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Fluted's Slave Papers

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:19 am
by Fluted
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Athene Jarrash

Nickname: Flute

Name on Identification: Athene Jarrash

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Oriental domestic feline

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lean, muscled; body of a dancer.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Dark violet eyes, dusty lavender hair. Ashy grey fur with darker indigo markings in various swirling and dotted patterns.

Physical Markings: None. May have a small scar here or there but it's covered by well-groomed fur.

Physical Drawbacks: Very average female upper body strength (IE: barely any), not used to hard physical labor.

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Agility and good reflexes, basic defenses like nails, teeth.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Well trained slave; adept at dancing, tumbling, and other forms of athletic entertainment, as well as typical and advanced forms of service (think the Houses in the Kushiel series)

Clothing: A large, intricately draped and folded piece of white muslin is around her hips. It drapes down to her knee on one side and sweeps up in folds and creases to the other hip where there is a knot with the long trails of excess draping down. Various jewelry is worn around wrists, ankles and neck.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages.) A small, well-carved box lined with velvet.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Being used as a work slave rather than what she was raised and trained for, being sold and rented indiscriminately.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Very well. Keeps well groomed, has great posture, knows how to pleasingly display self.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Being owned and exercised to her fullest talents is one of her deepest desires. Being rented is something she loathes the idea of.

Overall Attitude: Reserved during down time, but very vibrant and energetic when displaying talents.

Quirks: Can be competitive and envious.

Hobbies/Interests: Dance, tumbling, music (lute and lyre), languages.

High or Low Maintenance: Somewhat high, but allowed the time and resources is self-sufficient and needs little to no assistance with her upkeep.

Diet/Allergies: Is not picky and greatly enjoys trying new foods. Has a distaste for seafood in general, and generally avoids fruit.


Languages Spoken: English, Arabic, French

Can they Read/Write: Yes, but only English and French

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents/Skills: Learning new languages, dancing, music.

Training: Yes, very extensive slave training of various (and sometimes exotic) sorts.


Previous Owners: (If known.) --

Previous Usage: --

Previous status: --

For Rent or to Own: Own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I tend to be on during afternoons, evenings, and late nights Furc standard time. Not always continually, or the same from day to day, however.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Looking for intelligent RP that allows me to flex my RP skills creatively and display and unfold my character into a situation nicely.

What are your allowances for your character: Virtually anything excluding death, but for anything major and permanently character changing I'd prefer discussion of how the RP will flow before it happens.

Long Term/Short Term: Both could be equally lovely.

General Information

Character Description: > Dusty lilac hair is gathered up by a jeweled brooch at the crown of her head, stray curls framing a mischevious expression with distinct swirl and dot markings that shine against grey fur. A broad sash of white fabric drapes over hips, hanging to one side and gathered at the other. Feet are bare along with the rest of her body not hidden behind the muslin, showing an intricate array of markings upon fur and the build of a dancer. Various jewelry gleams on her; around her wrists and ankles, swaying chains and pendants from neck drawing the eye across her form.

Website: None.

Images: None yet besides personal portrait.

Contact Details: I can be contacted via e-mail (nostalgicsong AT live DOT com)

Notes: Currently none.