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Kairu ~ Unowned ~ WIP

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:23 pm
by Kairu
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full name: Kairu.

Nickname: N/A.

Name on identification: Kairu.

Age: Twenty-seven.

Gender: Gelding male.

Species: Equine.

Sub-species/breed: Arabian.

Physical Appearance

Body type: Rather large and muscular, though not obscenely so.

Physical details: Deep black pelt, including soft and well-brushed mane and tail. Eyes are a gentle brown. Skin is quite healthy beneath the fur.

Physical markings: Just the white-furred accents on his extremities. No scars or other imperfections.

Physical drawbacks: Will figure this out later.

Current inflictions: N/A.

Physical defenses: Hooves, and a fair bit of strength, though he's a lot more likely to play the part of the doormat than defend himself.

Appealing attributes and attraction: His calm, gentle, and naturally submissive nature tends to be appealing toward those who don't want to have to beat the hell out of their slave just to get them to do a simple task. His lack of scarring, brands, or similar is also appealing.

Clothing: A sheer burgundy vest and brilliant red silken loincloth. He also wears silver bracers connected via a thin chain, a sign of his slavery, as he is currently uncollared.

Other items on person: N/A.


Feral or cultured: Definitely cultured.

Phobias: None that have been discovered, yet.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Kairu tends to present himself as quiet, loyal, and very submissive towards those of a higher status. Some might consider him a doormat, but he just considers himself very well-trained.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: He's always happy to serve.

Overall attitude: Calm, gentle, and otherwise very easy-going.

Quirks: Will fill this in later.

Hobbies/interests: Does servitude count?

High or low maintenance: Very low maintenance.

Diet/allergies: Primarily omnivorous, though he is incapable of digesting large amounts of meat or dairy. Rather, his diet consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, and grains.


Languages spoken: Common.

Can they read/write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: No.




Previous Owners: (If known.)

Previous Usage:

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for price range.)

OOC Info/Notes


What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay:

What are your allowances for your character:

Long Term/Short Term:

General Information

Character Description:



Contact Details:
