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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:15 am
by Constanza
Furcadia Login: Constanza.
Strength: 0
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37.
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 - cutlass & dagger.
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Physical, brute strength is not her forte, and she relies heavily more on her agility and dexterity to win over a fight. Against the average female human she is stronger, but her strength is marginally less than that of the average human male. Pulling pulley's and knots is different to throwing punches, after all.
Speed: She is quick on her feet, part due to her physique and experience aboard ship where swift reflexes and viperish reactions are necessary, and part due to her feline species.
Stamina: She pushes herself ruthlessly, even past the point where she knows she should stop. While not to the point of being unrealistic, she does have a streak of stubborness that plays in her favour.
Weapon(s): Cutlass and dagger.
Armor: She wears no armor; her usual attire is this for the arena, to better preserve her Captain's uniform for sea-faring engagements.

Inputted by The Englishman.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:46 am
by Emmalina
Furcadia Login: Lexci
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 - Flint dagger
Secondary Weapon(s): N/A
**Primary Armor: 1 - Light leathers covering torso, hips, shoulders and thighs.
Secondary Armor: Should be different point value than primary armor. List what body parts the armor covers.
Explanation for Points:
Strength: No stronger than any other furre.
Speed: A cat of endurance rather than burst speed.
Stamina: Long sessions of hunting growing up has hardened her muscles and trained her endurance. Practiced to handle what is thrown at her and adapt to incoming assaults.
Weapon(s): A simple, long and hand carved flint dagger, filed to a fine, sharp edge.
Armor: Tough leathers of pelts from animals she killed, to deflect passing blows, but not overly heavy or strong.

Inputted by Monstrum.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:11 am
by Brygy
Furcadia Login: Bryg
viewtopic.php?f=32&t=18124 (TGT Forum Papers) (RPR)
Strength: 0
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (dual-wielded daggers).
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: +1; shoulders, hips/lower abdomen, lower legs.
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: She is of average strength due to a lack of strength-based training, and being female.
Speed: She has swift reflexes, part-natural and part-trained to balance out what she is lacking in strength.
Stamina: More sheer willpower than much else, she has an unwise habit of pushing herself to the limit instead of surrendering at a more sensible point, even if this habit is subconcious.
Weapon(s): Dagger, x2.
Armor: here.

Inputted by Monstrum.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:16 pm
by Monstrum
Furcadia Login: Svangur.
Profile: Here.
Strength: +2
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
It is easy to guess from the build of the taum that the majority of its power sits in its arms. And even more so it is surprisingly strong, enough that it could knock its opponents back with a well aimed punch. This is partly natural, as it would wrestle with its prey and hold them steady to be devoured, and partly honed from its constant need to eat. It cannot continue to eat if it is not strong.

Though small and rather rotund looking, the taum is fast, faster than most people give it credit for. Rather than running, it rolls to avoid attacks and, out in the wilderness, escape foes that it cannot best or devour. It is also prone to short bursts of speed on its feet, despite how short its legs are; they are powerful and able to carry the creature quickly.

Despite being fast and strong, it lacks any real endurance. Though it has survived against bigger, meaner targets, most of the time anything that stands in its way gets devoured and thus it only has one point of stamina.


Inputted by Monstrum.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:15 am
by Say
Furcadia Login: Sir Orrick
Profile: Chivalry
Strength: 2
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Hoe (farmer tool) and all four Hooves
Secondary Weapon(s):
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor:
Explanation for Points:
Strength: The centaur has lived a full life full of hardship and work. He is abit of a workaholic. Plowing fields; he can pull up to 5,000lbs, and more then enough toned muscle to swing any weapon with some force...and his hooves capable of trampling someone's skull into tiny little bone pieces.
Speed: For being so large, his speed is still impressive due to the fact he moves quadrupedal. With four legs in a full gallop he can easily beat out most bipedal creatures, but mostly due to his longer strides.
Stamina: The creature is the epitome of durability. Built Tonka Tough and he has a tank for an ass. He has an incapable staying power and the ability to shrug off most blows.
Weapon(s): A hoe, fairly sharp at the end and his formidable hooves enough force behind them to crush skulls and trample bodies.
Armor: Just a light leather harness.

