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Erimear Vryce (Unowned)

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:35 am
by Erimear
Basic Information

Full Name: Erimear Vryce

Nickname: Eri, Kitten, Killer

Name on Identification: Erimear Vryce

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Black Panther

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender and with subtle muscles. Breasts are about a C size. Very lithe.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Crimson hair cascades down past her shoulders. Silver eyes observe every bit of the world around her. Her fur is midnight black and void of any natural markings.

Physical Markings: Scars cover most of her body, from her feet to her face.

Physical Drawbacks: She does not weight too much so she can be overpowered in a fair fight by someone larger than her.

Current Inflictions: None.

Physical Defenses: Teeth and claws. As well as a sharp wit and if allowed, an even sharper knife.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: She is dangerously attractive. Her face is slightly round and her entire body is one of a predator. Many find that to be quite appealing.

Clothing: Changes regularly. Outfits can be found in the image gallery of website.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages.) None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Drowning

Disorders: Can be a cold blooded killer if pushed back into a corner.

How do they present themselves: Very well. She is typically relaxed and enjoys a bit of flirtation and pleasant company. She carries herself with pride and elegance.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Being rented is typically a pleasing thing for her and she looks forward to the company.

Overall Attitude: Regal, flirtatious.

Quirks: She has a deep love of her hair. Above all else she loves that.

Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, entertaining, reading, drawing, playing games, and fighting

High or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance. Just give her some money and she'll take care of herself.

Diet/Allergies: No known allergies, she'll eat pretty much anything.


Languages Spoken: Common *If given refresh courses she can also speak Farsi, French, Spanish, and a bit of Chinese.

Can they Read/Write: Yes and yes.

Can your character produce magic: Not at all.

Talents/Skills: Seduction is something she is particularly skilled at in all of its different forms. She is highly skilled with a knife. She is a wonderful guard and will protect anyone that she is inlined to do so. She can also serve drinks pretty nicely.

Training: Far more training as of late as a companion. Carries out orders perfectly. Trained in dancing as well as more general entertainment options.


Previous Owners: Tattles, Mashenka

Previous Usage: Bodyguard, Companion

Previous status: Assassin

For Rent or to Own: For Rent

Cost: 10 gold or 1 platinum to rent.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Evenings mostly, and on my days off.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: I'm looking for someone who is open to change and will allow me to do what I want to do. They can do the same.

What are your allowances for your character: Everything as long as it has a good reason is allowed.

General Information

Character Description:
With steps that move with rhythm and a body shaped for exotic delights and destruction she is the predator of the shadows. Covered entirely with pure ebony fur that pulls from the essence of nocturne, marred only by the numerous scars of battles long past, this pantheress is a force of vicious grace. Crimson hair curls about her features, setting emphasis to bear upon silver eyes that always hold a glimmer of delight and amusement and lips that are near to eternally curved into a grin of varying intent. <i> The night is for the wicked, so dance to the moonlight. </i> <a href=""> [TGT- Entertainer] </a>

Website: ... &page=6977


Contact Details:
Whisper In game

None at the moment.