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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:00 am
by QiangRongKun
Furcadia Login: Qiang Rong Kun
Profile: (URL: Are you brave enough to lemme see your Peacock? Standing at five feet six inches, this peafowl was snow white with streaks of greens and blues with hair a silvery white with tips of green and blue. Wearing a simple robe of white and black, he is usually seen with his Naginata, a japanese styled polearm. Hailing from Asia, in the land outside China, he has left his homeland after it was ravaged by the wild dog clan, Demascus. Born to a wealthy merchant, this peafowl has quite the eye for silks and weapons, able to trade quite nicely. [Seeking: Whisper]

Strength: -1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:37
*Primary Weapon(s):1, Naginata
Secondary Weapon(s): 1 Blades that looks like Steel Feathers (He does not use these all that often)
**Primary Armor:1 Studded Leather, covering his torso, bracers on his arms.
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: He's an avian, a peacock to be precise, they aren't known for their strength at all
Speed: Since he isn't all that strong and his bones are somewhat frail, he's trained himself diligently to be faster than others. Training in this he would do things like run up and down hills and along paths, quite a few times he would test himself in this manner by being chased by packs of wild dogs, where if he failed would mean certain maiming if not death.
Stamina: all his training has raised this up by a little bit. As he ran daily, slowly his stamina raised as well. This happened only a little bit since he wasn't doing anything but running and light climbing.
Weapon(s): This is a simple pole arm with a wickedly curved blade a the top resembling a scimitar
Armor: this is simple studded leather he made by hand with his trade, obviously he can't wear anything heavier since it would weigh him down far too much.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:39 pm
by Henna
Furcadia Login: Henna Ravenwing
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): none
Secondary Weapon(s): none
**Primary Armor: List none
Secondary Armor: none

Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)

Strength: Slight strength for a woman, used to lugging home carcases of beasts for meat.
Speed: Agile, ranger/archer-like body, she is used to running quickly to keep up with her meals.
Stamina: Hard working every day of her life has given her a slight increase to how long she's able to endure before her body gives.
Weapon(s): -
Armor: -

Inputted on Oct 6, 2012 by The Englishman.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:36 pm
by DivineTerror
Furcadia Login: Reduxia Rose
Profile: Dancing in the moonlight...Dignified and regal, she bore a dancers physique and a elegant nature, grand and poised. A lithe build, average height, and striking beauty, there was more to her than visably perceived; within that beautiful woman was a strong alchemist. Icey blue gaze seemed to glow from within, lighting up her face right along with her mysterious smile.
RPR - ... page=35961

Strength: 0
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 Punching dagger
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: 1 Bronze armor covering shoulders, hands, breasts, skirt, legs up to knees.
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength - Reduxia was trained to be an alchemist not a fighting machine. While she knows how to fight, physically - hand to hand combat is not a suitable trait for her. Henche 0 points to the aspect of strength.

Speed - Reduxia is small bodied, able to get in to small places and out of hard spots. She isn't the fastest person out there, but she has enough speed to escape some dangerous hits. Hence the 1 point on the aspect.

Stamina - Reduxia spent years staying up late practicing her magic or research. She is used to pushing her body to its limits of what it can do. She is also pain tolerant, most things she will just give a simple frown to. Hence the 2 points on the aspect.

Weapon(s) - Reduxia's punching dagger was made specifically for her and will only allow her to grip it. This is the only weapon the woman truly knows how to use decently. It isn't a strong aspect of hers, but enough to keep her at even levels in fights. Hence the 1 point.

Armor - Reduxia's bronze armor was also made specifically for her, she requested it cover all the basic and major parts of the body, aside from the stomach. It isn't the strongest of materials or the lightest, but enough to keep the woman happy. Hence the 1 point.