Inputted by The Englishman.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:02 am
by Móði
Furcadia Login: Mothi
Strength: +3
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Axe and Shield
Secondary Weapon(s): +1 War Axe
**Primary Armor: +1 Lamellar Armor
Secondary Armor: 0 None
Explanation for Points:
Life as a Viking is harsh, and only the fittest survive. A life spent toiling on heavy labour through farm work, and then ship building, Mothi has built up natural strength through a hard life. On top of that, Vikings are often taught how to fight from a very young age, and they are infamous for their brutal tactics and almost demonic-like strength, and Mothi is no different. On top of that, he also wields a supernatural heritage similar to a berserker's rage that grants him inhuman strength, making him immensely more powerful than the average person, complimenting his berserker-style fighting patterns it's more than literally like fighting a demon in the arena.

He's fairly agile for a man of his size, but that only makes him average in comparison.

As mentioned above, Mothi has worked and fought from the moment he could walk on his own. It takes stamina to plough frozen fields and lift heavy wood to make boats. Coupled with his experience as a fighter, Mothi can stand for far longer than any average person might.

A single axe and a shield. The axe head is heavy and unbalanced to those unused to its weight, but can be used to deliver devastating blows and even amputate limbs and decapitate with enough force. The 'beard' can be used to to hook onto shields or weapon hilts and rip them out of enemy hands, or even hook around necks to push allies out of the way or send enemies ramming into walls, each other or other solid objects. The shield is equipped with a thick iron rim that can be used to smash in enemy teeth, or even break bones with the right force as well, and it is very heavy to one unused to wielding it, created specifically for Modi's height and size.

Secondary Weapon:
A two-handed war axe. Around four feet long and each axe head being around a foot wide, it is capable of splitting a fully grown man in two with the right hit.

Lamellar armor which consists of leather and chain mail across his torso, arms and legs. Wears a Gjermundbu-style helmet with an aventail to protect his head and neck, as well as reinforced leather gloves and boots.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Sept 30, 2014
Inputted by Monstrum on June 02, 2016

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:55 am
by Macabre
Furcadia Login: Kanut
Strength: 2
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
Primary Weapon(s): 2
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)

Strength: Kanut is a beast; a lumbering mountain of nine feet and eight inches of pure, sinewy muscle makes this bear's strength more than the average mans. Even with his supreme natural strength, this has been augmented through decades of battles, pillaging and fighting for his life.
Speed: He is large and in charge, but he isn't fast. Speed is definitely not is forte.
Stamina: After years of being a part of a viking raiding band, Kanut has increased durability through weathering the harsh seas, battling savaged enemies, and a natural, thick hide which is war-torn with a multitude of scars that numb the surface of his skin.
Weapon(s): He wields a big, cumbersome ax some six or seven feet long. This has been his life long companion and he knows each and every crack and mark across it's hilt and blade, as well as how to use it efficiently in a battle. His claws and teeth, his own natural defense. Being an apex hunter means he knows how to use these sharp tools properly without even having to think.
Armor: He wears very minimal armor, and even then it is not of a good enough craft to be considered for a stat point.

Inputted by Monstrum on Oct 2, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:20 pm
by Ursel
Furcadia Login: Ursel.
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37.
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (longsword).
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: +1 (plate armour; shoulders, chest, back, arms, upper legs, knees, lower legs) & (shield from neck to mid-thigh)
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: -- She's 6'4", and through rigorous training and devotion to her craft, she is naturally strong. More so than the average man, in particular because of her weapons and armament speciality. She isn't strong to the point of being unnatural, but it is out of the ordinary for a woman.
Speed: While not alarmingly hindered by the plate armour due to how manouverable it is, it does at least hinder her movements when against a considerably more lightly-armed opponent.
Stamina: She can wear her armour for days at a time if necessary, while walking, lightly jogging or riding as well as other excursions.
Weapon(s): Longsword -- two-handed, but she can use it in either hand if necessary/forced.
Armor: Plate; jointed, well-made and protective.

