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Experiment IX's Papers [Unowned]

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:48 pm
by ExperimentIX
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Unknown

Nickname: Ix, Nine, Freak

Name on Identification: Experiment IX

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Mostly human

Sub Species/Breed: Genetically/Surgically Altered

Physical Appearance

Body Type: A bit thin, but fit and toned. He has maintained some kind of physical shape in the short lived freedom acquired.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Skin is pale where its untouched by whatever experimentation he went through, otherwise he appears to be covered in what we can only assume to be skin grafts. His body has undergone severe surgical alteration, and his entire body is littered with a wide range of species pelts attached randomly across his body. His eyes are yellow, much like a wolfs, and his hair is apparently a natural bright green. No amount of washing has reduced the colour, so we have assumed it was part of whatever other alteration he has received. His teeth have also been sharpened to un-natural points. We do not yet know if this was self inflicted or part of the same process in which he received the skin grafts.

Physical Markings: None, save the strange skin grafts mentioned above.

Physical Drawbacks: In terms of strength, dexterity, and stamia, he appears to be no better or worse than the average human being, leaning towards one that is in shape.

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Nothing special that has been observed.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: None, the thing is fairly ugly to be sure.

Clothing: The rags that he was shipped to us in.

Other Items on Person: None


Feral or Cultured: He is cultured enough to speak, but he appears to act more like a feral animal more often than not.

Phobias: He severely dislikes being hampered in movement, though it is not a phobia. He has made it vocally clear that he would much rather be in an open space.

Disorders: None currently observed.

How do they present themselves: He tries his best to present himself more as a feral creature, or at least does his best to appear like a savage. He is rude, bawdy, and vile. He revels in his own filth and would happily tear off an arm to eat if ever the opportunity presented itself to him.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: He has made it clear that he loathes the idea of ownership. He makes it a personal mission to enforce the idea that he is a creature that ought to be free to roam about in the wild, as if he were some kind of beast of the wild himself.

Overall Attitude: His attitude is violent and crude and unrespectful of any authority creature that doesn't personally subdue him physically.

Quirks: He appears to have respect for any creature that personally subdues him with strength. Like most savages, he has a pack mentality that the strongest is the one to be listened to. Though people ganging up on him tend to receive the opposite, they are disrespected further for being unable to fight on their own and requiring friends to back them up.

Hobbies/Interests: None save eating and sleeping.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintainance. Give him raw meat and space to roam about and he appears to be fairly happy, if beligerent and disrespectful to anything that lives and breathes. Discipline and training will be required if he is to be turned into anything remotely useful.

Diet/Allergies: None have been observed.


Languages Spoken: Common[English?]

Can they Read/Write: No

Can your character produce magic: It is suspected that the multitude of skin grafts hint at some kind of biological experimentation. He has not portrayed any special abilities yet, but this is either because he is hiding them or he is ignorant of them. Further observation may be required.

Talents/Skills: He is an exceptional hunter and surviving, capable of living in the wilderness even amongst the vicious naga's that live upon the islands wilder area's.

Training: None


Previous Owners: Cali

Previous Usage: None

Previous status: Prisoner of some kind most likely, but not entirely known

For Rent or to Own: Both

10 Gold/1 Platinum for Rent
50 Gold/5 Platinum for Purchase

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Evenings mostly throughout the week

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Unless they want to be disrespected and demeaned

What are your allowances for your character: Most anything can be done to him, but permanent changes to his body must be discussed before hand.

Long Term/Short Term: Both are enjoyed, I'll take any RP I can get these days

General Information

Character Description: What a freak. The human's face was mostly hidden by tangled dreads of acid green hair. Not that it hid much... Pale skin white skin, smeared in grime and broken up by a seeming random pattern of fur patches. The patches of fur were visibly grafted onto his lanky and filthy body, specimens of almost every kind could be found littered across his form. Rags of clothing did little to hide his freakish figure, and the only other piece of clothing he had was a thick leather collar wrapped about his neck. His dark eyes gleam out from behind the curtain of filthy hair, a feral gleam to them as he gives a wicked pointed tooth grin.[Slave][Unowned]

Website: None. May make one later.

Images: None, would appreciate any donations on this front :D

Contact Details: Available upon request
