though none is needed. She doesn't want it to weigh her down.

Inputted by Ulfrik Sept 8, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:34 am
by Bocca
Furcadia Login: Compte
Strength: +1
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +2 - Mace
Secondary Weapon(s): +1 - Dual Swords

**Primary Armor: - 0

Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)

Strength: From years of blacksmithing. Also comes from a family of fighters, well toned muscle.

Speed: No faster or slower than the average human.

Stamina: Raised in a family of fighters. Can take a punch / cut / stabbing etc. Not only is he well versed in using a variety of weapons, he's well versed in being struck with them as well.

Weapon(s): Mace - Heavy morning star atop a cast iron staff. If swung the right way, morning star detaches from the base and connects with a metal chain (about two feet long) to convert into a flail. Does not automatically reattach. Weighs about ten pounds.

Dual Swords - Simple iron dual swords, nothing special about them.

Armor: Fights in the buff.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:13 pm
by Aethiops
Furcadia Login: Aethiops
Profile: RPR
Strength: 2** ~ Aeth's a giant brute of a lad. Over seven feet and strapping muscle he's gained through working as a slave, working out and strength training alongside other slaves.
Speed: 1* ~ Speed training alongside shoes on those hooves have meant he's no longer slipping around like Bambi on ice. He can grip, duck and sprint out the way after facing quite a few fast fighters, learning how they move and beginning to predict the next move from his opponent..
Stamina: 2 ~ Aeth' has survived many years on his lonesome. He has had to hunt and forage for himself, get through tough winters and survive a hefty wound when hunted. He knows how best to control his strength in order to survive and carry out tasks (including fights) in order to not end up knackered after the first move. Stamina is also increased through training and working hard.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 ~ Dual khopesh blades which have been sharpened to the point they could split hairs.
Secondary Weapon(s): 0 ~ Hooves and fists. The strength behind either 'weapon' is formidable, especially in his legs. Hooves are the size of a large dinner-plate and solid, much like that of a Clydesdale's and they can break bones with a swift kick.
**Primary Armor: 1 ~ Elven steel armor manufactured and molded to fit his body perfectly. Lightweight but powerful, it adds an extra layer to prevent fatal blows.
Secondary Armor: 0 ~ He got a thick booty?

*Extra stat point from reaching level 3
**Extra stat point from reaching level 4

Re-added by Monstrum on 8th November, 2019.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:55 pm
by Wyat
Furcadia Login: Wyat
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): None

**Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None

Explanation for Points:

Strength: A seasoned fighter. Wyat has been an arena fighter for a good portion of his life, and as a slave sees a good deal of physical labour and training that keeps him strong and fit. His strength has developed over time.

Speed: Kirin is well toned, but athletically so. He is a moderately agile creature by build.

Stamina: A high pain threshold and well honed form allow the kirin to push through injury and hindrance with reasonable success. He is aided by his determined nature, and sheer stubbornness. Years of lashings and torturous punishments tend to build one's stamina quite nicely.

Weapon(s): His knife is a token from his pit fighting days. Given to him some years prior, it has provided a faithful companion in many a fight and is kept rather out of fondness than practicality. The blade is kept sharp, but is mottled with age and the handle is of wood so worn that it is tied firmly in place with lengths of string for extra structural integrity.

Armor: He prefers to reply on agility, rather than hinder himself any with heavy armor. In addition, armor is generally quite expensive.

Inputted by Ulfrik, Oct 29, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:44 am
by Annibale
Furcadia Login: The Red
Profile: All hail our fair lady...Short and sassy, the little redhead was a fireball! Long flowing red hair billowed with the blowing of the wind. A hatchet at her left flank, quiver of arrows at her right. Handmade bow hung at her back, segmenting the curves of the woman. . Simple leather boots lined with fur held her legs captive. Modest amount of muscle on the woman, enough to defend herself and make her living. Long cape covered her shoulders, lined with thick bear fur. Upon her gloved wrist, a hooded hawk was often seen. ... Isabeau the Red!
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:37
*Primary Weapon(s):2 Hand made hatchets. (+1)
Secondary Weapon(s): Fists. (+0)
**Primary Armor: Leather across her torso and down to her mid thigh. Leather on thighs is more free flowing. Leather boots up to her knees to protect her feet. Leather straps at the sides of her arms. Weapons, she uses them while hunting and carving up big deer, moose and occasionally bears.
Secondary Armor: None.
Explanation for Points: Speed comes from her continual hunting and running through the forests and Ulvholme. Stamina comes from constantly having her ass handed to her by bigger bastards.