Inputted by Monstrum on Oct 5, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:25 am
by armin
Furcadia Login: Arminius


Strength: +2

Speed: +1

Stamina: +1

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37

Primary Weapon(s): +1(Broad sword, long sword)

Secondary Weapon(s): +0(Fangs, nails, hand to hand combat)

Primary Armor: +0(None)

Secondary Armor: +0(None)

Explanation for Points:

Strength: Arminius has spent years training as a swordsman. This had given him an increase in his strength. Vampyric blood also flows within his veins. These are two key components to his strength. He pushes himself to the limits physically through several intense strength training exercises to keep himself physically strong.

Speed: A combination of natural strength granted by vampyric blood and a vigorous training course using the tether's jungles as a training ground has kept his speed at a higher elevation then many others.

Stamina: In addition to his training in the jungles for strength, he also uses the jungles surroundings to push his body to the limits and beyond. Sometimes he can be found hiring patrons to aid him, to build up his endurance and therefore increase his stamina.

Weapon(s): Arminius has had a custom set of swords made. These blades are crafted from durable materials, aswell as balanced to give them a light weight feel to allow maneuverability without slowing down one's force when the blade is moved. He carries an elegantly crafted long sword, in his right hand. His left is sometimes found holding a broad sword embroidered with his family's crest in the base of the blade just above the hilt. Depending on his mood, depends on if he uses one or both blades. Should the blade or blades be lost during battle, he will fall back on his hand to hand combat skills, fangs, and elongated nails as weaponry until the blade/blades can be recovered.

Armor: No armor has been acquired as of yet.

Aspects have been re-submitted due to aspects having been removed from the system due to my absence from TGT -Armin.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Oct 7, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:10 pm
by blackwater
Furcadia Login: Ark Blackwater


Strength: 1

Speed: 0

Stamina: 2

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44

Primary Weapon(s): 1 (claws and fangs. Natural no changes or enhancements)

Secondary Weapon(s): 1 (Gauntlet)

Primary Armor: 0 (None)

Secondary Armor: 1 (Full set of Armor)

Explanation for Points:

Strength: The bear has an increased strength from nature, and training. The bear has undergone training to increase his strength and to learn to compensate for the lack of his right eye, and left front leg. The bear is strong enough to kill a normal human being, or furre but it would take time and effort to do so. It is not as easy as swiping those claws over someone and gutting them as in legends and myths.

Speed: Added weight of a new gauntlet, and set of armor have slowed the bear down. While normally the beast is quick and capable of moving at increased speeds, the weight of the armor and gauntlet have slowed the beast down.

Stamina: Big, bulky, and trained to fight for most of his life, the feral beast had seen the arena many times over and has found it himself being able to last much longer in the battle, giving him that extra endurance to crush the enemy and be rewarded.

Weapon(s): Mother nature equipped this heavy hitter with a set of powerful jaws filled with rows of teeth made for crushing and tearing the meat of fresh fish, and even deer or moose calves in the wild. Sharp talon like claws are able to slice through meat with ease.

Secondary Weapon: A gift from the beast's current owner and Master Sui-Kao is a custom made gauntlet Which has been fitted to the bear's left front stub, flexible claws and moving parts are held onto the bear's shoulder with leather straps. The "paw" has been fitted with durable metal claws sharp enough to shave with.

Armor: None, the brute only has the pelt of flesh that covers his bulky form to protect him from blows in the arena.