Inputted by Raginfrik Oct 6, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:38 pm
by RainbowWishes
Furcadia Login: Mira Noire
Profile: When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created
I want to be awakened somehow!
Website -

Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 1, Ring Blade
Secondary Weapon(s): 0, N/A
**Primary Armor:1, Hard Leather covering hands, wrists, forearms, ribs, stomach, feet, and calves.
Secondary Armor: 0, N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Mira is not the weakest but also not the strongest of beings, because of her years of training with the large bodied size ring blade she has built up some muscle. Hence the 1 aspect point.
Speed: Because of Mira's small size it makes it easy for her to move quickly around that of her enemies. Hence the 1 point.
Stamina: Years of training has made it possible for Mira to endure a bit more than that of others. Hence the 1 point.
Weapon(s): The ring blade has an aspect point of 1 because Mira has been training for years with the weapon.
Armor: Mira's armor was made specifically, she wears it all the time it is her main defense in case of losing the ring blade. Hence the aspect point of 1.

Inputted by Raginfrik Oct 6, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:14 am
by Wicked
Furcadia Login: Wicked
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): None
Secondary Weapon(s): None
**Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points:
Strength: He is not overly muscular, but he is slightly toned. Nothing that stands out from the normal furre.
Speed: Because of his build he is pretty fast. He is pretty long and lanky which allows him to move around more agilely.
Stamina: He does have a broad chest which ups his endurance a bit more. While he isn't strong he is quick and agile.
Weapon(s): None
Armor: None

Inputted by Raginfrik Oct 10, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:42 pm
by Lunetta
Furcadia Login: Lunetta
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:
*Primary Weapon(s): Claws and Teeth (1)
Secondary Weapon(s): None
**Primary Armor: None (0)
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: She fights in wolf form, giving her a good deal of super-human strength. Plus she grew up having to pretty much fight to survive one way or another. It comes as second nature, though she isn't trained. Very feral.
Speed: Lune is rather small for her kind, and her muscle is very lean and long, allowing for for flexibility and speed than outright brute strength. She is by no means the speediest, but she is very quick compared to most werewolves
Stamina: She has no more or no less durability than any other werewolves, though compared to humans it would last much longer.
Weapon(s): Claws and teeth are the only weapons she needs in her Wolf form
Armor: No armor to speak of.

Inputted by Ulfrik Oct 10, 2012.

[IC/OOC] Aspects Documents - Keiatiz Lenei

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:42 am
by Keiatiz
Furcadia Login: Keiatiz Lenei
Strength: 0
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points: 37
Weapon(s): +2
Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Being a vampire of pure blood most of her abilities are enhanced. Strength, however, is quite average.
Speed: Because of her unnatural lineage and lithe frame she's fairly quick on her feet and can easily dodge slower pursuers.
Stamina: Because of her unnatural lineage her system and frame are built to sustain a fair blow a little better than most.
Weapon: She wields an enchanted long sword. The enchantment leaves the weapon virtually weightless when in her hands. To anyone else, it is the weight of an average sized long sword.
Armor: She wears no armor. At the most she would be wearing some simple, leather outfit.

Inputted by The Englishman Oct 11, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:47 pm
by Chelle
Furcadia Login: Brodie
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): N/A
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: N/A
Secondary Armor: N/A
Explanation for Points:

I based her points off of the Brawler example on the website, since it fit her character.

Strength: Werewolf, thus stronger than the average furre.
Speed: ", runs every morning. Stress relief and training! Huzzah!
Stamina: Because of her 'condition' she heals faster than the average furre and thus can withstand more damage.

Inputted by Ulfrik Oct 11, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:06 pm
by Gypsium
Furcadia Login: Gypsium
Profile: ... page=17254
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): Dagger, standard Tether issue.
Secondary Weapon(s): Diamond claws, not fully retractable. Firmly secured to finger joints.
**Primary Armor: None.
Secondary Armor: None.
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Average, made of slightly firmer stuff than her slender frame suggests but she's also not accustomed to being injured.
Speed: Built for reflexes and speed (when she isn't frozen) her breeding lends her an edge in this regard. It's likely the only thing she's got going for her at present.
Stamina: Average
Weapon(s): +1
Armor: 0