Inputted by Bocca Sept 6, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:36 pm
by Archae
Furcadia Login: Nighteye
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30

Primary Weapon(s): +3 - two finely crafted, heavily enchanted bone daggers with runic inscriptions, treated venerably by the boy.
Secondary Weapon(s): +1 - three small throwing knives, tucked into chest strap, generally saved as a last resort in case his primary weapon is lost.
Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: While not physically weak, he isn't notably strong either.
Speed: Nighteye is highly athletic, has keenly trained senses and is an extremely sharp thinker. This is because of skills earned from his visceral hunting style, a sport that he has practiced unremittingly over his entire life.
Stamina: Not used to being attacked at all, he is ill prepared for receiving a well placed hit.
Weapon(s): Weapons are self crafted from very tough bone (its origin a well kept secret), and are extremely well constructed. The runes upon the weapons buzz with power (to those sensitive to it) and, despite being relatively light, pack the collective punch of a weapon three or four times longer, sharper and heavier. Given Nighteye's attachment to them they also represent some religious, tribalistic significance to him. He is an unnaturally proficient wielder of his weapons given his young age, suggesting that their enchantments extend to Nighteye's mind as well as the weapons themselves - in theory, disarming Nighteye renders him heavily disadvantaged.
Armor: For both freedom of movement and ritualistic reasons, he refuses to wear armor.

Inputted by Siena on Sept 17, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:05 pm
by Cayne
Furcadia Login: Cayne
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): Cane. (+1)
 Secondary Weapon(s):  0
   Secondary Armor:  0
Explanation for Points: Cayne's soul is bound to a pocket watch. His heart beats in tune with its ticking, and as it winds down over a 24 hour period, Cayne ages accordingly. When the watch is wound, he heals to his default state. When it stops, he dies until it is wound again.
Due to Cayne's peculiarity with his watch, he has the ability to overwind the spring. It causes the watch to tick a bit faster, and will increase his speed. The increase in adrenaline allows him to sap extra vitality from the watch as well. Because of this, the watch will wind down much more quickly, especially if he begins taking injuries.
Strength: He has fairly average strength for a man his size and weight.
Speed: Due to the watch being overwound before each fight, his speed and reflexes are increased.
Stamina: He is able to take more damage than an average human thanks to stealing extra vitality from his watch.
Weapon(s): He is highly proficient with using his cane for self defense, and always has it on hand.
Armor: He doesn't wear armor.

Inputted by The Englishman on Sept 6, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:35 am
by Zemora
Furcadia Login: Zemora

Dragon Feral
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 300
*Primary Weapon(s): Tail blade, Jaws & Claws
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: Full-body rock hard dragon scales
Secondary Armor: N/A
Weapon(s): 1
Armor: 1
Explanation for Points:
Strength; Powerfully muscled jaws with a bite force far exceeding that of a modern gray wolf. Complexly muscled tail made to be able to whip and slam into things and slither around like a snake.
Speed; Zem was originally designed to be a "speed demon" and I have always retained the quality of speed, the character's musculature completely focused around swiftness. Fast reflexes and fast runner, extremely fast flyer.
Weapons; Proficient in using its teeth and tail to defend itself and use as offense having been fighting with them for many years prior to this. Tail has a large upside down heart, or classic spade shaped blade at the end.
Armor; Rock-hard dragon scales protect body. Scales are even under the fur. (fur grows between them)

Dragon Anthro
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Weapon(s): 2
Armor: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 370
*Primary Weapon(s): Dual wielding short swords.
Secondary Weapon(s): Tail/Tail Blade/ Teeth
**Primary Armor: Leather armor
Secondary Armor: Dragon scales

Explanation for Points:
Strength; Muscle power does not change much from feral to anthro however its bite force is considerably weaker in this form, matching that of a modern gray wolf. Tail retains its strength and does not change size from feral to anthro.
Speed; Big heavy tail causes the beast to lose its speed advantage in this form cutting it down to the speed of an average fighter.
Stamina; Used to taking more pain in this form having patches where the scales are weaker.
Weapons; Not having faith in the power of its jaws or dexterity of its tail in this form Zem resorts to the two short swords to make up for it. Though that isn't to say it won't resort to using teeth and tail. Very good with these swords due to intense training to be a fighter and a ruler in the beast's history prior to coming to these lands.
Armor; Lightweight leather armor gives reinforcement to the dragon's scales.