Secondary Armor: Another gift from Sui-Kao the bear has been fitted with a set of durable armor which covers the top and back of the bear's skull, held in place by thick leather straps, and adorned with a curved horn on the top. Shoulder pads are adorned with spikes also and are connected to a larger piece that runs down the bear's front, protecting from the front of his throat and down his chest and over belly. Wrapping around his sides and running along his back to shield his back. Strips of thick leather wrap around his "wrists" and "forearms" and padding cushions around his right paw pads and under claws. Legs, sides of face, and jaws, several places along his shoulders and around his legs are exposed. The armor covers the majority of vital organs but also slows down the bear due to added weight. Can be seen as a double edged sword in battle for it protects and still slows down the beast.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Oct 7, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:50 pm
by Annu
Furcadia Login: Annu
Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:

Strength: As with any of nature's children, Annu is equipped with enough strength to defend himself should he fall into the claws of a natural predator. This can also be translated to Arena brawling, and in the heat of battle the forest spirit Okapi contains more strength that what he seems capable of.

Speed: A dainty thing, a prey species natural instinct is to run and this means that they, ergo, naturally fast creatures. Combined with the body of a prey species, an Okapi, and a forest spirit who is capable of inhuman/supernatural speeds means he is faster than the average human or anthro.

Stamina: A born survivor, Annu has a naturally fantastic endurance because he does not rely on technology, synthetic housing and has withstood the worst mother nature has thrown and will throw at him during his simplistic and tribal life style. Combined with his supernatural origins and abilities, Annu has a hardy constitution.

Weapon(s): None worthy of a point.

Armor: None worthy of a point.

Inputted by Monstrum on Oct 16, 2014
Input by Monstrum on 30th November, 2016

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:52 am
by cameron
Furcadia Login: Tyler Cameron
Profile: Crawling in my forlorn appearance, I hide my soul behind these tattered wings. Tattered and broken as they are plucked of light, stained in tears and blood. In quiet despair upon the cold earth smeared in dirt I crouch upon my weary knees. And clutched timidly between my fingers rests one last jewel of Hope. A single unblemished plume plucked from the silver light of dawn. A feathered ray of light from beyond to illuminate the void that has me bound. This precious barb of silk once lost as I was and forgotten. Blazes now to immerse me in radiant bliss to wash away the pain, draw me from the abyss. So now I fade away...My tender flesh removed. My shattered wings released. My inner light escapes. [WF]
Strength: +2
Speed: +0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
Primary Weapon(s): +2
Secondary Weapon(s): +0
Primary Armor: +0
Secondary Armor: +0
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Tyler's strength comes from his DNA, aswell as his physical, mental, and endurance routines. He uses the grounds about the Tether's island as his personal par core training grounds. Always pushing himself, and keeping in shape mentally and physically. Aswell as building his endurance through vigorous tasks, and exercise regimonds.
Speed: Despite the pair of onyx wings the boy sports, his speed is that of an average individual. He has no special abilities, or magics that will increase his speed. If anything, the wings might actually get in the way more than they would help him.
Stamina: Due to his various mixed routines to strengthen his endurance, and build up his stamina he has gained a slight increase to how much he can endure before his physical body gives out.
Weapon(s): His primary weapon is his pride and joy. His blade, known as the "Seraph Blade" a specially crafted blade that was given to him upon his graduation from a school specializing in alchemy. The blade itself is crafted to be light weight to weild, while holding a durable silver hilt, and crystal lined blade. While the blade can take a beating, and occasionally he needs to get small repairs, if left unkept the blade itself will decay and eventually the blade will break. Resulting in the need to have it repaired off the island.
Armor: The only armor that Tyler has, are the two onyx wings that sprout from his back. These appendages of course provide him with little to no real protection against a blade, or other weapon.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:43 pm
by Vis
Furcadia Login: Visna
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): 1
Secondary Weapon(s): n/a
**Primary Armor: 1
Secondary Armor: n/a
Explanation for Points:
Strength: The labor of day to day work, as well as the training that came with using an axe has given her slightly higher than average strength.

