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Gloriana // Unowned.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:34 pm
by Gloriana
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Gloriana - unknown, or undisclosed surname.

Nickname: None.

Name on Identification: "Gloriana".

Age: Twenty-five.

Gender: Female.

Species: Panthera leo.

Sub Species/Breed: None.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Aptly described as "statuesque", Gloriana stands around five feet, ten inches, and is blessed with a strong physique, shaped by a lifetime of work and activity. Curvaceous, but not to the point of abnormality. Limber and capable.

Physical Details: Hair is a pale, radiant gold, falling to mid-back in loose, thick waves; most often, it is braided into intricate knotwork that can only indicate a heritage where these braids symbolize some sort of honor or status. Her fur is sleek and short, lying close to the flesh; a pale hue of golden-brown. Eyes are a clear, crisp blue, perhaps an unusual hue for a lioness, with a characteristic round pupil.

Physical Markings: None, but for a dorsal stripe that begins beneath the hairline on the back of the neck, and begins a tapering descent nearly to the end of her tufted tail.

Physical Drawbacks: None.

Current Inflictions: Wounded pride; little else.

Physical Defenses: Brute strength; powerful retractable/protractable claws; teeth -- extremely proficient with a wide array of blades, and paw-to-paw combat techniques.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: One might consider acquiring her as a guardian or fighter, if they feel that they will be able to control her in her state of berserk. She would without a doubt provide loyalty and companionship, and one might also enjoy bruising her pride just a bit more to transform the tall, elegant creature into "arm candy" of a sort.

Clothing: Once clothed in fine leathers, meant for decoration and to express honor, moreso than to protect the body; now, a product of extreme struggle prior to her capture, the leathers simply hang from her limbs, scarcely maintaining modesty.

Other Items on Person: Large, keen, decorated battleaxe; bandolier of throwing knives and a series of small, silver bells etched with a mysterious rune; silver horn; jewelry.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: None.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Proud and silent; stoic.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Hateful. Gloriana blatantly despises her current status.

Overall Attitude: Proud, arrogant, fiercely loyal to those close to her, dry-humoured, discreetly feminist.

Quirks: Berserk-state can successfully be predicted by watching for physical signs, such as the widening of pupils to nearly engulfing her irises, so that the entire eye appears black. In this state, she will appear nonresponsive to vocal commands, although, in truth, she will have entered a heightened state of awareness of her surroundings. Her strength will have greatly increased, and she will seem impervious to pain of any sort. It is unclear, at this point, what exactly triggers this enraged state - one would assume emotions.

Hobbies/Interests: Braiding; weaponry; textiles; metalsmithing; leatherworking; battle tactics; foreign weaponry.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance.

Diet/Allergies: Carnivorous; is able to digest plant-matter, but can not survive on a meatless diet.


Languages Spoken: Common, as well as another arcane, runic language.

Can they Read/Write: Yes/yes.

Can your character produce magic: To some cultures, Gloriana's form of berserk is characterized by the ability to mend bone and stitch flesh from the inside out at just a touch, which may be considered a form of healing magic. This ability does not come without a price: the victim suffers extreme pain, although it is short-lived and during the process, they will fall into a trance-like state wherein the pain will be acknowledged, but not felt to its full extent. Gloriana, in turn, suffers extreme physical exhaustion and the end of her state of berserk, at times so extreme that she succumbs to a minor paralysis. It takes quite a while to recover from the amount of energy expended to heal major wounds, and so the lioness does not often resort to this ability - instead, she specializes, too, in first-aid practices and traditional herbal medicine.

Talents/Skills: Healing, as mentioned above; remarkable power and ease with large weapons and smaller, throwing weapons; braiding/knotwork; metal/weaponsmithing.

Training: None. Appears willing to cooperate if she is able to keep her dignity in tact; if.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage: No recorded usage as a slave.

Previous status: Battlemistress; freewalking counsilwoman of a secluded hill tribe.

For Rent or to Own: Rent or own.

Cost: 10 gold / 1 platinum for one-night rental; 50 to 100 gold / 5 to 10 platinum to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Random times; if I'm online, I'm up to RP.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Companion/guardianship, at this point, and for someone who can successfully earn Gloriana's trust enough to "break" her.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything.

Long Term/Short Term: No preference, although I prefer that short-term scenes have a clear ending, even if it's as simple as, "So-and-so walked away with a friendly goodbye".

General Information

Character Description: Berserker, bound. Her very core functions as the epicenter to a radiance of inexorable solemnity - but something <i>must</i> be said of her beauty: she is a statuesque and exquisitely golden felid, a wild and radiant madonna 'neath a luminescent icterine halo. The remnants of a glorious past hang now in undignified festoons that composed, once, the armor of a heroine. Potent mien is focused 'round the staggering tempestuousness of overwhelming cobalt stare - femme fatale, afflicted.

Images: None.

Contact Details: Whisper on Gloriana.

Notes: Paragraph RP, please!