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Papers: Darcius

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:26 am
by Darcius
Full Name: Darcius
Nickname: Darci
Name on Identification: Darcius

Age: (Unknown) 19

Gender: Male

Species: "Neko" A human with feline ears and tail. Also has catlike teeth.

Physical Appearance: Short, thin, and very light. Black ears, black tail.

Body Type: Small build

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc):
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gray
Fur: Black on ears and tail
Height: 5'3''

Physical Markings: Scar on left cheek, top to bottom, starting level with his eye.

Physical Drawbacks: Very weak, can't defend himself.

Current Inflictions: None.

Physical Defenses: None

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Very well trained, follows orders to the best of his ability.

Clothing: Black shirt, worn, ripped pants, shoes.

Other Items on Person: Small purple pendant, shaped like a rose. This is on a silver chain.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: Storms, thunder, lightning

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: He tries his best to look presentable.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: He would like to be owned by a kind owner, but realizes that it isn't up to him.

Overall Attitude: Good for the most part. He has his bad days as well.

Quirks: None

Hobbies/Interests: Sleeping, walking outdoors. He loves nature.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium maintenance.

Diet/Allergies: Eats like a human. Prefers not to eat meat.

Abilities: Can climb very well, unless injured.

Languages Spoken: English

Can they Read/Write: No, No.

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents/Skills: Can do basic housekeeping.

Training: Etiquette, basic cooking, slave training


Previous Owners: First owner(age 0-2), NPC woman. Second owner(Age 3-10), another NPC woman(deceased) Homeless to age 16. Taken in by a female naga to age 18, left to slave training.

Previous Usage: House slave, companion.

Previous status: Slave, homeless boy

For Rent or to Own: Rent and Own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most weekdays: Evenings Weekends: All day.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Strict but kind slaver preferred. Darcius gets lonely, so a slaver with few slaves would be favored over one with many. No 'bathroom' play, mutilation, gore, or extreme violence.

What are your allowances for your character: No death, no 'bathroom' play, mutilation, gore, or extreme violence. Beatings, punishment, and the like are accepted.

Long Term/Short Term: Long-term preferred.

General Information

Character Description: Reaching only five feet, three inches was Darcius. He was human, for the most part. His pale skin was marred only by a scar across his chest, from a burn during a fire. His hair was nearing shoulder-length, and was a wavy brown mess. His eyes were a neutral gray, and sometimes shifted from gray to blue, or green. He wore what was left of a pair of black pants, a black shirt, and a cheap pair of shoes.

Website: None

Images: None, but gift art would be lovely.

Contact Details: Whisper in-game.

Notes: I have certain preferences on species. These change by sex, age, and what kind of slaver they are.