Speed: Average speed for a woman her size, nothing spectacular either way.

Stamina: Visna has trained relentlessly for years through the grueling regime of going Vikingr and ensuring she survived on the voyage back. On top of being a well skilled and battle hardened warrior, she's supernaturally inclined as a Valkyrie to sustain massive amounts of damage that could otherwise fatally injure a mortal, as Valkyrie were known for their presence upon battle fields.

Weapon(s): A one-sided battle axe, small enough to be wielded with one hand.

Armor: A worked leather tunic in place of normal cotton attire. It covers from the neck to the middle of her thighs. Her legs are protected by similar leather, as well as bracers upon her wrists.

Inputted by Monstrum on Oct 16, 2014
Input by Monstrum on 29th September, 2016.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:39 pm
by Bocca
Furcadia Login: Entrap


Strength: +2

Speed: +1

Stamina: +1

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): N/A

Secondary Weapon(s): N/A

**Primary Armor: N/A
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Kaushal is a trained arena slave and, for the past few years of his life, he has been trained in fighting for entertainment. Strength is applicable for bare knuckle fighting, akin to that of a boxer.

Speed: Similar reasons as above, training has given him the speed akin to a boxer. His musculature is not so thick that it weighs him down.

Stamina: Due to being bareknuckle, he can take quite the hit from others of similar fighting style.

Weapon(s): Does not use any weapons

Armor: Does not use any armor.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 1, 2014

Posting for a friend, above character's twin, identical in stats and reasonings.

Furcadia Login: Enrapture


Strength: +2

Speed: +1

Stamina: +1

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): N/A

Secondary Weapon(s): N/A

**Primary Armor: N/A
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Karuna is a trained arena slave and, for the past few years of his life, he has been trained in fighting for entertainment. Strength is applicable for bare knuckle fighting, akin to that of a boxer.

Speed: Similar reasons as above, training has given him the speed akin to a boxer. His musculature is not so thick that it weighs him down.

Stamina: Due to being bareknuckle, he can take quite the hit from others of similar fighting style.

Weapon(s): Does not use any weapons

Armor: Does not use any armor.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 1, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:20 pm
by Gersham
Furcadia Login: Gersham.
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: +1
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength -- Innate, and enhanced through centuries immersed within a culture that prized itself on the military. Given his height in relation to the average human male, it is only natural that in comparison he is stronger.
Speed -- Sacrified even if not entirely due to his height, he is hindered by his height and rugged build.
Stamina -- Accustomed to trekking and hunting for days on end, as well as taking on jobs over the centuries that have ranged from heavily military to manual labour. He also has the stubborn willpower and conviction of a mule.
Weapon(s) -- Hand-Blade.
Armor -- Aside from his leather bracers and waistbad, he wears none.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 1, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:28 pm
by infernum
Furcadia Login: Infernum canem

Profile: viewtopic.php?p=148595#p148595

Strength: 2

Speed: 0

Stamina: 2

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44

*Primary Weapon(s): 1

Secondary Weapon(s): 0

**Primary Armor: 0

Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)

Strength: Infernum's strength comes not only from his physical condition, or his training. This also stems from the fact he is a hell hound. His strength has been built up over time, various methods of training have been incorporated to increase his physical strength as well as his mental strength. While training, and physical conditioning have played important rolls in molding his strength, at his core the hell hound draws upon natural strength to strengthen his training and build his physique.

Speed: The hound's physical appearance gives the illusion the hell hound would be a bit slower than average competitors. Don't let his appearance fool you though. The hell hound has the average speed one would find when looking at a feral wolf.

Stamina: Infernum's stamina comes from his primary function. The beast was born in the bowels of hell itself, from birth he had been trained physically and mentally. Those who were entrusted with the hell hound's training ensured that not only would the beast be able to take numerous blows, but over time he had learned to turn the pain from attacks, and wounds into fuel. That transformation, coupled with his anger, and hatred is what makes up his increased stamina, and endurance.

