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.:. Haku Asona .:. Unowned .:.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:00 pm
by HakuAsona
Basic Information

Full Name: Haku Asona

Nickname: Haku

Name on Identification: Slave 43.

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Thin

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Mahogany-red hair down to her mid-back, ruby eyes, soft tan skin.

Physical Markings: Body riddled with scars, especially her back, where there are many whip scars.

Physical Drawbacks: Blind, but used to hearing her way around.

Current Inflictions: None.

Physical Defenses: None.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Has a beautiful voice and can often be found singing when she's lonely or sad.

Clothing: A long flowing red dress with a corset on top, designed beautifully with gypsy origins. Sleeves hang down attached to the top of the corset, draping her arms in a nice fabric. Shoes are nonexistent.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages.) A pan flute, and a dragon claw necklace (see website for details).


Feral or Cultured: Cultured but not over the top "rich-snobby".

Phobias: Losing her child, being unable to hear, lost in a thick crowd.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Sits delicately, moves gracefully, usually acts brave unless she's beaten into broken submission. Very protective.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Dislikes it, but has no hopes of escaping it.

Overall Attitude: Tries to be strong for herself or any slaves or otherwise that are too broken to defend themselves.

Quirks: None noticeable.

Hobbies/Interests: Singing, playing the pan-flute, dancing.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance.

Diet/Allergies: Regular (omnivore) diet.


Languages Spoken: Just English. Can understand some gypsy-based languages.

Can they Read/Write: Can both read and write.

Can your character produce magic: Depending on what song she sings, she can draw natural spirits to her, who often like to play or dance to her songs. But they usually only show up when she's alone or unless it's a very strong song.

Talents/Skills: Singing, dancing, reading.

Training: Basic slave training. Also training with a staff as a weapon.


Previous Owners: Amoun, Aeden, Osei Eilif.

Previous Usage: Entertainment, housekeeping, cooking, pleasuring, child care.

Previous status: Common gypsy, slave.

For Rent or to Own: Rental is fine, ownership preference. [See "What are you looking for" below.]

Cost: 330 coins.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Sporadic schedule but easy to find when online. Will be online around classes and social time.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: No cybering, but a close relationship or implied is fine. Looking for an owner for Haku, and anyone who will RP owning her child (sold to them a while ago, see notes below.) Also looking for anyone to RP the child herself.

What are your allowances for your character: Other than the above note, anything short of cutting off limbs or killing is fine.

General Information

Character Description: > Slave 43 - A quiet, sad hum echoes through the room. A gypsy sits upon a cushion nearby, lost in her thoughts. Red dress lays extravagantly about her, giving her an exotic yet beautiful pose. A feather hangs down along mahogany hair, brushing tears from her cheeks. In her lap, a broken pan flute. There was no cheer in the girl, and for good reason. Gypsies were meant to roam, to be free, and without her panflute, all she had were songs. For a gypsy, music and freedom are the meaning of life. Without either, the world is dark, and fate itself seems to turn away. A trapped or silent gypsy can only hope for one thing: the end of it all. [Child (gone): Maddeline] [See Notes For Ownership]



Contact Details: Find me on Furcadia, leave an offline message if necessary. Or write on the guestbook on the website.

Notes: Had a child in February 2009. She is now 2 years old, named Maddeline. She was sold off a while ago to a new owner and hasn't been seen since.