Feral stats inputted on September 17, 2012 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:05 pm
by Callum
Whoops! Thought I already posted here ages ago, but.. guess not :o
Edit: after some advice from Raginfrik and others re: antler issue and other stat info

Furcadia Login: The Hanged Man
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 for roe deer antlers, but 0 if they are wrapped up/otherwise covered.
**Primary Armor: 0 unless antlers also count as helmets

Explanation for Points: (Points were originally limited to 3, as he's meant to be loosely above-average, not some mind-blowing supernatural gladiator. Unfortunately the antlers put him over the top, so I will try to keep them bound whenever he has the opportunity to do so.)

Strength: Frequently rented for manual labour, but average.
Speed: Naturally nimble thanks to deer half, somewhat flexible, and ambidextrous/dexterous in general, plus a long tail that could occasionally act as a third limb.
Stamina: Unusually high pain tolerance, accustomed to long wandering treks, and again general physical endurance thanks to slave tasks. Also (on occasion) a lack of self preservation that would in theory allow him to outlast where another would give in.
Weapon/Armor: Roe antlers angle backwards, with three pointy tines. Not a great weapon, but can be used in a pinch. Would rather cover them up to protect them instead, as they are breakable!

Inputted by Raginfrik on Sept 8, 2012.


Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:03 pm
by Eyvin
Please ignore and delete.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:27 pm
by Cayne
Furcadia Login: Dawn of Deceit
Strength: 1
Speed: -1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 2
Secondary Weapon(s): 1
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Dawn is an otherworldly creature, as well as being exceptionally tall, and quite fit. When she hits, it hurts.

Speed: Rushing is not ladylike. Also, her wings are large, and can be difficult to keep out of the way. Her years of leisure have begun to dull her reflexes, and she has a natural inclination towards pain that leaves her less willing to dodge a blow than absorb it.

Stamina: As a Fallen, she can soak up a lot of damage. ...the worst part is how much she enjoys it. The more blood and pain, regardless of whose it is, the better.

+2, wings
Her wings are extremely large and strong. They increase her range tremendously when they're brought into play, and if they hit someone right, could break a bone. While they would prove formidable in their own, the fact that her feathers can form sharp (if fragile) crystalline blades increases how dangerous they are.

+1, bladed bracers
A pair of retractible blades rest on the underside of her bracers. Once the safety is off, it takes a flick of the wrist to extend the blades. They are quite sharp, though they lack the surprise factor of her wings.

Armor: 0
Dawn has yet to find any armor that she would like to wear.

Inputted by The Englishman on Sept 13, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:13 pm
by Lagna
[NOTE: Added in the +1 to stamina, and recalculated HP to 37 since first uploading. I had not noticed that I had put +0 to begin with. The -2 in speed covers the extra point into stamina.]

Furcadia Login: Tyron Malfecious
Profile: ... page=30639
Strength: +3
Speed: -2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +3
Secondary Weapon(s): +1
**Primary Armor: +0
Secondary Armor: +0
Explanation for Points:

Strength: Tyron has devoted his life to pushing past the limits of a dragon's physical strength. One could call him an equivallent of an extreme body builder for dragons. Being a western style of dragon, there is a good bit of strength inherent in his form, but, he has spent centuries pushing past his limits and keeping up his huge muscle and physical strength.

Speed: All the muscle of Tyron, combined with his height weighs him down considerably. The size of his muscle also limits a good bit of flexibility on his part, leaving him much less agile than most others. However, he has lived with these challenges for a long while, so he is used to dealing with them which leaves him not critically crippled in this department.

Stamina: He has been through a great number of battles and fights in his lifetime, and while he does not have some of the legendary toughness of other dragons, he has grown that thick stubbornness that many fighters have. Alongside his body's accustomed to being beat and smashed, he is still sturdy and can take a good bit of blows.

