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Erthafein Barrizynge ~ Owner: Currently None.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:04 am
by Antai
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Erthafein Barrizynge

Nickname: Erth

Name On Identification: Erthafein

Age: 190 Years Old

Gender: Male

Species: Drow Elf

Sub Species/Breed: N/A

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Mesomorph/Ectomorph

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) He is a 5 foot 6, dark skinned humanoid with light blonde hair the point it's platinum with eyes the color of lavender with pointy elf-ears.

Physical Markings: None.

Physical Drawbacks: Lesser degree of light-blindness,

Current Infliction(s): None. 100% Healthy

Physical Defenses: (If any.) None.

Appealing Attributes: Calm personality, attractive to look at and is rather meticulous about hygiene.

Clothing: simple tunic and leggings, TGT-Standard Collar.

Other Items: Archery Supplies (Fletcher's supplies, arrows, bows), pouch filled with various herbs (Dried with extreme care), hunting/skinning knife combination,, 12-inch serrated blade knife.


Feral Or Cultured: Cultured, turns extremely feral when threatened.

Phobias: - Cleithrophobia - Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.

Disorders: None.

How Do They Present Themselves: Cautious, aloof.

Feelings Towards Being Owned/Rented: Doesn't like the idea.

Overall Attitude: Intelligent, perceptive, watchful

Quirks: bites his lip when thinking and hums nameless tunes.

Hobbies / Interests: Hunting, winter-time activities

High Or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Carnivore, No-known Allergies - Omnivore, loves smoked salmon.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Drow (has forgotten most of it)

Can They Read/Write: No

Can Your Character Produce Magic: Yes. Lesser degree of racial abilities - collar suppress to the point that it is nil.

Talents/Skills: Hunting, Skinning, Leather-working. Herb-lore and alchemy.

Training: Slave Training, Hunter, Basic First-Aid


Current Owner: None

Previous Owners: (If known.) None

Previous Usage(s): Hunter

Previous Status: Free-person

For Rent Or To Own: Rent First - Then Ownership


1-Night Rental|: 5Image Or 1Image

Ownership Price: 10Image Or 1Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Monday to Sunday - 12pm FST and later till 11pm FST

What Are You Looking For In A Slaver/Slave Roleplay:

[*]I am looking for a fair and honest role-player who knows what they are doing and will give this character development/training that makes them relevant to the continuity.

[*]Only Character Sex with plot, please. If you own him and don't Role-play for two weeks without any notice they will be returned to the cages as unowned.

[*]No consent with the exception of permanent damage or death.

What Are Your Allowances For Your Character: Please, no permanent death/injuries (including limb removal), Gender-change

Long Term/Short Term: Either - Long Term Is Preferred. Rent-To-Own!

General Information

Character Description:

Website: RPR <- Currently Being Revamped.


Contact Details: Whisper Only!


Because he is a Drow Elf who has lived on the surface most of his life, he doesn't know much about his own people. He was taken in by a pair of Sun Elves who found him wandering the upper caverns of the Underdark when they went searching for water and rather rare edible mushrooms. He can barely speak/understand Drow, and doesn't really know how to write that well, he was learning before the slavers' caught him.

Re: Erthafein Barrizynge ~ Owner: Currently None.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:50 am
by Loraen
Attached to the slave's file was a note written in a flourishing cursive.
On the evening of December 15th, our year of the Horse, slave sought to incite a riot in the cage he occupied while another slave's punishment was underway. He is to remain without food and gagged, with hands bound behind his back, but for the exception of water given twice daily for three days.

Loraen, Handler of The Golden Tether