Inputted by The Englishman, Oct 11, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:39 am
by Hertzspider
Furcadia Login: Hertz Spider
Strength: 0
Speed: 1
Stamina: 3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Although he has began working on a sort of strength training, using his own heavy shackles. He has no prior combat experience, has never trained his own physical strength and is of small stature and sealed has no access to any supernatural strength.
Speed: He is small, and already naturally quick. His self-training with his overly heavy iron shackles have allowed him a bit of an edge that pushes him just above average.
Stamina: Although the seals have contained a great deal of his tyrant power, they have not oppressed his natural regenerative abilities, as well as unnatural endurance. He has thick skin, thick bones and even better an extremely high pain tolerance. This is a supernatural gift from his tyrant blood, the only thing the seals could not entirely repress.
Weapon(s): He has none, so usually relies on his fists and kicks. Prefers to use kicks though.
Armor: He has none, usually wearing the common slave garb provided by the tether.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:01 am
by Nelrok
Furcadia Login: Nelrok Ralos
Strength: +1
Speed: -1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): Duel wielding axes +1
Secondary Weapon(s): Fangs and Claws +1
**Primary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Being a ursine and also an elite guard he is exceptionally strong.

Speed: His bulky stature and weight make him less than nimble and quite slow.

Stamina: His species and background also help him to take quite a beating.

Weapon(s): Used his axes for many years and is well trained with them, as well as his natural weapons of claws and fangs.

Armor: Only wears normal leather pants and even his thick hide can't stop a blade from going through it.

Edit: After reading more into the battle systems pages I added one more stamina.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:32 am
by DivineTerror
Furcadia Login: Shamaya
Profile: Behind this innocent smile of mine...What an odd beauty to come upon. Yellow eyes that seemed to glow, and yet held no mystical power to them. They were complimented by that of green streaks in raven black tresses. Skin looked like that of burnt desert sand, yet was soft as baby skin...
RPR - ... page=36644

Strength: 0
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1, Kukri
Secondary Weapon(s): 1, Katar
**Primary Armor: 0, None
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength - While Shamaya was born in to a warrior and fighter clan, she was not trained to use heavy weapons. For this her strength isn't as good as other aspects.

Speed - Because of her small size and flexability, the woman is very agile making her faster than some opponents.

Stamina - Shamaya spent years upon years in running through the Grasslands on clan hunts. Late hours and training has kept her Stamina up.

Weapon(s) - The kukri and katar were specifically made for Shamaya's use. They fit her hands perfectly.

Armor - Shamaya believes one should fight in their natural clothing, skin and cloth. Anything else makes you look weak.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:12 am
by Ayra
Furcadia Login: Anesh


Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37

*Primary Weapon(s): +2 (Sword)
Secondary Weapon(s): +0 (Claws.)

**Primary Armor: +0 (No Armor.)
Secondary Armor: +0 (No Armor.)

Explanation for Points:
Strength: No points were given, nor put in the negative, because she neither weight-trains nor is weak. Just average.
Speed: Nothing abnormal aside from natural feline agility combined with the natural nimbleness of a Blade Dancer. Due to her pelvic injury, she lost a majority of her mobility.
Stamina: During her training, she was taught by trail and error, often times being struck with a hardened bamboo cane whenever a fault came, neither is she a small woman.
Weapon(s): Trained to use Heartsbane.
Armor: She wears no armor aside from regular clothing, so no points were added.

Added by Meem, Nov 13, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:26 pm
by Straken
The Monster Ball is coming up, and I've got a Vampire!

Furcadia Login: ZStraken Kavor
Profile: Offsite Character Page.
Strength: 3
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
Primary Weapon(s): 0 --> His fists. The knuckles have been worn into nice blunt striking posts - he prefers to do it the old fashioned way!
Primary Armor(s): 0 --> His Skin. Guy's built like a Rhino!
Explanation for Points:

Strength: Straken is a highly trained and experienced fighter. He's dedicated years to keeping himself in peak physical condition, so as to always be ready for a fight. After becoming a vampire, his already high strength was lifted to supernatural levels, though with some cost.

Speed: His now Vampire muscles have become much more dense in order to have such strength, slowing him down. Also, they are a bit tighter and harder to move in comparison to how they once were, causing them to be a bit more cumbersome.

