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Radoria's Papers

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:47 pm
by Radoria
Basic Information

Full Name: Radoria

Nickname: Rad, Pup, Fluffy (will get you bit)

Name on Identification: Radoria

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Arcanine (Pokemon)

Sub Species/Breed: Canine pokemon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Four legs, fluffy fur and feral muscle beneath

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Eyes are red, fur is orange with black stripes, chest and belly are black, 'mane', paw tufts and tail are a pale-ish yellow.

Physical Markings: Just the stripes

Physical Drawbacks: Hm... He's not held back by much of anything.

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Nothing special.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: He's big, and somewhat intimidating. That seems to draw people in.

Clothing: A black collar with black tags, a red 'R' on the front, name on the back

Other Items on Person: None


Feral or Cultured: Feral, but he seems to understand a good deal of common.

Phobias: He dislikes being touched or approached by anyone he does not trust.

Disorders: Slightly aggressive... Is that a disorder?

How do they present themselves: He comes off as an aggressive dog, always growling and spouting small flames to ensure that he was left alone until comfortable.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: He dislikes the idea, but it is bound to happen, so he has somewhat accepted it. Still doesn't keep him from acting out though.

Overall Attitude: Aggressive, dominant and... Grouchy?.

Quirks: When angered, he spouts small flames from his mouth, his body heats up, as well as the air. The more stressed or angry, the hotter it gets.

Hobbies/Interests: eat, sleep and keep people away.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance. Meat and space, he may trust you, as long as you are present and slow in approach, or simply don't approach at all. Let him come to you.

Diet/Allergies: None, but he dislikes water (Duh)


Languages Spoken: Bark

Can they Read/Write: No

Can your character produce magic: If breathing fire is magic, then yes.

Talents/Skills: Great hunter, scavenger, and protective of those he considers close, so... Guarding/protecting.

Training: None


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage: None

Previous status: Roaming feral

For Rent or to Own: Both

Highest bidder.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: 17:00 - 20:45/21:00 then 00:00 - 2:30/3:00 weekdays. Weekends vary.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Almost anything goes. No single lines and keep it interesting. Also... He is a yiffable character, but don't go straight for it. You can and WILL get bit.

What are your allowances for your character: Most anything goes. If you're not sure, then ask.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term is preferred, but short term is good too.

General Information

Character Description: > Fire blazed in the eyes of the large feral canine. He was much larger than many would consider 'normal', standing just above six feet, on all fours, perhaps even taller if he were walking on two. He sat as far away from everyone as he possibly could, though most everything on him could be seen rather easily, from the black collar around his neck and jingling black tags, to his red irises, black belly and large fluffy tail. On the front tag was a single letter: a red 'R', which most thought stood for 'Rocket', though it was in fact for his name, inscribed on the other side "Radoria". However, it was unlikely that anyone would get close enough to read them. Orange fur coated his body, littered with black markings, typical of an Arcanine, clearly kept clean, though clearly by his own doing and not of another. Red eyes almost always watched those who passed by, a soft rumble of a growl given as some wandered too close. It seemed that the big dog wasn't too fond of, well, anyone!

Website: None. May make one later.

Images: Draw him?

Contact Details: Available upon request