Primary- Enchanted Warhammer: This hammer is a masterwork crafted weapon, enchanted with nether energies to unleash a heavy blast of energy with every impact against an enemy. The huge size and force of a warhammer of this type, alongside its enchantment makes it a truly ferocious weapon against almost any opponent.

Secondary- Natural Weapons: Tyron bears the same great claws and fangs of just about any dragon. They can tear and rend rather well, and thus are rather practical weapons in their own right.

Armor: His scales have been stretched to a great degree as his muscles have expanded to their huge size, and thus have lost a decent bit of their ability to be a protective layer for him. The spaces between scales lay somewhat exposed, open for swift attacks. Even though he often wears a leather outfit often, I choose to leave this as an even 0 aspect, due to the fact that the other stats make more sense for the character and the openess of his scales is a good reason to leave this neither as a hindrance, or an advantage for him.

Inputted by Siena on September 20, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:13 pm
by Majestic
(Note: Character was re-designed, these are new stats!)

Furcadia Login: Chaotic
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): +1
**Primary Armor: +1.
Secondary Armor: 0

Points Explanation
Strength: Superhuman strength due to mixed heritage, when applying enough energy, Chao can break bones and lift heavier enemies with apparent ease.
Speed: Average.
Stamina: Superior stamina due to regular exercise and raised with basic warrior skills.
Primary Weapons: Her fists; with her strength, she can deal quite the deadly blow.
Secondary Weapon(s): Longsword.
Primary Armor: A simple set of armor which includes a thin chest-plate, armored skirt/leggings and boots. Her skin is also tougher compared to mortal men.
Armor Example: Image
Secondary Armor: --

Entered into system 12/30/2012.
(Edited on 12/29/12)

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:56 pm
by Laurilee
Furcadia Login:Penrose
Profile: A short female, built of coiled muscle and sinew, she shows the scars of the Arena. Without concience or mercy, she has only survived as long as she has with efficiency and speed. Dressed in thin white leather, she moves quickly for the kill, not backing off until the threat is over.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:30
Primary Weapon(s):1
Secondary Weapon(s):0
Primary Armor:1
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength:Slightly stronger than an average female feline due to having to survive after being thrown in the Arena. She does daily exercises, but no hardcore training.
Speed: She's very quick on her feet. Between being feline and having been a dancer before she was thrown to the arena and makes it a point to run every day after her daily exercises.
Stamina: She's still an average feline, despite the scars.
Weapon(s): She had the claw caps crafted after tearing two of them out during a fight. The caps are very sharp, but cut shallowly. Beyond that, she simply has her limbs to strike and teeth to bite.
Armor:The armor is very light, but quite tough, having been made from the hide of an Equine opponent that underestimated her. She can still not afford the leather to make more armor.

Inputted by Manky Sept 27, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:59 pm
by Pyr
Furcadia Login: Pyr ( Dragon Form. )
Profile: ... page=30728
Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +2
Secondary Weapon(s): +0
**Primary Armor: +0
Secondary Armor: +0
Explanation for Points:

Strength: He's a nearly 13 foot tall, 3 ton dragon. An elite fighter amongst his own kind and of a superior lineage which is depicted by the escaping flames at the back of his neck. With a notably top-heavy stature he was bred and built to fight as opposed to running or fleeing for safety.

Speed: He's a pretty big boy, again he's especially top heavy with an extremely bear-gaited type of stance. His forelimbs are notably larger than his hinds, which takes away from his ability to pursue or move around too much on foot. He was built to stand his ground and fight, that being all his breed was raised around.

Stamina: He was bred into royalty, being the offspring of the largest male and female of his kind which led to a naturally superior form as compared to others of his race. By birth he was expected to uphold that superiority, being put through rigorous training and harsh conditions in order to claim the title as an Elite. He fought his entire life 'till present and will continue to do so, giving him a higher tolerance to pain.

Weapon(s): He possesses relatively large, solid teeth and claws as well as a powerful tail. The composition of his horns, claws, as well as his teeth is more related to a dense mineral like granite as opposed to keratin and calcium. They all have a comparatively high compressive strength, which is fitting for a dragon of his lifestyle and stature. They do not break easily and have been his main source of inflicting damage since his first fight.