Weapon(s): Gifted with natural weapons, the hell hound uses powerful jaws, strong sharp fangs, razor sharp claws, and curved horns to inflict damage to his opponent. While fangs, claws, and horns are indeed durable and quite capable of rendering flesh from one's bones by no means are they indestructible and with time these natural weapons are subject to being worn down and broken.

Armor: The hell hound owns no articles of armor, or clothing with the exception of a loin cloth he was allowed to wear while in the pens for modesty. All other items, or articles of clothing have been seized and are only to be returned to him upon full purchase and an Owner's consent.

*Re-submitted do to absence*

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 1, 2014
Re-added by Monstrum on 23rd November, 2018.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:28 am
by jemi
Furcadia Login: jemi
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:37
*Primary Weapon(s):tenebres ~ a fencing saber ~ aspect point of 1
Secondary Weapon(s): none
**Primary Armor: none
Secondary Armor: none
Explanation for Points:
Strength:she has the strength of a supernatural due to the fact that she is a were. This further buffers her normal daily training routine.
Speed:she has the increased speed of a supernatural and smaller stature thus she relies on speed over brute force to bring down an adversary. Her speed is the one true stat she attempts to hone.
Stamina: she has the ferocity of a beast due to her nature and spending most of her life braving the elements and enduring the hardships that come with it. Plus her species is slightly more resilient to damage.
Weapon(s): tenebres ~ the only weapon she has ever used. It is a high class fencers weapon that absorbs the souls of those she has vanquished in battle. The metal gains stronger properties when foes die to its blade, however other than making it more durable it has little other properties. It is a weapon that relies on and enhances speed with lower damage.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 1, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:01 am
by Avila
Furcadia Login: Avila.
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (dual-wielded daggers)
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: +1 (leathers, covers; breasts, abdomen, lower arms, upper thighs, lower legs)
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: She is stronger than the average human male, but not significantly so, due to what she is. Often as she takes human form in order to better blend in with the two-legged races, this increased strength is not often display but may become apparent in the midst of combat.
Speed: Marginally faster reaction times than the average human, better aided by the fact that her fighting style and armour is made for manoeuvrability over bulky protection.
Stamina: Heightened due to what she is, but not to the point of being strange or out of proportion. Her skill in combat, stamina and speed can easily be attributed to devoting herself to the fighting style of a rogue as it can her longevity.
Weapon(s): (ref)
Armor: (ref)

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 24, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:42 am
by Cakey
Furcadia Login: Aio
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor:0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Seeming stronger then the average human male, but not overly so. This is due merely because of the form she is stuck in.
Speed: A little above average. Though she is agile enough her six tails do weigh her down in the aspect of speed. Though her tails can be used to push her forward they render useless in actually speeding her form up.
Stamina: Due to her breed/species she can handle hits and wounds far better then most human. Her ability to heal from them still surpasses most humans, but her stamina itself is still gradually growing with proper training.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 24, 2014

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:35 am
by Levinth
Furcadia Login: Levinth
Strength: 1
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:
*Primary Weapon(s): + 1 Double ended glave (Bladed staff)
Secondary Weapon(s): Fangs, Claws, Tail.
**Primary Armor: + 2 Gemstone scales covering his lower half.
Secondary Armor: None.
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Levi is all Muscle, not a constrictor by breed but a serpent none the less and packs quite a punch behind his blows because of this.
Speed: He can't move any faster then normal.
Stamina: He's durable, a retired temple guardian and due to all but dead sensitivity in his lower half, and dulled nerves in his upper he can take quite a lot of pain.
Weapon(s): A double bladed staff/glave. His only other weapons are his fangs, talons, and tail.
Armor: His entire lower half is covered in gemstones of Onyx and citrine. Giving him a natural, thick armor.

Inputted by Muunokhoi on Nov 24, 2014