Stamina: Straken's thick muscles are tough like rhino hide, making them capable of taking unreal amounts of damage, and granting Straken with much greater reserves of energy. That, and coupled with his advanced healing, (due, of course, to Vampirism), his stamina is insanely high. Plus, he loves pain, and he loves to fight. And I mean, really, when has a Vampire ever gone down from being beaten on?

Inputted by Raginfrik on Oct 25, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:29 am
by Aethiops
Furcadia Login: Broot
Profile: RPR
Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Jaws (Teeth) & Claws
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
Primary Armor: +1 Thick fur.
Secondary Armor: 0

**Note** Fights in werewolf form.

Explanation for Points:

Strength: Supernatural strength coming from being a werewolf. Daily training to keep in top condition (ain't no beer gut on this fellah). Low body fat score with impressive musculature and experience.
Speed: Bulky. 14'-worth of muscle to swing around, takes a little longer than the average being. Also pretty old. He's slowing down some.
Stamina: He's archaic. Hundreds of years of experience of fighting, defending territory, hunting and murderous acts. Knows how best to string out a fight and how to have his opponent exhausted before he was.
Weapon(s): Natural weapons. Bite strength exceeds 3000lbs (top average-end for a salt-water crocodile). Canines are approximately 13" in length and claws are curved, much like a bird of prey - powered with strong arms behind them.
Armor: Has a dual layer coat. It's very thick and gives some protection from attack.

Inputted by Manky, Oct 18, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:41 pm
by Erioni
Furcadia Login: Eri'oni
Profile: Papers RPR
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 2 (Double Kusamgama)
Secondary Weapon(s): none
**Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points:
--Eri dose not use her Strength to over come her opponents.
--As a trained Shadow Dancer Eri relies on her strong hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.
--Eri has been trained from a young age to wield her Kusamgama with great skill and agility.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:12 pm
by Alfgeir
Furcadia Login: Alfgeir
Profile: A runt of a lad from the far north seeming to have made quite the journey, for such a thin body he carries a large pack on his back with pots, pans, and various tools hanging from it. Long dirty blond hair hangs to his dusty shoulders, his face was filthy and marked with a cut or two over his cheeks and forehead but all this made his bright blue eyes stand out. There was little meat on the boy and barely any muscle, though he was not so thin that his bones could be seen. Truly a hearty lad with a cheerful grin signaled his warm heart, though some of his actions also made him the foolish type. Tucked into his right boot just barely in sight, was an old blade slightly dulled with the hilt made out of animal bone wrapped in leather. By his side walks a white wolf who appears to kee an ever watchful eye on the lad.
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 30
*Primary Weapon(s): Iron sword +2
Secondary Weapon(s): Shield, Armor only to shield
**Primary Armor: Mailcoat, covers torso under shirt
Secondary Armor: Shield
Explanation for Points: Alfgeir's strength, speed, and stania are basic because he has only just started training. His weapons are a +2 only because he has a iron sword, his shield listed in the seconddary weapon and in armor is only for defence. the weapon is the boss and rim of it. That isall
Weapon(s): +2
Armor: +1

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:18 am
by Straken
Furcadia Login: Mavius Tare
Profile: Page
Strength: 2
Speed: -2
Stamina: 3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): 2 - Twin Blades
**Primary Armor: 0 - None

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Mavius Tare is a clockwork Golem. He has exceptionally high strength - his bare hand can crush a man's skull. His strength is so high that it makes up for his complete and utter lack of hand-to-hand combat skill. He swings hard and heavy, and hopes he lands a hit.
Speed: Mavius is made out of Metal. He's clunky and slow to move.
Stamina: His entire body is a machine. Chop off his hand and it will not slow him down. Put a spear through his stomach and he won't just up and die from it. Sure, he might get pinned to a wall, but he keeps coming. He'll take appropriate damage, but short of having his head destroyed, he's as hard to drop as a Were. Due to the high quality of mechanical parts used, his entire body is essentially armor. He also does not grow 'tired' - his endurance being near limitless, due to his mechanical nature. With that in mind, if heavily damaged, Mavius will begin to show signs of fatigue. Due to recent developments, he certainly feels pain.
1: Mavius Tare's hands are mechanical and unbelievably strong - with a set of well forged Katanas in each, he becomes a lethal weapon. What he has not yet learned in sword combat is quickly compensated by the raw strength at which he swings the blades, and the sheer quality of forging put into both weapons. (Both weapons treated and used at the same time - a successful disarm attempt will, of course, disable both blades)

1: Mavius Tare generally does not wear any armor - as a clockwork Golem, his body is exceptionally hardy.