Armor: His scales aren't as thick and dense as one would assume. With his races innate resistance to heat and flames considering how they were brought into existence, such a hardened adaptation was unnecessary. His scales would add onto his pain tolerance and give a weapon some sort of resistance, yet not enough to classify as a worthy piece of armor. It is more like an extra layer of thick skin.

Inputted by The Englishman September 29, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:13 pm
by Sabaoth
Please check your PMs. - Siena

Furcadia Login: Borzaya
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): Two twin daggers of good quality iron, identical to Bowie knives (+1); Jaws/Claws/Body (+1)
Secondary Weapon(s): (0)
**Primary Armor: Currently, none. (0).
Secondary Armor: (0)
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Moderately strong, though his real strength lies in his speed, agility, and stamina.
Speed: Borzois are fast, fast dogs, right up there with greyhounds. Borzaya's inherited his speed from genetics, but he's had years of practicing his sprinting to chase down feral wolves and game while only carrying his daggers.
Stamina: In order to keep up his speed, he needs to be able to run fast. Often, Borzaya runs enough to be able to sprint for a mile at a steady yet fast pace. He's working on building up his stamina in the future, however.
Weapon(s): He's only received minimal training, though he mainly relys on his fangs and claws to hold his opponent before he can dispatch them with close stabs.
Armor: None.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:37 pm
by Purgatory
Furcadia Login: Purgatory
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:

Strength: He's only somewhat above what a normal person would be. And it's mainly due to working out. However, his species is immortal except for death - ie, he won't die of old age, but a wound will hurt him just the same as a normal person. His's skin's not super-tough or anything. Most of his strength is due to exercise and work, though he's still got residual strength in his upper body from wing muscles. Wings are long gone, but the muscles stayed. So that's really where a lot of his upper body strength comes from - wing muscles and the results of hard work and making a point of keeping himself in shape. Lower body is goat-like and he spends a lot of time climbing, so he's got kicking strength, as well. He is stronger than the average person by default, but not that much stronger. The vast majority of what he has he worked for.

Speed: He's got semi-hollow bones, he was meant for flight, and he grew up in a place that was nothing but sheer cliffs. He knows how to use his body to hop from place to place, he's lighter than he looks, and he's agile.

Stamina: Slightly above-average due to exercise, and not-natural-being-ness.

Weapon(s): A whip with blades braided into the end. Secondary weapons are his teeth, tail, and hooves.

Armor: Generally avoids true armor because it slows him down. Will wear sturdy leather clothing, though.

Inputted by Manky, Oct 15, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:13 am
by Noctem
adia Login:[/b] Noctem
Profile: Work in Progress
Strength: 0
Speed: 3
Stamina: 2
Hit Points: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +0
Secondary Weapon(s): --
**Primary Armor: +0
Secondary Armor: --
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Though he has strength that comes naturally due to the power it requires to be a flighted creature he is nonaggressive by nature so rarely uses it for fighting. Also, though a draconic species he is notably smaller than most of the dragons that appear here, so he gains no strength points for size.
Speed: A wyvern, built for it from birth. A fully flighted creature that when airborn can easily hold cruise speeds of about 100 miles per hour. Homeland requires grace, speed, and agility; those that lack one of these don't live long. He is trained in speed by his keeper specifically for the arena as well.
Stamina: A wyvern is naturally a creature of the air and can stay there for extended periods of time. This builds up nontiring muscles to great degrees.
Weapon(s): In order of use:: Teeth, tail, clawed feet, spines, wings
Armor: Soft snakelike scales

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:34 pm
by Bocca
Furcadia Login: Trousers
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +2 - Gun (Staff) with extendable halberd. Pole is made of Jade, halberd is made of steel.
Secondary Weapon(s): +1 - Gun made of wood

**Primary Armor: +1 Torso Plate
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength: She works out and trains daily in order to maintain strength.

Speed: Feline agility honed by daily training.

Stamina: While she has trained for over half of her life, she has never actually fought a live opponent and thus, probably can't take a hit.

Weapons: Primary Weapon(s): Gun (Staff) with extendable halberd. Pole is made of Jade, halberd is made of steel.
Secondary Weapon(s): Gun made of wood

Armor:Primary Armor: Torso Plate