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Echoo (unowned) - Monstrous Reptilian Predator

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:41 pm
by Echoo
Basic Information

Full Name: Echoo

Nickname: (none given)

Name on Identification: Echoo

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Species: Reptilein Predator

Sub Species/Breed: Raptor

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lean muscle

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Bright green frills strarting from head and fell down spine. Three sets of yellow eyes. Sclaes are dull grey with moldy green markings.

Physical Markings: Hard scales on hers and legs.

Physical Drawbacks: Her towering height of 7'11"

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Claws, jaws, hard scales

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: If your into the tall, strong and powerful woman type.

Clothing: Ragged buckskin

Other Items on Person: none


Feral or Cultured: Both

Phobias: none found out

Disorders: Bad temper when angered

How do they present themselves: Depends on how the other person presented themselves

Feelings towards being owned/rented: She can live with it, being a slave most her life anyway. But is not a fan of someone trying to use her as a 'bed warmer'

Overall Attitude: Mean but a wise ass

Quirks: Frills twitch when she is in a good mood, then stick striaght up when she is in a bad one.

Hobbies/Interests: Fighting, fancy clothing and food.

High or Low Maintenance: Depends on how you see it

Diet/Allergies: Loves fish, but will eat anything.


Languages Spoken: Common

Can they Read/Write: no

Can your character produce magic: no

Talents/Skills: Fighting, being used as a sort of guard dog, and whatever you find useful for her.

Training: Battling and being a guard (but only to who she is asined too)


Previous Owners: not wished to be named

Previous Usage: Guard 'dog'

Previous status: Free, then a slave and still is

For Rent or to Own: Both

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: When ever im on

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Anyhting to intertaine me, Ill rp almost anything.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything by death and that nasty stuff people are into like scat. uggg

Long Term/Short Term: Both, but long twerm pref

General Information

Character Description: Six eyed, towering and lean muscle. Reptilian attributes lined the limbs of the aggressive femme. Bright green frills fell from her head and all the way down her spine to the tip of her tail, full height of a massive 7’11” feet tail. Dulled gray scales lined her form, with splatters of other drained greens and browns. Yet don’t get confused when this beastly anthro crawls on the floor like some stupid feral monster. She might not look it, but this woman has many tricks and is highly intelligent when the time calls for it.


Images: on site

Contact Details: whisper me