Added by Ragnifrik, Dec 8, 2012.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:46 pm
by Pyr
Furcadia Login: Aggressor
Profile: ... page=35981
Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +2
Secondary Weapon(s): +0
**Primary Armor: +0
Secondary Armor: +0
Explanation for Points:

Strength: He's actually quite strong, physical abilities boosted naturally by his race's genetics as well as the ritual that bound a demon to him. The strength however is reduced to a zero as he uses it more so to better work his bulk for the purposes of speed and agility.

Speed: A surprising level of agility is brought about by his connection to the more supernatural side of things. He draws from the power of the demon within to more or less leave him feeling lithe and lightweight despite his size and weight. He has trained and fought for the entirety of his life, immensely so during his first 20 years of life as was his race's tradition. Living in a forest of nightmares, one has to be quick to survive, quicker to kill.

Stamina: He was born in the heart of a dark forest filled with horrific beasts and supernatural beings. His race by itself sported hardy genes, evolving and adapting to survive in the Crux Forest in order to leave the world of man behind, for it wasn't often anyone in their right mind would randomly decide to brave the darkness. He was sent through a rite of passage when he was six, as was the tradition, left to his own devices and will alone in the forest for fourteen years. One of the few graduates from his harsh year, and it was far too easy to tell why.

Weapon(s): His weapons are also supernatural in origin. The demon that was bound to him possessed scythe-like blades in the place of his fore-arms, which is what Sazer uses. The power of the blades themselves was considerably weakened during the combining, though they are still harbor that mystical fortitude. The runes on his own fore-arms draw from the lingering will of his demonic parasite, summoning the demon's "Hands" for use in combat.

Armor: He wears no armor, usually preferring to waltz about a battle field in his usual attire. Often wearing nothing more than a cloak he was aided in creating by his mother and father, and a pair of pants. He relies heavily on his skill in combat, and believes that every slash and thrust he was unable to avoid, if any, deserves to pain the body so that he may better learn.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:42 pm
by Guilder
Furcadia Login: Tidel Marcot
Profile: RPR
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:
*Primary Weapon(s): 1, Canesword
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: 1 Leather Armor
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
While serving his father, the regard for hard work and physical strength were important for his job, and gradually his strength increased as he grew older. Soon, the men on their breaks would teach him various ways to win a brawl, take out a larger opponent, et cetera. When he was taken by his mother, that strength helped him become far more venomous when it came to holding a weapon.

He was the apprentice of a prestigious assassin, who had trained him since he was a young boy. In turn, the training his mother gave him molded him into an equally talented and uncannily frightening shadow to those who have enemies in high places. For years he was at the roof tops, constantly practicing the eloquence and dexterity that came with one of his job description. In doing so, not only was his speed phenomenal, but his footwork and his hand-eye coordination excelled.

While the man may have been a hard and chistled individual when his father had him, the excruciating pain that his mother put him through to teach him how to resist torture was most definitely more valuable when it came to his fighting. With those many years came the mental and physical fortitude to resist most pain. His uncanny ability made him into a prisoner that was very hard to break, and an opponent who was very hard to knock down when it came to the bloody and the gritty.

Weapon(s): Primary- A canes sword given to him by a well known blacksmith in the underground. in the handle, it has a release that allows a particular poison to run through a groove in the blade, effectively spreading the poison on the weapon and providing a quick death, or a very painful, torturous recovery. (He does not use poisons in the arena, and always cleans his weapons before a fight. He DOES have class after all)

Armor: Primary- (Full Body) His leather armor is what he is mostly found in while taking a job. Made with thin leather, it is pliable thanks to the many years of use. There are small grooves in the joints, areas that are unprotected, to provide the wearer easier maneuvering, though it leaves those specific joints vulnerable.

Inputted by Ulfrik, Nov 12, 2012.